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 Trinity Alignments 2009 and Beyond

We welcome you on 12-21-2008. We the Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena.

Today is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. On this shift point between lengthening and shortening of light and dark, we are suggesting that you consciously embrace the Master Trinity alignments that are occurring now and into the next four year period through December Solstice 2012. The alignments are related to opening doorways at the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels. The more you are consciously aware of what is occurring, the greater will be your capacity to flow with the changes rather than struggle to understand them. This is why we are dedicated to instructing you about reconnecting to the creation-power of master numbers/ trinities and the form behind structure.

First of all know, that the trinity is a sacred covenant of connection from Infinite Being to all expressions of form that emanate from Infinite Being. Trinity is the creative connection between: Mother-Father-I AM. When you feel this in your heart, then integrate it into your mind, your soul becomes emancipated to creatively express the Will of Infinite Being. These three things are the creative principles that move in all manifest form: 1 -Mother, 2 – Father, 3- I AM.

There is an elegance to the Master Plan for humanity and all earth inhabitants. This Master Plan does not end at 12-21-2012. It goes far beyond this. What do we call this Master Plan?

Eternal Earth Emancipation

The Vision and energy of this movement has been set in motion long before the times you live in now. The Plan has been long in the making is now being realized as each of you awaken to your full potential. The portals and doorways are opening from within and without as Earth aligns with the greater cosmos, creating harmony, balance and beauty.

We will point out to you two aligning dates and times so that you can see BEYOND 2012:

2012 December Solstice date and Time: 12-21-2012 TIME 11:11 GMT

2018 December Solstice date and Time: 12-21-2018 TIME 22:22 GMT

(Source: God, Times reported by the U.S. Naval Observatory)

You are all aware of the seeding into your reality of the 11:11 alignments. You are seeing this symbol of opening doorways in many forms. You are also seeing 12:12, a symbol of a larger plan being worked on or completing. 12:12 is a trinity alignment with the 33 number indicating Mastery of Spiritual Teachings. We want you to become aware of how powerful these alignments are, by showing you the overview of the 11:11 AND the 33 progressions through the December (12) solstices. You will begin noticing alignments moving to 22:22 as the Plan progresses. Master number alignments enter your consciousness as a way of indicating Profound Progression. (The numerology of Profound Progression = 111.)

Below you can see the progression of days based on simple mathematics. The solstice days move from 7-8-9 numbers in 2008, 2009, 2010. Then, because the 2010 solstice occurs on the Master Builder day of 22, the next two solstices are both encoded with 11:11. There are patterns of alignments occurring on many levels that go beyond simple arithmetic.

Dec. Solstice Days Sum of 1st Reduction Sum of 2nd Reduction
12 21


3 3
3 3
12 21


3 3
3 3
12 21


3 3
3 3
12 22


3 4
3 3
12 21


3 3
3 3

You are aligning into a year of 11:11 on 1-1-2009 or 1-1 (29/11). All year of 2009 is an 11 year, a profound choice point for all of humanity. It is a year of gateway consciousness opening. The numerology of the first day of every year gives the leading energy for the entire year. 1+1+11 = 13. 13 in tarot is the archetype of Death, signifying a transition from one state of being into another. The purpose of transition, from a spiritual perspective, is to experience a shift in consciousness, which then leads to a new foundation. In this way the 13 becomes 1+3, or 4, the number indicating foundation and structure.

The choices all people will be making in 2009 are related to creating a new structure and foundation in a world where the infrastructure is crumbling. This does not mean a global catastrophe but simply a movement towards greater harmony. This new harmonious alignment occurs by PEOPLE rebuilding in conscious choice, new ways of connecting and honoring the greater whole, rather than old institutions which served personal aggrandizement over the collective good. For example, religious institutions that hoard wealth rather than share it to benefit people on a broad scale, will continue to lose membership, and will continue to be exposed at the structural core to be based on personalities rather than the Eternal One Soul of Love. Individual and group spirituality based on the principles of loving, sharing, opening doorways and opening hearts will continue to grow and expand.

