
Archive for the ‘Numerology’ Category


12-21-2009 (numerology of the date: 17/8)

Create Change – Celebrate Love (numerology of this phrase = 107/8)

A warm welcome to all on this solstice day of 12-21-2009, a day of 17/8.  I am honored to share with you the birth of the newest aura-soma equilibrium bottle, #107, the Archangel Tzaphkiel (opalescent turquoise/deep magenta).

Turquoise represents the high heart, or the feeling side of our being. The addition of essential oil of myrrh in top fraction of the bottle represents a shift to a new consciousness and the fulfillment of the promise made long ago by the message of Sananda, or Jesus: Love is letting go of fear. Deep magenta is representative of the earth grids as well as the quantum field of collective consciousness. The combination of these 2 energies is the grounding into this dimension of a heart-based connection for all of humanity. This heart-based connection is the KEY that unlocks the door to the passageway into 2012 and beyond.  The solution to what is occurring in the world today, is to create change by connecting in the heart. It is to enter the Sacred journey of the heart, going within to your own core and from a place of love centered consciousness, to express from the heart to all those you come into connection with.

2009 has been a challenging year for most people. Within these challenges have been many opportunities to examine our choices, our reactions to change, and our ability to truly become creation-able. To be creation-able is to initiate change rather than to simply react to change.  As this year of choice (2009=11/2) draws to a close, you may want to review the past year: what choices have I made?  How have I responded to change in my life? Have I consciously created the changes that are occurring? How may I more consciously create in 2010? What are my goals and my dreams, and how do I manifest them into reality?

The solution to what is happening on earth, the discord, disharmony and dishonoring, is Love. In order to expand fully into love, we must let go of fear.  The phrase, Love is letting go of fear = 107 in Pythagorean numerology. When we let go of our fear, love emerges in its fullness to create the change to a new way of being.

The vibration of 107 has long been anticipated as a sign of deep and powerful change. It heralds the emergence of the deeper aspects of the divine feminine, the watery aspects of creation which are the emotion of love, as well as a more profound understanding of the power of collective consciousness to create change.  This change is grounded in connection to our own heart first, to the collective heart of humanity next and then into the earth-heart.

The Archangel Tzaphkiel is the guardian of the Akashic records, where each soul’s records are stored. As the veils to our full soul consciousness continue to become less dense, many are accessing past lives and the records of their own souls in order to create change in this important time of transition. To create change, a different outcome in an incarnate life, is one of the primary purposes of each person on the spiritual path of self awareness and global connection. In order to create change, we must willingly and whole-heartedly celebrate Love. Part of the theme of this new #107 is Lion-Hearted Love. Lion-Hearted Love is love that embodies caring, courage and freedom. (Caring-courage-freedom = 107/8).

When we celebrate love, we are choosing to focus on the energy that creates connection to each other from the heart.  To celebrate love is to acknowledge all the gifts that are in your life and the gifts that you are offering others.  To celebrate love is to share and to care about all people who you meet, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant the interactions seem to be. To celebrate love is to create change by focusing your intention on the positive and life-affirming aspects of your own life. It is to focus on what is good in the world and to amplify that essence into the quantum filed of creation. This is very different than turning on the evening news and focusing on what is wrong and what is negative in the world.

In this lifetime, you have the gift of freedom to determine your life path, your

Through the essence of word vibration here is a simple decoding of 2009-2010-2011-2012 and beyond to 2013:

2009 (29) = Light, Wisdom, Gnosis – a year of seeing more clearly, of accessing your own wisdom, and of experiencing your own Truth (Gnosis is a direct experience of the divine)

2010 (21) = Peace, Magi, Advent

2011 (22) = Global, Master, Truce

2012 (23) = Home, Core, All One

2013 (24) = Blessing, Truth, Gift

2014 (25) = Heart, Earth, Grace

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12:12 Inner Peace Initiation

We welcome you on 12:12:2009, a gateway to Inner Peace Initiation.

We are Masters of the Quantum Field of Consciousness.  We are conscious Love expressing in the field of all possibility, meaning that we are communicating, as are you, through the wave form energy that accesses the Divine Essence of Creation.   The more you align with original expression, the more you Master your own vibrational field.  All Essence is Vibration. All things vibrate and create a pathway of energy that either amplifies or decreases the original movement. What is original movement? It is the creation impetus behind all manifest matter. We continue to posit that this impetus is a feeling state that may best be described as Love. (see previous blog articles: 3-20-2009 Hologos System)

Dates on your calendar provide a potential for conscious alignment and attunement to vibration. This is why there is so much attention focused on dates such as 9-9-09, 11:11 and 12:12. Particularly powerful alignments through the calendar cycle in 2010 are 1-2-2010, 2-10-2010, 2-21-2010, 10-2-2010, 10-10-2010, 10-21-2010 as well as all dates next year of the 21st of each month.

The 2010 energy, if activated consciously, is all about the Trinity: 2+1 =3. The basic trinity of human consciousness is the Balance of Love-Wisdom-Power.  21 in tarot is the final archetype of the Fool’s Journey, the World or Universe mastered as the Wise Fool understands his true essence, which is the creation-able state of Love.  Equilibrium #21 in the modality of Aura-Soma represents the energy of New Beginning for Love.  The color of #21 is green and pink, the heart charka energized with unconditional love.

So these final days of 2009, an 11/2 year of choice, will set the stage for the Wise Fool’s Mastery of Matter, Essence and Form in 2010, a 12/3 year.  This is not just about 2010, but encompasses the next trinity of years: 2010-2011-2012. The next three years combined, are encoded with the mastery of Trinity: 2010+2011+2012 = 6033. 3+3=6. 33 is the Master Spiritual Teacher essence. It is you embracing yourself as the Master Teacher that you are. Beyond 2012, is the Master Teacher Year, 2013 = 2+1 (3) +3 or the 33, the time beyond the anticipated shift of 12-21-2012. There is nothing to fear in this when embraced with Inner Peace Initiation.

