
Archive for December, 2009

October 25, 2008 posted by administrator

I am honored to share with you a written reading I did for my cousin Randy Harris in 2006. He was 46 years old and was facing a recurrence of terminal brain cancer. My mother also died of this disease in 2002. Randy was the father of two boys age 7 and 10. He believed in the Presence of Spirit, but beyond that, wasn’t sure about “spirituality”. He asked me to do a session for him to help him understand the impact his death would have on his young boys. He didn’t ask about himself other than to know what more he could do to help others before he died. This morning, he communicated with me and asked that I share his session. When I realized that he died one year ago, on 10-21-2007 and we celebrated his passing on 10-25-2007, I was flooded with gratitude for knowing this beautiful soul and for feeling the truth of what St. Germain said in his reading: “Love never dies.” Randy is still with me as I share this with you. Oh! He says: “I am so happy to know that God is real!” Thank you Randy. Love Ronna.

This is the full text of his reading with the Masters, followed with the other information I access first before channeling.

We welcome you on this morning of 11-29-2006. Speaking on the topic of impact and contribution, is the consciousness aspect known by many as the Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia. We represent the energetic frequencies of spiritual service, which are associated with the color violet. Many spiritual seekers who have been on the path of inner searching use the frequencies of violet for healing and integrating mind, body and spirit. Violet is the highest vibration of the visible light spectrum and creates a shift in energies that have been stagnant or blocked. We say this simply because you may find that surrounding yourself with violet images or visualizing the color violet during your treatments may be of great benefit.

The Ascended Masters are often associated with pictures so that you may have a clearer understanding of the consciousness we represent, thus we show you how we are often depicted:

Ascended Master Lady Portia

Ascended Master Saint Germain

and Lady Portia

In order to address your questions about how your illness will impact your two sons and how you may minimize the impact of it in their lives, we must take a broader perspective of what you have offered to them as their father. For you know that you are much more than the experience of an illness in their lives. You are their primary caretaker, you are the one who provides them with emotional nourishing and you are the one who shows them the example of how to be a man and a father in this lifetime.

The impact you have on your sons’ lives is of deep and profound significance on many levels. This you know. We understand that a large part of your anxiety about the recurrence of your illness is not on a personal level but relates to your apprehensions about the difficulties your sons will face growing up without your physical presence in their lives


The first thing we would ask you to recall is that love never dies. This may seem to be a sort of “catch-phrase” or adage, but we tell you in no uncertain terms that this is Truth. You will continue to have an impact on your son’s lives whether or not you are in physical form. This is also Truth.The world of spirit is much more real than most people are aware of. For example, the date this work was started for you is not a coincidence. For in the world of spirit, there is no such thing as accident or coincidence. The date this message began was 11-28-2006, exactly 4 years to the date of your Aunt Sandra’s passing into the world of spirit. She is with you now, guiding and assisting you at all times. Perhaps you can allow yourself to feel the love she has for you as she stands just behind your right shoulder. She knows exactly what you are experiencing because she has walked this path. This is why she chooses to be of assistance to you at this time.Perhaps if you allow yourself to suspend your rational mind for a moment and breathe into your heart center, you will feel the presence of her spiritual guidance which is based on unconditional, unending love. You may continue reading on if you wish, or you pause for a moment to experiment with the feelings or sensations you are having in your heart. You know how deeply your aunt listened to you, how much she cared for you, and how her highest aspiration in life was to be of service to others. This dynamic, this calling of the heart and gift of the spirit does not die, it continues on in the afterlife and creates the energy of continuation of Love. If you can allow yourself to feel and experience this for a moment, perhaps then you will know in certainty that you will continue to guide and assist your sons in many profound ways. We would like to discuss the impact of this experience on your sons lives then, from the perspective of what they are leaning from you. What they are learning from you is much different than what you learned from your father, correct? From your father in this lifetime, you learned what you did not wish to re-create with your own sons. From your father you learned about intolerance, about lack of respect for others, about the invalidation of your own feelings, wishes, desires and opinions. You learned that your father had an intense need to be “right” which prevented him from having a connection of the heart to his children. You learned many things, and at a very young age, you made a conscious choice to be different than this. You chose to orphan yourself so that you could create something far more enriching in your own life, even if it meant leaving everything behind that you knew and running away. This took a tremendous amount of courage and conviction. And in many ways, it required a deep faith in yourself and your soul’s mission and purpose here. For we will suggest that even if you were not aware of it, your soul has directed much of your path in this lifetime. This has been the path of making a different choice, of liberating yourself from your father’s tyrannical authority so that you could be a different type of father. This is a profound choice of your soul, a choice that you made early in life so that you would have the capacity to raise your own sons in an environment where they were listened to, where they were loved and where they learned that to be a father is not about “being right” but about being benevolent and being composed (rather than being a raving tyrant), even in times of stress.