The doorways are continuing to open more and more each day. The timing and synchronicity of the 12-21-2012 December solstice indicate the Trinity Alignments that are progressing:

12-21-2012 = 11

Time of the Solstice in GMT 11:11

11:11:11 = 33.

Thirty-three is the Master Spiritual Teacher number, and it is the Master Number of Healing.  The doorways and portals open wide on the 2012 December solstice as an inpouring of light aligns into the Earth from the Galactic center as well as from the central suns of two additional galaxies that are aligning on the galactic ecliptic. The inpouring activates the full expression of the Crystal Grids of Trinity all throughout earth. Balance and healing occurs on a massive scale, resulting in Healing of Earth Karma for all who are open to receive.

The Eternal Earth Emancipation is a balancing of Eternal Light and Dark Whole, the Gold of Wisdom and Healing, the Blue of Divine Will, and the Silver of Illumination of the Light Network of Ascension. The inpouring and outflowing of energy that is occurring and increasing in the earth grids opens each human heart to the Essence of all things, which is Love.  In this way, you will feel and know and see the essence of each individual just as you feel and know and see your own essence. There will be no doubt in your heart that you are connected to All.  There will be no more confused thinking that you are alone in the cosmos. There will be no fear that there is a malevolent force in the universe. There will be the Truth of Creation pouring into all hearts, and that is Love. In consciousness, you do not have to wait for this date. You may do it now, on this Solstice by opening the doorways in your own heart to and connecting to the heart of Eternal Earth Emancipation.

Beyond this 2012 shift of exponential proportion are further alignments and connections. For the 6 year period after the December 2012 solstice, (3+3 years) you will be adjusting, attuning and aligning into this new world. Then again on 12-21-2018, another alignment of mastery occurs at the December solstice at 22:22 GMT.  Perhaps you can intuit where we are leading?

2018 is the NEXT year of 11.  2+0+1+8 = 11.

You must understand and incorporate Master numbers to fully appreciate this alignment.

11: Initiation. Gateway consciousness. Mastery of Spiritual Intuition

22: Integration. Master Architecture of New Foundation

33: Inspiration. Master Spiritual Teacher. Master Healing

44: Incorporation. Master solidification of Structure.

55: Investiture. Christ Consciousness imbued into each human’s consciousness.

At 22:22 in 2018, a year of 11, the Master Spiritual Teacher (33) emerges in each one of you and is made manifest on earth. 22:22:11 = 55. Investiture of Christ Consciousness.

This is encoded into your cosmic consciousness. This is the profound progression that you are all aware of. 11:11; 12:12: 33: 22:22: 11: 55: and beyond.  You must begin at the beginning and celebrate the opening of 11:11 doorways. Allow the profound progression to move through you by conscious choice. In this way, in 2018, you will experience an even more powerful alignment: A return of The Cosmic Christ within you.

As I, Kuthumi, lived and taught in Crotona as Pythagoras, I still uphold the concept of my teachings that there is great value in understanding number:

1-“Τà όντα εισìν μιμήσει των αριθμων”

2-“ Τà όντα  αριθμοì εισíν “.


1. The universe exists by the imitation of numbers.

2.  All things are numbers.

What we reveal today, is that there are no more secrets.  The Master Plan moves through alignments with Master Numbers.

Enjoy this day of longest dark/longest light. Know that both are within you, wherever you reside. Know that the alignments that are occurring are Masterfully planned. You are part of this plan, your awakening to full Spiritual Mastery is aligning.

You may choose every day to open your hearts to the alignments, to rejoice at being here now and participating in the Master Plan being made manifest on earth.

Peace be with you in these times of change.

Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

All rights reserved. Copyright Ronna Prince 2008. You may link to the article or reproduce it in its entirety with attribution to Ronna Prince and http://www.consciouslightchannel.com

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