The tarot archetypes of Hanged Man (12) and Empress (3) provide another useful element of consciousness in understanding the year ahead. The Hanged Man is an Initiate who suspends judgment and enters into a new perspective by turning things upside down. Conscious initiations have the ability to alter the field of creation. Entering a year of initiation with conscious intention moves you to the state of creation-ability, the 3 or Empress archetype of tarot.  The Hanged Man (Humanity) emerges as a powerful being of integration if conscious choice is activated. The Empress creates new life from a feeling state of connection, empowerment and Love.


We will provide you with 3 powerful tools to activate now in the final weeks of 2009. These tools will assist you in the coming year to navigate the change/transitions to a higher state of consciousness: creating with the Power of Conscious Love. There is a prerequisite for this activity of 2010, a “Start Code”, if you will embrace it. Without this initiation, the power of conscious love remains just a nice idea, and creating from Love is pushed further into the realm of possibility rather than drawn in as reality.

We set the stage by reminding you that 12-31-2009, is the final of 6 eclipses in 2009: 2 solar and 4 lunar.  12-31-2009 is a partial lunar eclipse on New Year’s Eve which serves as an ending and new beginning. It is an invitation from the macrocosmic trinity of sun-moon-earth to look deeply within, to examine your own state of consciousness and to create your intention for balancing the primary trinity within your expression: Love-Wisdom-Power.

An eclipse is an astronomical event where one celestial object moves into the shadow of another. When the moon moves into the shadow of earth, it creates an opportunity to go within the field of emotions, the inner space of feelings to reflect on your conscious intention.  A lunar eclipse allows you to focus on the inner process and how your soul intentions are translated to action on earth.


On 12-12, we are giving you a “start code”. A Start code is an energy that resonates to 1-2-3, the beginning vibration for all of creation. Using Pythagorean numerology, the translation of our topic, Inner Peace Initiation equals 123! Each letter translated to number and added together create the vibrational resonance of Start Code 123.

Inner Peace Initiation consists of a commitment to three practices.

1)      Meditation

2)      Heart Coherence

3)      Human Connection

The essence vibration of 2010 is PEACE. P-e-a-c-e  is translated to number as p=7; e=5, a=1, c=3, e= 5 which totals 21.  If you consciously cultivate inner peace in the next 21 days, from today 12-12-2009 to the New Year of 21, on 1-1-2010, you will initiate yourself to Peace. In this way, no matter what occurs in what is likely to be another intense year of change and uncertainly, you will be in a state of inner peace.  In this time of transition, you initiate yourself!  The time of gurus or teachers initiating you is over. By accepting this, you create the pathway to Mastery.

To anchor in the power of Start Code 123, we share with you 3 additional word vibrations that resonant to 123:

Love The Way-The Truth-The Life = 123

Sacred Covenant of Divine Peace = 123

Our Quantum Leap in Consciousness = 123

The Tools:

Meditation: You ALL know the important of meditation but some of you are “knowing but not doing”.  This is what is called conscious resistance to embrace the trinity of Love-Wisdom-Power. If you choose to resist meditation, then you choose to embrace the outer conditions in the world as more important than the inner conditions of your creative powers to Master your life.

Meditation is any state of inner focus.  Meditating as your first action in the morning sets the stage for your day to unfold with greater grace and ease.  Classic meditation consisting of letting go of thoughts is only one way. Only 10 to 20 minutes of meditation a day will shift your focus from the outer to the inner, from chaos to calm and from reaction to creation.

We are recommending a Peace Meditation which simply consists of beginning by consciously creating a blue field of energy around your aura. With your eyes closed, imagine the color blue in and around you, permeating your space and filling you with the First Ray of Divine Creation: Will. The Will to Be, the Will to Express, the Will to Experience.

Breathe into the blue space of peace, and simply allow Peace to expand. As thoughts arise, allow them to float into the sea of blue around you, let them go and ground into peace.  If you feel you are in opposition or resistance, meaning “not at peace”, do not energize the “not”. Simply observe it and feel your resistance. Do not push it away, embrace it.  But embrace it from the positive. Rather than energizing “I am not at peace”, embrace, “I am resisting peace.” Allow that to be, breathe into it and accept your resistance.  You will find your resistance losing power as you embrace peace more and more each day. It takes dedication, persistence and commitment.

If you wish to say a mantra, simply try this two syllable translation for peace: Pa-cem.  Pronounced Pa – Chem.  Peace in Latin is pacem. Breath in “pa”, breathe out “chem.” This mantra expands the blue ray of divine will in and around you. It relaxes the mind and entrains the heart to embrace peace. As you intone pa-chem, the energy in and around you softens, it shifts and you will experience moments of peace. With practice, the moments expand into a timeless field of essence: Love.

If you already know about the power of meditation, then do it!  When you do it as a committed practice, your inner world becomes the creation field for the outer manifestation of your reality. To create from peace in the heart! This is one of the transformational Keys to the next there years.

Heart Coherence:

To activate heart coherence is to take the meditative practice of peace into your every day activities. Heart coherence is a state of conscious connection to your heart, the most powerful energy field of the body. (40 6o 60 times more powerful than the brain. Source: Heart Math Institute).  When you are beginning a heart coherence initiative, you may at first wish to create a reminder for yourself, once an hour, to focus on your heart and to entrain your heart to peace by breathing into the heart and allowing your body and mind to relax.  Set a reminder for yourself, a beep on your computer clock or cell phone, which will remind you to focus on your heart and to consciously send the energy of peace into all parts of your body. Quiet your mind from its activities, and send peace and stillness for one to five minutes to your organs, your tissues and your conscious creations.  (note from Ronna, a very powerful tool for this is the Heart Math Institute’s EmWave technology. Visit http://www.heartmath.org/)

Human Heart Connection

The third inner peace initiation is to commit to making a human connection from the heart and to radiate peace from your inner being to the outer world. This is very simple but it takes practice, just like meditation and personal heart coherence! This third initiation is centered on interacting with others from the conscious intention of peace. Commit to doing this at least 3 times day. All that is required is for you to look into the eyes of another person, not from your physical eyes (or your brain’s eyes), but to look at another person from your heart’s eyes.  For here is something real: the Heart Sees! Contemplate that and you will Know much.