What then is the impact your illness will have on your two sons? As you yourself communicated in your letter to your family members several months ago, the primary impact on them is that they have had your presence, your influence and your love all of the time during their most formative years! Because of your illness and resulting limitations, you have been with them more in the last 7 years than most fathers are in an entire lifetime with their sons. You are there for them in all ways, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the most profound impact of all. For you have not been a tyrant, but you are a benevolent loving presence and force in their lives. You may understand that character is largely formed by age 7. The loving presence of a father, as the most influential person in a son’s life during their first 7 years, will have a lifelong impact no matter if you live to be 100 or live a few more years.What does this mean for your character, having been largely influenced by your own father? Well, you see, you have always been a very wise soul, and even during these formative years of your own childhood you knew deep within, “I am going to be different than my father, I am not going to behave like him and I will make a different choice in life.”

Sometimes as souls we choose to learn in a challenging way, which is to say, in opposition to what you plan to create in your life as an adult. It is a much more difficult pathway to learn from an authoritative tyrant of a father, but the lesson is learned at depth. The lesson is what you chose, very early on, and it is the reason souls are born into this reality, it is truly the only lesson and for that matter, the only “commandment” that matters:

I will love. I choose love. I express love and I give love.

Your own sons have no need to “run away” from home because they have chosen you as their father so that during their formative years they would be certain in the knowledge in their hearts, minds and souls that you love them unconditionally. This is the most profound impact a parent can have on a child. This is what you have gifted them with, in liberating yourself from your own father’s ways, you impact the way your own sons experience their life. Love is eternal. The experience of love they have with you will impact their lives forever.

The other aspect of the life that you have created from your own courage and conviction, is that you have received from them, the very thing that you longed for as a child: they love you. You give love and you receive love. There is nothing more important than that.

Now, we continue on to the more practical aspects of your question of impact. Because there are both gifts and challenges which will result from your illness. The challenges are many, but within each challenge is a gift. One challenge is that they have seen that an adult cannot always control things. Children usually see adults as being in supreme control of reality, and as you know, this is not the case. So while this can impact them by creating doubts and insecurities early on, they will have a more realistic view of the world as they mature. Another challenge is the fear they are facing of losing you. As you know, a fear unaddressed, can become much greater than one that is spoken of directly. You may continue to reassure them that you will be with them in the heart always. You may continue to write your stories for them to read as they continue on with their lives, and you may tell them of ways that you will watch over them, because children understand this and are not yet cynical enough to “dis-believe”.

We have already discussed the primary gifts of this situation, but there are also secondary gifts they receive watching you manage through your personal challenges: they learn to see you as strong and they learn to see you, their father, as being vulnerable and needing assistance from others. This is a gift. Many young boys see only the side of “perceived” invincibility from their fathers. This gives them an unrealistic perception of what it is to be a human being. All human beings have needs, vulnerabilities, and areas of weaknesses, no matter what challenges they face. For your sons to see that you are both strong and weak, courageous and at times, fearful and doubting, is to see what it means to be a real person. Then they also have the gift of seeing other people in your community cooperate to help you and your family manage through the limitations you have. This is also a profound gift. For they are learning by example what you have also known and lived in your heart all of your adult life: it is important to give back, to contribute and help others when one can. This is the definition of benevolence, a primary quality of your soul. This has been your experience as you served as a role model for the young man you were involved with for years as a “big brother”. You live this. You have done this. And this is the example of living love. This is what your sons see: it is as important to give as it is to receive. From you, they also learn the lesson of humor and positive attitude, of how to make the best of a situation that is difficult, and of how through one’s attitude, a person can continue to experience fun, lightheartedness and joy. For many people in your situation enter into negativity, blame and victimhood. This has not been your way, and as an example, it is a very powerful, impactful message that you send to your sons. You also teach them that an adult does not always have all the answers, that there are many things we simply cannot understand in this world and that the only real choice we have is in our attitudes and in the way we conduct our lives. “I don’t know why this is happening, but I choose the make the best of it.” This is a very powerful lesson and will impact them throughout their lives.

The major contribution that you ARE making now, is in the way you positively impact many other people. This goes beyond your own family, and includes the people in your community. When you share your life with others, you make a positive impact. Your work with your service animal is the area where you continue to contribute to others. You raise awareness of how animals can serve humans, and you are already brightening the days of disabled children when you bring your dog into their presence. You may expand this circle if you so choose, by visiting rehabilitation centers where people are learning to cope with brain damage. Or in hospitals where people are learning to cope with epilepsy or other seizure disorders. Or in group homes for autistic children, or in elder care facilities such as people with Alzheimer’s. The possibilities are many. These are all places where people resonate with the unconditional love and affection of animals. We understand that this requires that others assist you in getting to and from these places, but perhaps by volunteering your services to visit others, you will find people more than willing to drive you to and from so that you may share the gifts you have to offer: strength, courage, your work with your dog which will benefit others, and the love you offer simply by being present.

We give thanks for the honor of working with your soul. You are a being of great benevolence and conviction and above all, a father who offers the most important gift of all to his sons: unconditional love.

You are blessed and held by many in the realms of spirit, and honored and respected by many in the human realms. What you give, so shall you receive.

For the greatest good of all concerned.

Peace to you as you continue your journey,

The Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia

Information I access before a channeling:

Before I consult the masters, I use the SRT technique (Spiritual Research) to determine what your soul is ready to release, heal and replace with Love. This process works with my high self and your high self in conscious co-creation. Many of the things listed in relation to the following charts will be discussed in the channeled part of your reading. Don’t get tied up in trying to understand it at this point. Just take it in.

(About SRT: Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a meticulous process of researching the subconscious mind and the soul records of a person to discover and release blocks to health, happiness and spiritual growth that have been hidden from the conscious mind for hundreds or

perhaps thousands of lifetimes. SRT is NOT coming from the certified counselor but from higher levels of Spirit. Once identified, the discordant energies are removed and replaced with positive energies, usually bringing about the desired changes in a person’s life. SRT is done remotely, so can be accessed through this written format for release of the negative energies that hold us back from our greatest good.)

Chart 2: Soul Qualities, Themes and Challenges:

Soul Qualities: Composure and Benevolence

Themes: Personal Integrity

Challenges: Health, Fitness



serene, self-controlled state of mind; calmness; tranquility:

be‧nev‧o‧lence /


1. desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness: to be filled with benevolence toward one’s fellow creatures.
2. an act of kindness; a charitable gift.
3. English History. a forced contribution to the sovereign.

Chart 5: 8 energies cleared. Negative motivations: power/manipulation and responsibility. Power and manipulation are factors that were operating within your family structure, both family of origin and now, carried into your own family. Responsibility is a negative motivation only when you overdo it. This means that you take responsibility for things that are not your fault.

Chart 6A: Master Programs, discordant energy: These are energies that you carry at the cellular level of your being. In the work I do, the belief is that we have lived many lifetimes before and the soul reincarnates to work through lessons and challenges that were not completed in other lifetimes. When I “see” these energies, many of them pertain to an origin in a past life. The negative energies are ones that continue to create difficulties in your current life. The idea is that they “resonate” within you and are largely unconscious. When we bring them to light, the purpose is to clear energies which no longer serve your greatest good – so that your life today can be about today and the now, vs. trying to repair something that happened in the distant past. This can also be true of clearing energies from your childhood experience. The belief is that energy does not “die”, it continues on and energy is present in emotion as well as cellular life. This process is aimed at clearing the negative programs so that you can deal clearly with today from a position of consciousness.

These are the patterns I found in your energy signature:

Escapism, depression, child abuse (this refers to abuse in your own past..), illness, hate of men, guilt, frustration, fatigue, fear, anger, and unforgiveness.

These energies were healed, cleared and replaced with love.

Chart 6B: Blocks to positive expression: These are blocks which occur as a result of the negative patterns. The idea is that it is our divine right to experience all aspects of positive expression. But when we have difficult or traumatic experiences and end up judging, blaming or not forgiving at a deep level, we then create blocks to the full expression of Divine Love.