How do you do this? Touch your heart or focus your intention on your heart, and take a moment to see another person as yourself.  This is a wisdom teaching of many cultures and traditions. As the Mayan saying goes: In la’kesh or “I am another yourself”.  You do not need to say anything or tell another person what you are doing, simply look at them from your heart and see them as you. Do this in as many situations as possible, at work, at the grocery store, at the convenience store, with your family, your friends, and as many Masters have enjoined you, do this with those you do not particularly like (and often this is the most powerful part of the practice!)  Take this another step and silently say “I love you.”  Say it out loud if you choose, but say it from your heart and you are creating inner peace by seeing with your Heart’s Eyes or the I AM of your Heart.

Some of you say “Oh, well, I like everyone!” Then perhaps you may wish to try this using a public figure who you do not agree with or a person who is being vilified in the media.  Just like meditation, you must try it. If you know the power of it, then do it! One offshoot this active initiation, is that in making this human heart connection, you are shifting the vibrational field of the planet. You are this powerful.  You are creating momentum for the next three years of attaining your own Mastery as the world shifts into a new place of existence. As below, so above! And of course, all things meet in the center, the heart, which is the Organ of Love Expressing.

Begin now. 21 days of Inner Peace Initiations create the movement into the year of 21, New Beginning for Love, the vibration of 21, peace and the essence of 21, World Consciousness of One.

Blessings and peace in these final days of 2009 and

Joyfull expectation of 2010, a New Beginning.

the Quantum Masters, led by Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

Copyright Ronna Prince 2009. All Rights reserved. You may copy this article in its entirely with attribution to the author and this website. Thank you.

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January 25, 2009 posted by administrator


Retrace-Renew-Reunite: 101: 43:58. 101=11 + Day of 9 = 20.

We welcome you on this day of 9, completion of Ascendency in your and our conception of Creation cycle. 9 Levels of the Cosmic Temple, 13 periods in the world of 6 nights and 7 days. 20 kin in the sacred month. In the Mayan calendar, this is the 73rd day of the 6th day in the Galactic cycle of 360 day counts . You are coming full circle. We have been walking in front on you, but now, we the Mayan Timekeepers and the Mana Dream Weavers, begin to walk beside you as you retrace your steps in sacred land, as you renew your hearts in celebration and joy, and as you reunite with the Cosmic Family of All Energy Within, the AL-E-IN.

I AM Pacal Voltan, Mayan Timekeeper, I am Ix Chel, Mana Dream Weaver.

(Note: all numerology references below indicate the total letter value of words, followed by the value of the vowels and next the value of the consonants.)

Pacal Voltan Mayan Time Keeper: 111: 44-67

Ix Chel Mana Dream Weaver: 111: 43: 68


Sisters of the Maya – Daughters of Isis- Mothers of Lemuria

Servants of Shakti and Sekhmet – White Buffalo Women – Grandmothers of the Moon Maidens

Remember who you are and why you are here:

Return of QuetzWorld prayer

Photo Credits: John Ross MacKimmie “Return of Quetzalcoatl” and http://2012info.ca/

You have come to reawaken to all that you are, the Gaia Blessing Givers, the ones who tell all the secrets and herald in the time of fractal remembering. In this way, humanity may let go of forgetting the totality of all experience and drop away the postulate that you are from separate tribes and separate lands. You may pass through the portal into the new world. The paradigm shift where all is One and all Essence remembers itself as another yourself. Read the rest of this entry »

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We welcome you on this 444th Celebration of Thanksgiving in the New World. This is a wonderful tradition that we recommend you carry in your hearts all year long. Today is indeed the 444th year of feasting and giving thanks for the bounty and abundance in whatever form it is manifesting. The first feast occurred in what is now St. Augustine, Florida in 1565 in celebration of safe delivery of 600 Spanish settlers to the new world.

Much has transpired in the past 444 years.  Destruction of the old ways, of native peoples’  lives and traditions, of connection to the land as a living spirit, and of European world domination and colonization. The movement into the new world came with a wave of devastation which took down the very monarchs and religious hierarchs who supported the journeys into new territories.

Now, with the perspective of 444 years, we can see the larger vision of community and reconnection that is occurring. In the new world that you all live in now, there is a momentum towards greater respect and reparation, honoring and openness, diversity and self-direction. You live in a time where you can decide how to worship, you can choose to change your life circumstances and you can determine your future by your actions today. Life is no longer dictated and limited by the family status you are born into, the system of worship in your area or even the geographic location live in. You can change your circumstances in ways that were unimaginable just 444 years ago! What you also know by experience, is that major change comes with a time of chaos and confusion. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hope is my way. I trust the process of life.

I AM Master Kuthumi, World Teacher, in Presence with my Co-Equal Partner, Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena is the head of the karmic board of advisors for most of you in the western hemisphere. We are honored to address you on this beautiful day.

We welcome you on this day of New Beginnings. We, the Ascended Masters and the ex-carnate servers of The Way, the Truth and the Dark Whole-Eternal Light, have long held hope that incarnate humanity would move into the New Now, Only Love frequency. That day occurred with a resounding “YES WE CAN”, yesterday as the world and the One looked on and said “This is good”.