There are the blocks I found to your positive expression:

Love of women, optimism, self forgiveness, self-preservation, faith, forgiveness, understanding, health.

These energies were healed, cleared and replaced with love.

Chart 7: Direct healing processes: your guides are showing me two things: psychic surgery and raising your physical and auric vibrations. If you are interested in this, let me know and I will see if I can recommend a practitioner in your area. This definitely gets into the realm of energetic healing, which may not be within your belief system. I am just reporting on what your guides are showing me.

Chart 13: Programs before creation: imprint of cellular damage. These energies were healed, cleared and replaced with love.

Chart 8: Inner Archetypes: Archetypes are only a problem if they are in conflict or are creating unconscious or subconscious motivations which are not in our greatest good. We all operate from archetypal energies and once we become conscious of this, we can accelerate our process to the highest expression of the archetypes.

The Critical Parent Archetype is still operative in your consciousness. This usually shows up as self-criticism such as “I’m lazy”, “I’m not smart enough”, “I don’t try hard enough”, “It’s all my fault.” This is the energy of subconsciously accepting what your parents told you as a child. In order to clear those subconscious messages, one has to be willing to release the negative self-talk and enter in to acceptance of who we are in the moment of now.

Chart 8C: Hero Archetypes: Orphan. The orphan archetype is still active within your energy field.

I highly recommend the book: “Awakening the Heroes Within”, by Carol Pearson. This is a transformative book and is helpful in understanding your inner archetypes, and especially, turning the orphan into a high-level functioning archetype. From Pearson’s work, here are the qualities of the Orphan archetype:

v Goal: regain safety

v Fear: exploitation, victimization

v Response to Dragon/Problem: powerlessness, wish for rescue, cynical compliance

v Task: Process pain and disillusionment fully and be open to receive help from others

v Gift: Interdependence, empathy, realism.

Here are Levels of the Innocent:

v Shadow: Cynicism, using the victim role to manipulate the environment

v Call: Abandonment, betrayal, disillusionment

v Level One: Learning to acknowledge the truth of one’s plight and feel pain, abandonment, victimization, powerlessness and lost of faith in people and institutions in authority

v Level Two: Accepting the need for help being willing to be rescued and aided by others

v Level Three: Replacing dependence on authorities with interdependence with others who held each other; developing realistic expectations.

Excerpts about the Orphan archetype: “Children who are emotionally orphaned are not cherished, nurtured or guided and do not feel emotionally or physically safe. … having lost faith in authorities or in God, the orphan often reaches deep within to a place of desperate courage to leave the situation that could kill their spirit.”

“The gift of the orphan archetype is a freedom from dependence, a form of interdependence and self-reliance. We no longer rely on external authority figures, but rather learn to help ourselves and one another.”

Chart 4: Programs, cast of characters. Inheritance, past life. There are many layers of meaning I could go into in explaining this chart. The main thing I am being shown is that one of your primary goals as a soul in this lifetime is to break the inherited pattern of the “authoritative tyrant” relationship between father and son.

Chart 31: Memory Clearing. This is the final chart. I am receiving confirmation that your soul is showing me the “root cause” of your issues and challenges. These related to the archetype of authoritative tyrant and your process of orphaning yourself in order to escape that pattern and to create a different reality for you and your sons and all generations that come after.

Now I’m going to do the part where I “channel” which means that I put aside my ordinary consciousness and access spiritual consciousness through an energy referred to as the “Ascended Masters”. This is essentially an aspect of the Divine Mind. It exists within all of us. I have been in contact with this type of consciousness since age 13 and have been honing this ability to hear the “voice within” for many years. When I do this work, it often comes through as a group of beings, so I use the term “we”. Also, as I tell people before I do this, only accept what is true for you. I don’t have any special powers or talents. I simply offer what I hear as my service to you and if it doesn’t ring true, simply chalk it up to an “interesting experience.”

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 25th, 2008 at 7:58 am and is filed under Karmic Healing, St. Germain, The Ascended Masters, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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October 27, 2008 posted by administrator

“Your physical being carries Living Soul Keys which has the potential to heal the earth”

The Healers Service Credo

Question: What is the purpose of my trip to South Africa? In answering this question, Master Kuthumi is answering the General Question, what is my purpose on Earth? The following excerpts from a private reading contain seeds of Wisdom that pertain to all of our journeys. Kuthumi addresses how we can use the POWER of our consciousness to heal ourselves and the earth, he offers the Healers Service Credo, and he talks about Eternal Balance.

Sanat and Venus Kumara chime in to provide a brief overview of the difference between “pristine darkness” and “conscious darkness” and suggest why fearing and working to annihilate the dark, is a mis-perception.

The I AM Presence of Master Kuthumi suggests that your purpose on this journey is multi-faceted. Healing is about consciousness. One often begins at the self, and then expands healing energies to ever-widening circles until the Truth of being in Service becomes apparent and clear. You are a healer of many, not only in your practice as a medical professional, but as a world server. In order to serve at the level that you are being called, one must have Experienced, at some time in your vast soul history, the energies of persecution, of racial subjugation from both sides and of many other things. We have stated before that your soul is very wise. Every experience of this lifetime, in the Now, leads you to this moment in time, to this journey of the Heart and the Dark Creative Inner Womb so that you may clear blocks in the second chakra, not only for yourself but for the Many.

What does this mean?, you are asking. We will affirm that in Intention, one has the ability to heal by the Presence of your high self and soul. In Intention, as a server of Light, you may walk the same places of earth and heal discordant patterns that have been locked in the earth grids for centuries. Now, we understand that this may seem strange or even improbable – but we must appeal to your knowledge and wisdom as a physician of the subtle energy system of the human body. If you were, for example, to consider the earth as a living body, and you would see where dis-ease is present, you may notice that there are symptoms of illness stemming from the bladder and kidney meridians. This may manifest as dysfunction in the creative life center of Earth, in the continent of Africa. Not only is there likely to be an imbalance in the entire autonomous nervous system, but there will also be the psycho-emotional aspect of deeply ingrained fear, lack of decision making capability and diminished moral character.

The suppression of the indigenous peoples of South Africa and the extended race conflicts have much to do with the blocks in the earth meridians which were greatly amplified in the 1500s when the invading Europeans created imbalance in the earth’s bladder and kidney meridians. The cultural clashes created great disharmony. Further deepening the energies of discord into the earth are the continuing deep earth mining practices in South Africa which have been done without regard to the sanctity of earth, without gratitude and with the destruction of many human lives.

All of these things are related as well as the entire panoply of disease and population devastation on the African continent. As healers, we begin with the Intention to Serve. We proceed with Knowledge-Wisdom. And we facilitate healing with Love. As you, (X person) who has lived and walked in many mansions in Africa, walk upon the Earth meridians – you are the equivalent of an acupuncture needle. Your physical presence, (which of course consists of your entire energetic and ensouled being) is an instrument of the Divine – we often refer to incarnate souls as the Transducers of Divine Energy. Your physical being carries Living Soul Keys which have the potential to heal the earth.

By walking in Intention of your sacred purpose in Africa, you are the release point of much cultural and racial suffering – “How can that be”, you ask? “I am only there for a short period – why is this task not given to some indigenous people, to someone who will have a greater and longer term impact?” It is precisely because you have the Intention and Knowledge-Wisdom of your greater purpose that you are being called to Serve. You have lived several critical lifetimes in Africa so that you know, to the depths of your being, the origin of the suffering, -so that when you walk upon the sacred healing places of the earth, by Intention you Serve. All people of Africa are called also, for in intention and love, great things have been accomplished by few.

The work is not complicated at all.

All you need do is to state from the Heart, with feeling and Intention:

The Healers Service Credo

In Service to the Earth: my Presence sends healing to the places that are blocked.

In Service to Humanity I affirm: I acknowledge and I forgive all aggressions, all cruelty and all ignorance.

In Service to Planetary Evolution: I acknowledge that Love is restored to the areas of the second chakra of Africa (or any other area you are called to assist in healing).

I offer my service from my heart, and my eternal soul,

for I have lived and died here, and here I return to Serve.

I am a living testimony to the endurance of the soul, the fortitude of the Spirit and the potential, now actualized, to emancipate what no longer serves the greatest good,

so that all may move forward in the spiral of ascension.

I am here to restore light to the second chakra of Earth

(or any other chakra you are working on).

I am here to Heal.

I come here to Love.