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Our soul knows exactly what we plan to work on and experience in incarnate form. We choose where we are going to incarnate, our family, and many potential pathways that may open in front if us as we progress through life. We choose the gifts and talents we may express as well as the challenges and opportunities for growth. As Kuthumi says, “the Soul is inestimably wise, and will create the exact situations that promote growth, opportunities to changes and the potential to make new and more honoring choices in every moment.”

In this article, I will share just how powerful soul consciousness is by looking at the “light body” energies of the Presidential candidates and their running mates as seen through the vibration of their birth names.

This soul-discovery can be applied to anyone who wishes to look deeper into their own sacred self through the modality of color and number.

With just two weeks before the US Presidential Election, it feels like the right time to examine the “Light Body” energies and soul path chosen by the two major candidates and their running mates.This is a big step for me because I am not politically active nor am I opinionated or aligned with “one side vs the other” mentality. I do believe however, that this election that brings in a leader from 2008 to 2012, is a critical turning point for the United States and it role in the world. What I’ll share below is my best effort to be unbiased and clear. I’ll let the numerology of the candidates names and nicknames garnered in early life, speak for themselves.

My private practice as a spiritual counselor centers around assisting my clients to open to a broader and deeper consciousness of who they are and what their soul intention was in coming to earth. I use many modalities to create avenues to deeper self awareness. Among the most powerful, revelatory and confirming of these is the combination of birth name numerology and Aura-Soma Equilibrium. I am a certified Advanced Aura-Soma practitioner.

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To see more articles on my other site, please click here to visit my archives page

Translation Alchemy

Essence of All

The Bridge to Ascension is your consciousness.

The translation of the Language of Love is what carries you across that bridge from one plane to another.

In order to understand Ascension, you must understand Translation Alchemy. In order to understand Translation Alchemy, you must understand Balance. In order to understand Balance, you must be in balance within yourself. In order to in balance within yourself, you must know and understand Love, in order to know and understand love, you must be in the Heart.

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The Archangel Metatron discourses upon this topic:

Hyper-Quantum Mathematics of the Soul: The Exponential Equation of Love
Formulas which create Balance, Abundance and Bliss

The Ancients Come

What you deny, subtracts
What you enjoy, adds
What you horde, divides,
What you share, multiplies

What you fear, you enforce.
What you love, you empower.

What you believe, you become.
What you know, you enlighten.

What is rote, is lifeless
What is experienced is enlivening.

What you hide from, erodes your Foundation.
What you examine, strengthens your Cornerstone.

What you seek in lack, is found without.
What you seek in abundance, is found within

What you reject is returned
What you embrace is expanded

What you hold on to is limited
What you let go of is limitless

What you mistrust is lacking
What you entrust is infinite

When you follow others you become lost
When you follow your own soul you are found

What you think, draws you to an outer reality.
What you feel, aligns you with the Sacred Path of the Heart.

The greatest of all Truths is this:
When you Love, you become One with the Divine,
Blessed by the Divine,
Blessed Be the Divine.


Master Kuthumi now presides to complete the teaching

We begin wit;h the definition of Cornerstone:

1. the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained
2. a stone in the exterior of a large and important building; usually carved with a date and laid with appropriate ceremonies
3. a stone at the outer corner of two intersecting masonry walls

Our Beloveds, what you are all creating now, is a New Now. What is the Cornerstone of the New Now? Only Love. The First Balance Formula:

New Now – Only Love

Numerology of New now Only Love

555 565 6537 3645

Total Word #70

Vowels 35
Consonants 35

What the Ascended Masters have been teaching you all along is the formula for the Ascension Lifetime of Humanity. You have received it in segments and now begin to see the Whole. If you had been given the whole at the start, it would have been overwhelming and incomprehensible. You have been led through the parts in such a way that Now, if you look at them with your hearts open and the way clear to the New Now, you see the score of the entire symphony.

Lifetime after lifetime, you have specialized in one instrument or another and you have played a single part. Who is the Conductor? It is you. Who is the Composer? It is God. And since God is within, you are both conductor and composer. You are no longer limited to one instrument, and one line of music on the page of your experience. You are the conductor and the composer in an improvisation of great beauty. You are all standing on the podium with the baton in your hand. Before you is the orchestra that will follow your lead. Who is in the orchestra? It is not the people you see on the outside of your life. It is not the jobs you have held or the places you have been. It is not your thoughts or your things.

The orchestra is composed of All-One Beings. It is the compendium of each of your past lives and the continuum experience of this one life you are in Now. Each is part of the Whole and holds the parts. This is what it means to be in Unity Consciousness: everything that has ever been, that is evolving and will be, is in the symphony of your soul. There is but One Soul, One Heart, One God. And you are both part of this and you are the whole of the eternal mystery of creation. In the New Now, the mystery is becoming enlightened.

Now, you have all been raised in limited consciousness. The accelerations of the month of July-August 2009  have been so powerful for you all because the limitations are beginning to truly fall away into the illusion of separation. These are some of the things you have been taught about the symphony:

  • To begin with, many of you believe you do not have talent for music!
  • Those of you who were given the opportunity to learn an instrument were told: First of all, you must choose one instrument and stick with it.
  • You must be instructed by a master
  • You must practice until it is perfect.
  • You must rehearse until the performance.
  • You must tune your instrument to A440
  • You must wait for the downbeat before you begin.
  • You must play what’s on the page
  • You must follow the conductor.
  • There is a beginning and an end.
  • And for the audience, you must not clap in the middle.

Well, you ask, what if we all just “did our own thing” and paid no attention to the whole? Would there not be just a cacophony of sound? Would there not be chaos? Would the exquisite harmonies not be lost? Would we not be out of tune with each other and out of synch? If we don’t practice and perfect, how do we create the masterpiece of life?

This is what we have to say about these very important questions: you have been practicing lifetime after lifetime already! You have already learned every instrument by being and doing an infinite compilation of incarnate persons. You are already in tune with the whole at the A440 frequency of Universal Consciousness. There is no beginning and no end and you may clap (celebrate) whenever you choose. The only One to follow is the God Within, and it is all the same within each one of us (All-One Beings). There is no more rehearsal! This is it! This is the performance, now and in every New Now. For the formula of Harmony is this: express what is in your heart and you are attuned to Source. You are already a Master, and you need no further instruction. All you need do is to follow your heart, to Love and to Celebrate the greatest symphony ever heard in all of Creation: this Ascension Lifetime for all who choose to say “Yes”.

In turn, the Ascended Masters will all contribute to this remembering by sharing the formulas for Balance, Abundance and Bliss. This is your Ascension Lifetime. You already know this. We simply assist you in remembering the lessons you have already learned, the truths you have already uncovered and the Way of your soul back to the Heart of God-Creation Vortex of Goddess, meaning All-One Beings.

Alleluia form the Lodestar, the Cornerstone and the Principium of the Eternal Lightness of Being.

WE are blessed by the Divine. We are blessed Divine Light Beings
The calibration of this Phrase is the Starting Point for this series of Wisdom

© Ronna Prince 2009

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Reference note by Ronna:  This discourse correlates with CJ Calleman’s Mayan calendar interpretation of the dating system which maintains that the end of the Mayan long count calendar is 10-28-2011. For further reference, a tun is a 360 day period of the long count calendar.  The current tun cycle marks the sixth day, or the blossoming of creative consciousness. The sixth day is associated with the Goddess of Birth, the Great Coral Goddess that is depicted in Teotihuacan.  2009 is an “11” year, as 2+9=11. This article relates to the Sacred Journey of the Low-Heart to Teotihuacan on 2-6 to 2-13, 2010. See article end for link. Also see the website www.globalwholeness.com for details on whole earth healing, and www.sacredjourneyoftheheart.com for the upcoming film about healing the heart.

We welcome you on this day of 10-11-2009.  The I AM Presence of Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena are joined by the Mayan Timekeeper Pacal Voltan and the Great Coral Goddess to announce the Emergence of Spiritus.  There is no mystery in this word vibration. Spirit is Us. Us is you.  You are connecting, merging and becoming one with Us. The word vibration of Spiritus = 41. Four – One’s. (spiritus = 1+7+9+9+9+2+3+1=41) This is the encoding of the calendar date: 10-11-11. 4 Ones.

This day on your Gregorian calendar of 10-11-11, signifies endings (10) and an 11:11 gateway choice point into a new way of being. The 11:11 symbol that you see so often, is the clarion call to emerge deeper into your own soul and to give yourself permission to reside in that pure essence more and more of your waking moments.  Today, Sunday, 10-11-11, is also a day of great import for the timekeepers, being the 333rd day of the Mayan calendar period associated with the Goddess of Birth, the 11th of 13 Heavens. (Please visit CJ Calleman’s website for more information:  http://www.calleman.com/


Kuthumi and Pallas Athena, teachers of vibration and essence,  remind you that the triple master number “333” signifies integration of body-mind-heart and the Emergence of Spiritus. 333 is an encoding related to Connection. Connection to your whole spirit comes through the heart, not the mind.  Connection to all of your Eternal Essence emerges through the opening of the heart’s gateways to the core of Compassion. The Mastery of 333 is based on the foundation of being loving and kind to yourself during this time of intense rebirthing transition. When you embrace this loving-kindness for your self, you are then able to extend it to all others.  Remember what you already know about creation-reality: that which you embody for yourself becomes manifest in your outer world; you cannot manifest loving-kindness in your outer world if you do not embody and embrace it in the inner sanctity of your being.

The rebirth of Spiritus originates in the lower chakras, specifically in the coral aquarian chakra located between the red of the root chakra and the orange of the sacral chakra. The coral chakra is the major energy center of the incarnate being that is associated with the energy of Love-Wisdom. The awakened energy of  Love-Wisdom translates to loving-kindness in every thought, word and action. Coral in the Buddhist tradition is a sacred reminder to allow flow and flexibility within form. Coral represents the hardness of bone and the flow of substance in which it grows.

On this day of 333, we are asking you to open, activate and balance this important chakra center within you so that in this and all the days ahead, you allow the flow of Spiritus to move through you from the foundation of Love-Wisdom and the actions of Loving-Kindness.

We share with you an outpicturing of Pacal Voltan and a representation of the Great Coral Goddess:


The Great Coral Goddess of Teotihuacan is the presence and trinity symbol of eternal birth-death-creation. In her power and splendor, the tree of life emerges from her head. She offers the water of life-giving sustenance to her creations.  She surrounds herself with the creatures of the day and night, humans as well as spiders, jaguars, and owls. She is fear-less in the in between times of birth and death. She is power-full in the day and creative in the night where new life germinates and growth is nurtured to the point of emergence of a new way of being.

In the next cycle of 360 tun, (11-8-2009 to 11-2-2010), you will see and experience many things of great change in your world. We are preparing the way for a great emergence on the 99th day of the next 360 calendar count day which falls on your calendar on 2-14-2010.  This is a day set aside to celebrate Love. Valentine’s day in 2010 falls on the 99th day of the next Mayan 360 day tun. The timekeepers have calibrated these correlations in time before time in order that your celebrations of awakening in the heart Connect you with the Emergence of Spiritus.  Those of you participating in Sacred Journeys of the Heart are actively preparing for these times. You are waiting in anticipation of something. You are in the between times of the Great  Coral Goddess, between death and rebirth, between endings and new beginnings, between dark and light.

The essence, the Core that bridges all of these dualities is Love.

The color energy of this essence is Coral.

The importance of our combined message today is this:  in this and all the days to come, we ask you to nurture the emerging spirit of creation that is coming through you, the incarnate beings sent here to witness the great shift of Ages.  Teachers and timekeepers of the north and south connect with those of you inside the holographic space-time continuum to enjoin you to hold in the purity of your hearts, the awareness of your own Divine Awakening.