In the name of Divine Service, so be it and so it is.

What occurred on Earth in order for you Now to be called to Heal her Holy Body?

(We are now joined by Sanat and Venus Kumara) Indeed, over 2.5 million years ago, the Earth was considered a forsaken planet in the cosmos. There was an over-abundance of darkness and interference and a lack of interest on the part of the cosmic hierarchy to rehabilitate the planet to Love and Light. Being involved in creation, my Beloved Venus and I went before the Ain Soph Aur Council (Limitless Light) and asked for an assignment of re-creating Light from conscious darkness. You see, this is a very different activity than that of creating from pristine darkness. The pristine darkness is the center of creation from whence all things manifest. This is the sacred womb, the dark earth from which springs new life. Conscious darkness is that place where incarnate and spirit beings have made a choice to associate with less-than-light and manipulative forces of negativity. When incarnate beings allow themselves, through lack of awareness of their creation abilities, to be manipulated by “unseen” forces, without the counter-balancing of dedicated lightworkers holding open the field of Truth, great demonic energies become manifest in lower dimensions. Great imbalances occur which impact the energetic fabric of all beings.

We will tell you that the Infinite Creator creates from both Light and Dark. There is the mystery of creation, the Dark feminine womb, and there is the brilliance of creation, the Light of the Sun. All things are created in balance – even creation is created in balance. Do you understand this? Light-dark, male-female, yin-yang, yes-no. And to further complicate this we will tell you that the duality energies are an illusion!! For transcending the duality is the Trinity – symbolized by the Triskele. What is the Trinity of Light-dark? It is Love. What is the trinity of male-female? It is Love. What is the trinity of yin-yang? It is Love. What is the trinity of yes-no? It is also, Love. It is not “maybe”. It is Love. All things may be restored to Love through the balance of Light and Dark. Even conscious darkness may be restored to Light.

How does one balance light and darkness you ask? Not by seeking only the light! Not by fearing the dark! Not by putting your own limiting conditions on what you will and will not be open to do, to be, or to experience! Not at all.

One balances light and dark precisely by utilizing the great gift of the Infinite Creator of All:

Unconditional Love.

What have you been told our fellow Servers of the Way? That Love heals all things. What is darkness? It has many manifestations, but ultimately, our dear ones,

Darkness is the lack of light, the absence of love and the acceptance of fear.

That is all.

No more. No less.

So then how does one balance? By creating more fear, more lack and more absence? Not at all. You know:

Balancing light and dark is to Serve in the Way of Love.

It means that you accept the darkness without pushing against it. And by entering into it, in Love, you alchemically manifest Light into the darkest of all places. This is the Reality of Unconditional Love: conscious darkness has no power in the Presence of Unconditional Love. Absolutely no power.

The ascended masters invite you to open to a new level of being, that of conscious relationship, where suffering and struggle no longer need to be part of the contract – where contracts in fact, serve no purpose –for all healing and balancing takes place in the energy of Love. When one soul looks into the eyes of another and says: I understand, I remember, I forgive – great gifts open into your Reality. And above all, when one can say;

“I love you, for all that you have ever been and will be,

to the depths of inner light,

I understand, for I have been with you in many mansions.”

our dear soul in Light, one heals the World.

We bless you on your journey and thank you, in gratitude, for your service to humanity and to Gaia, the ensouled planetary Being, who is healing her second chakra with a rainbow of light:

Kuthumi, the Kumaras and Many Masters

This entry was posted on Monday, October 27th, 2008 at 8:16 am and is filed under Archives, Karmic Healing, Teachings of Kuthumi, Teachings of Sanat and Venus Kumara, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. Kuthumi & Kumaras on Healing Service to Gaia* Conscious Channel « The Great Awakening Says:October 29th, 2008 at 11:53 am[…] Kuthumi & Kumaras on Healing Service to Gaia| Ronna Prince| Conscious Channel […]

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October 28, 2008 posted by administrator

The Masters Hilarion and Birgit of the Celtic Isles, address the New Scorpio Moon and Samhain.

New MoonSamhain Bonfire

We welcome you on this morning of the New Moon in Scorpio, on a day of 111. 10-28-28 is a powerful day to remember why you came here and what you are here to do. It is time to allow a breakdown of all things that are delaying your full emancipation and emergence into the New World Order of Balanced Interdependence. To fully enter this Galactic Family, you must break up old patterns and beliefs. We are inviting you to:

Embody the Way, the Truth, and the Dark Whole-Eternal Light.