What does this mean? It means in as many ways as you can, cherish your emergence with gratitude and loving-kindness. Bathe yourself in the coral light of tender awakening to the full beauty of who you are. Let go of fear of the unknown and prepare for the jubilation of the full Emergence of Spiritus. Walk in the light of Truth where there is nothing to hide, for all is being seen now.  Tread the fabric of earth, of Pachamama, in lightness of being, rather than heaviness of heart.  Allow the soles of your feet to enliven your eternal soul as it emerges with the Divine Breath of the Creator breathing through you.

The word “spiritus” is of Latin origin and means “Breath”.  It also means soul, courage and vigor. Spiritus is the calling to embrace your soul which is one with US.  Spiritus is not only a noun but a way of emerging with courage and vigor.  It is a calling of your soul to emerge from the unknowing with a sense of gratitude for being alive and awake in this, the great turning of ages.  It is not an ending, promises the Great Coral Goddess, it is a new beginning.

The Great Coral Goddess energy activates within you when you give yourself permission to go deep, deep within your incarnated being with compassion for all you have ever been and done, all that you are now and all that you are becoming.  Why has the coral chakra been dis-connected from the consciousness of humanity? It is a very long hi-story but we will tell you this: it was disconnected when you were told that you were not worthy to feel and know the Divine Within You. In the timelines, someplace and somewhere, you all bought this false belief and thus, turned outward rather than in-ways for your nurturing, comfort and sustenance.  You turned to ones who did not know their own truth and from this place of the inner lie, they entrenched the life system of lack and fear deep within you, so that they did not need to see it within themselves.  In order to fully reawaken, you must reintegrate the love-wisdom in the tenderness and beautiful color of coral in what we call the “Low-Heart”.

What are the physical organs of the Low-Heart? They are represented by the uterus in women and the prostate in men. What is the condition of low-heart organs of humanity at present? There is chronic dis-ease in these organs of both men and women.  Among American women, hysterectomy is the second most common surgery, surpassed only by the c-section operation. One in three American women will have endured a hysterectomy by age 60. Prostate dysfunction and disease and cancer is a leading illness among men.

The energetic cause of this disease is a lack of loving-kindness to the self.  It manifests in self-criticism, self-denial and addictive patterns to cover up the inner place of longing and lack. How do we suggest that you heal this back to wholeness? Through the power of conscious love. Very simply, we will show you one In-Way.

We will use the “spiritus lenis” technique of low-heart breathing. Spiritus lenis in Latin means smooth breathing.  In orthography is it represented by the symbol:   O with a comma over the top.

First, center yourself in your heart.  If you reside primarily in the mind of thoughts and analysis, you may first choose to focus on the third eye center between your brow.  Envision your pituitary gland at the center of the brain as a eye. rotate the vision of this third eye downward towards the heart. Look from your third eye into your own heart center. Center here and breathe without thought. Allow your breath to move in and out without effort or concentration.  Simply Breathe the One Breath, Be I AM.  This is a mantra of the spiritus lenis: “Breathe the One Breath, Be I AM.” (note for those of you interested in numerology, this phrase equals 111 and connects to the Crystal Grids of Trinity on Gaia. See previous entries for further explanation.)

To breathe the one breath is to feel the divine breath moving in you without effort.

Simply be, simply breathe.  As you breathe the one breath, move into your heart.

From your heart, the life-circulating organ of blood, feel every beat of your heart pulse a coral wave into the diaphragm, flowing through effortlessly into the abdomen.

Feel the coral color illuminating within your core.

See the strength and beauty of coral light pulsing in your low heart organs, the organs of generative power, the organs of life-giving blood, the organs of germination of new, tender creation.

Inhale the delicate fragrance of a coral rose, breathe that fragrance of Divine Essence into your low-heart organs.

Heal all dis-ease in these organs within your being.

Feeling the flow, inhaling the spiritus lenis, the soft breathe, Breathe the One Breath Be I AM.

Feel the holy presence of your low-heart stirring and awakening to your inner divinity.

Breathe the One Breath Be I Am.

Now expand the breath in an infinity form to connect back to the heart center.

In this soft light of Spiritus Lenis, give yourself permission (from the Latin root origin “per” meaning through and “mittere” to let go, to send) to send the coral essence of love-wisdom to all parts of your being.

Give your self permission to awaken your thoughts, your words and your actions to loving kindness first for yourself, expanding this to all others. (Pause and do this now!)

Complete this expression of Spiritus with gratitude and grace to All beings, All Times, All Space, All One (=111).

In the days, weeks and months ahead, in the here and now and in all times, embrace the emergence of Spiritus with Loving Kindness. Know that north and south, east and west and all points between are converging to the center point, the Heart where we are All One.

Blessings of peace and joy,

In anticipation of 99th day of Loving-Kindness celebration (2-14-2010) and the enjoinder to make every day a heart centered day of Divine Love.

Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

Timekeeper Pacal Voltan and the Great Coral Goddess of Teotihuacan

For a full information on the Sacred Journey to the Heart of Love-Wisdom, please visit this link:


Copyright Ronna Prince 2009. All rights reserved. You may copy this article only in its entirely with permission only by making full attribution to the website URL and the author. Thank you.

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Transformation: Renaissance

We welcome you on this day of 11-1 in the year 2009 – an 11 year of choice.

11-1 or 111 is a vibration that signifies making a conscious connection to the choices you are making in each moment. Many traditions celebrate the beginning days of November as a time to honor All Saints and All Souls, and a time of remembrance of those who have lived and died.   This tradition is further amplified by the illumination of this full moon in the fixed sign of Taurus on 11-2 -2009. (11:11:11) This full moon offers the opportunity to examine your choices and to make changes that will enable you to grow emotionally, spiritually, mentally and foundationally, meaning in the outer manifestations of your life such as career, finances, housing, and resources. To do this, you must make a commitment to transformation. With commitment to transforming old patterns into new and honoring ways of being, you activate your own Renaissance or Rebirth.  Here is an image to assist in knowing where we/you are going:

Spiral Heart PathEarth Heart

Drawing in the Light Heart, (top image) graphic design image created by Nancy Roll, inspirational graphic artist.

The word vibration, through Pythagorean numerology, of Transformation: Renaissance equals 111.

T   R  A  N  S  F  O  R  M  A  T  I  O  N :     R  E  N  A   I  S  S  A  N  C  E

2+9+1+5+1+6+6+9+4+1+2+9+6+5    : +9+5+5+1+9+1+1+1+5+3+5 = 111

What conscious connection might be the single most important one to commit to? We suggest that it is to be in the heart and to connect your heart to the heart of earth.  In so doing, every thought, word and action comes into alignment allowing alchemy to assist you in transforming to a new way of being. This transformation, Conscious Heart Connection, leads to renaissance of your fully ensouled being.

What is a fully ensouled being? It is the state of being where your soul is directing all aspects of your life, rather than the patterns of the past, the unconscious, or small mind of ego otherwise known as fear of change creation.

Now, rest assured that these very words are calibrating your own 111 vibrations of connection to the Crystal Grids of Trinity, to the Light Network of Ascension and to the Balance of Love-Wisdom-Power. for more information on 111 visit the 4-21-2008 Sananda article on the link below:


What do we mean by 111 calibrations? All of the following word vibrations equal exactly 111:

Conscious HEART Connection  = 111

Alignment Allowing Alchemy = 111

Crystal Grids of Trinity  = 111

Light Network of Ascension = 111

Balance of Love-Wisdom-Power = 111

What do we mean by making a commitment to be in the heart and to connect your heart to the earth’s heart?

To be in the heart activates these energies:

First, you choose to feel the essence of your being. Regardless of how you came to be in this incarnation, your essence is the creation energy of Love, pure Love and the desire to express that love into creative form.

Close your eyes for a moment, focus your attention on your heart center, breathe into this area of your being, and feel the presence of your life force. Feel the simplicity and the soulfulness of your heart. Know that you are whole and complete.

From this place of connection, to be in the heart, in its many forms is this:

  • you express words of encouragement to yourself and others,
  • you acknowledge the divine essence of self and others,
  • you choose actions that are based on wisdom and worthiness,
  • you see the world around you as full of opportunities and new beginnings,
  • you focus on the abundance available for you to tap into and expand,
  • you allow yourself to open to joy and gratitude,
  • you give thanks to all people in your life as part of your soul plan to complete what you have started long ago,
  • you believe that you are free of limitation and lack,
  • you take time to connect with the earth and the abundant supply of life-giving essence that is shared with you each day and night,
  • you renew your heart in a commitment to be loving and kind.
  • you celebrate this new beginning by expressing your love for the earth, and for all creatures cohabiting the earth with you. On this, 11-1 day and all the days ahead, give thanks to earth, give thanks to your heart and the heart-connection to others that creates healing and wholeness.

Renaissance, to be reborn, is to see and experience the world from the inner beauty and curiosity of newborn.  See the world as if you are a newborn, which is to say, see the world from your heart, not from your mind.  Experiment and play with this concept until it is a state of being. Use the images above to spiral into the center of your heart. Look at everything today as if you were seeing it for the first time and experience the wonder and curiosity without the judgment and fear that often colors our perceptions with unconscious heaviness.  See the world transforming in a positive way. When you see or hear the fear around issues such as influenza, pandemic, economic uncertainty, war, violence or loss, know that this is a sign of the old ways of being that are ending. Know that you may stay centered in this place of heart while the old world of fear and control is spinning out of control. The old guard is desiring to include you in their vortex of lack and loss. When you see the fear in their hearts, know that this fear serves them in some way. Does it serve you? Are you de-serving fear and anxiety? Or are you choosing to serve in more heart-centered new way? What if by your choice, you are here now to create change and to witness the evolutions of conscious love? (Evolutions of Conscious Love = 111)

And there ARE evolutions of conscious love at work on the earth in miraculous forms. We give you one example, long awaited and long overdue in the United States of America.

P.L. (Public Law) # 111-33 The Native American Heritage Act of 2009 was passed into law on 6-26-2009 by signature of President Obama.  Whatever your belief about Obama and his presidency is not the relevant point here. What is of significance is that this public law, enacted for the people and by the people, creates a day of remembering and observation, on the day after Thanksgiving each year, of the Native American people and their traditions. What is also of significance is that P.L. 111-33 was passed on a day of 25 (6+26+2009 = 6+8+11=25). 25 is the essence vibration of the word Heart and the word Earth. 8+5+1+9+2 = 25.

Summary of P.L. 111-33:

Encourages the people of the United States, as well as federal, state, and local governments and interested groups and organizations, to honor Native Americans with appropriate activities to observe Native American Heritage Day, including regarding: (1) the historical status of Native American tribal governments and the present day status of Native Americans; (2) Native American cultures, traditions, and languages; and (3) the rich Native American cultural legacy that all Americans enjoy today.

In numerology, the essence of creation, 111-33 signifies the Balance of Love-Wisdom-Power being transformed on earth and in the heart. 111-33 is the Mastery of the Lesson that all people and all beings, in all space and all time must be honored and respected in order for All to be reborn in Conscious Heart Connection. This is place that heals and restores to wholeness. This action is drawing in the Light Heart. It is spiraling in to the center of wholeness and love.

Know that the heart and the heart beat is in everyone and it is in the center of all things. It is the connection point and the integration, the source and the solution.

On this day of 11-1 and beyond make a conscious connection to your heart, live in gratitude and see all things as a newborn in a renaissance of love.

Optimism, peace and joy be with you on this and all the days to come.

Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

Copyright 2009 Ronna Prince. All rights Reserved. You may share this article in its entirety with reference to the author and her website. Thanks you.

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To  All Master Teachers! Unveiling the Mystery Beyond 2012

We welcome you on this EVE of 11:11:11, a triple trinity gateway to lifting the veil of scarcity and fear.

We are the Master Teachers Kuthumi and Pallas Athena and you are all Master Teachers of the New Now when you choose to embrace all that you are.


Tomorrow the western film industry of fear and control mass releases the film 2012, a film aimed not at entertainment, but at a global entrainment of fear. We are asking all conscious beings to embrace the essence of their core now and in every now, which is Love, the absolution of fear. We are suggesting that you activate more than a counteraction to fear, but a transmutation of fear and all resulting vibrations that cascade from it tomorrow and in the days ahead as the new now emerges.   You activate this by entering the Sacred Journey of the Heart, a soul-based commitment to connect from the feeling side of your being to your fellow beings of all forms, to center your actions in your heart and to Love to the depths of all of who you are. (For more information on Sacred Journey of the heart, please visit: www.sacredjourneyoftheheart.com

Much has been written about the 11:11 portals and the gateways of consciousness that are opening. What we wish contribute to this growing body of consciousness is another aspect of the great opportunity that is before you on this day and all the days beyond:  What opens tomorrow is the energy that impels you beyond 2012.  The most complete numerology for 11:11:2009 is that of the Master number 33:

November 11th, 2009 (a year of 11) = 11+11+11=33

In numerology, the number 33 signifies the Master Spiritual Teacher. The mastery of intuition (11) plus the mastery of building new nows (22) combining to the Mastery of Integration of All Teachings (33).

For a discussion of Pythagorean numerology, please visit earlier posts in the archives of this website or this link:


Integration as a word form contains the elements of Mastery:

Integration = 60: 30:30

Vowels in the word integration = 30

Consonants in the word integration = 30

Beyond 2012 is simply, in numerology and in your calendar, the year 2013.

What does 2013 equate to when decoded?

33 (2+0+1 = 3) plus 3.

2013 = a year of 33, a full blossoming of the teachings of the Master Teachers, meaning you.

What is the greatest veiling (evil) of all time? What is the greatest forgetting? What is the memory that is returning? That you, each and every one of you, is already a Master Teacher! That you are your own Saviour. You are all remembering your Whole Spirit and Whole Being. You are reuniting the Ultimate Master Teacher, within and without :


What is the vibration of ONE GOD?  Why very perfectly, it is 33!

O+N+E + G+O+D

6+5+5+7+6+4 = 33

How does one connect with the One God within and without? You become your own Saviour. What is the vibration of Saviour? It is 33. You have been waiting for the Messiah, the Saviour and all along it is you waiting for you to reawaken!

How does one unveil the Mystery that has covered up your inner connection with who you are, Master Teachers, all united in One God? All Saviours of the World Soul?

We will show you one new way based on ancient wisdom: Love Vedas.

Love Vedas = 33 in numerology,  just as does One God.  What opens now is the 33 vibration of Renewal (33) Reawaken (33) and Order (33).

Love Vedas: Teachings to Reawaken the Order of  One God

We speak of Vedas because they connect to the Sanskrit word meaning “wisdom” and refer to the oldest known sacred treaties of awakening.

The Love Vedas serve to transmute fear into nothingness and expand Love within and without. What if each one of you decided to activate your power NOW and transmute fear for all those who are still under the veil? Yes, the what if, then becomes the New Now in the form and substance that you envision. You are that powerful.

Our Beloved Saviours, Master Teachers, first let us tell you what the Love Vedas are not! They are not a meditation to do in the privacy of your own home. They are the Living Keys of Transmutative Action. They are wisdom teachings to put into action. They are a waking, walking prayer.

Each Love Veda begins with the 33 vibration of “I Pray”.  I Pray = 33.

When you make your life a living prayer, you are entreating the ONE GOD to emerge from within and to manifest without. By the word, “prayer”, we refer to the action of re-quest and entreaty. To pray is to enter the Quest again, to find the Holy Grail within you, and the make treaty or promise to yourself that you enter into this inner sacred space.

Connect to your heart, to your core, to your soul.

Do this in the beginning, the middle and the end of your day, pray without ceasing, pray without end. What does this mean? To live in the heart, to act with compassion and to lead with loving kindness.  In this way, everything you do, everyone you meet, no matter how fleeting the connection, becomes infused with the energy of One God by touching your heart. If only for a moment, you, in prayer, connect to someone who is veiled in fear, and thus, you transmute that to something new.  Yes.

The Love Vedas:

I pray that I AM Love Expanding

I pray that I embrace understanding

I pray that I know God in me

I pray that I am choosing to be free

I pray that I am Seeing God in You

I pray that my words all be True

I pray that my heart leads my life

I pray for an end to all strife

I pray we are choosing to know peace

I pray that abundance increase

I pray that I know the One Soul

I pray that the broken become Whole

I pray I am guided to share

I pray that I am demonstrating care

I pray that I master loving grace

I pray that I hold sacred space

I pray that I follow Spirit’s sign

I pray I am one with the Divine

I pray that God’s Will Be Done

I pray we know All is One.

~~These are the Love Vedas. See them. Know them. Say them. Become them. When you interact in the world, they become the Master Teachings of the Master Teacher that you Are, they become the embodiment of the essence that leads all of humanity beyond 2012 and into 2013 where you will all turn inward and outward for a moment and say “What a magnificent prayer we have answered”.

Blessed Be the One God within and without

For in Truth and in Life,  All is One.

All is One = 33

Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

Copyright Ronna Prince 2009. All Rights reserved. You may copy this article in its entirely with attribution to the author and this website. Thank you.

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