(222 calibration)

If you have been feeling increasingly accelerated, your soul is actively participating in the breakthrough which is greatly amplified in this dark moon time just before Samhain.

This acceleration takes many forms, depending on your own energy makeup: agitation, insomnia, worry, doubt, paralysis of will, stirring up of old challenges and issues, re-emergence of addiction patterns, fear of annihilation, lack of foundation and grounding and fatigue-malaise. The accelerated energy can also take the form of peace, deeper relaxation, heightened awareness of the signs and symbols in your life, intense feeling of connection to everything and everyone around you, tears of joy at the smallest of things, and great bellyfuls of laughter as you allow yourself to emerge from the veils that have surrounded the earth for many, many centuries. Do not judge any of your experience, for it is all divinely orchestrated by the Cosmic Conductors.

The energy accelerations are preparing you for a great unfolding of a number of events. Among one of them is the Return of the Cosmic Family of St. Germain. (111 calibration) We believe that you understand who these beings are and further, that you know you are them and they are you. Who are the recipients of this long awaited event? All of you who trust enough to surrender to Divine Will, to let go of egoic control and unbind yourself from fear.

In this time of intense alignment, whatever contracts you have made, anywhere in your soul history can be broken up in spiritually aligned consciousness. Whatever agreements and vows you have entered into under the veil of illusion and ignorance, may be broken apart. Whatever dis-eases you have brought into this Now may be broken down in order to restore your Divine Blueprint. Whatever wrongs you have committed or have been committed against you, may be forgiven. We enjoin you, our friends, break fast, break fast, break fast. You have been thirsting and hungering for connection and it is upon and within you now!

Samhain ignites and burns in bonfire ceremony, all things that you are ready to let go of. Samhain is on 11-1-2008 – 111-1, a day of 4, which indicates new structure in the midst of chaos. Are you consciously creating your life? If so, take this interval between the darkness of the New Moon and the fire light of Samhain to write an epistle on what you are letting go of; in the bonfires of Samhain, send your epistle into the fire for emancipation and celebrate the Emergence of the new archetype of the New Age, the Inner Healer.

You are all apostles of the Cosmic Healers,

worthy of writing an epistle to all of humanity.

Will you keep silent the voice of your Inner Healer who knows, by Divine Right, what you need to end this cycle of chaos and repressed energy? Or will you risk everything (while risking no-thing) and declare to the One Eternal Soul, that you are embracing your True Self, True Soul and True Purpose in the World?


from L. epistola “letter,” from Gk. epistole “message, letter,” from epistellein “send to,” from epi- “to” + stellein “send.” Specific sense of “letter from an apostle forming part of canonical scripture”.


O.E. apostol “messenger,” from Gk. apostolos “messenger, person sent forth”. Fig. sense of “chief advocate of a new principle or system” .

You apostles are the chief advocates of the new order. Remember, WE (and many Masters) are calibrating your energies by the precipitation of vibration into your soul essence. The 110 htz frequencies open you to spiritual attunement, and the 111 and 222 frequencies are clearing your systems if you choose to open to receive the connections to the 111 crystal grids of Trinity.

You may wish to state: I AM/WE ARE

a p o s t l e s   o f   t h e   c o s m i c   h e a l e r s
1 7 6 1 2 3 5 1   6 6   2 8 5   3 6 1 4 9 3   8 5 1 3 5 9 1
  Total   1st   2nd
      Reduction   Reduction
Total # 111   11-1   3
Vowels 49   13   4
Consonants 62   8   8

(Note: Q = 8 in numerology.)

In the Aura-Soma system of Color Therapy for the Soul, #49 is called the New Messenger, and #62 is Great Inner Teacher, Maha Chohan. Maha Chohan is an inner teacher of the High Heart. We have long identified the New Messenger as Melchizedek, King of Righteousness whose blessing brings forth prosperity for the sons and daughters of New Jerusalem.

As is written in the Dead Sea Scroll numbered 11Q13, Melchizedek will proclaim the “Day of Atonement” . This day, At-One-Ment, is coming fast. Heralding the advance of this Day, is the Return of the Shining Ones. The Shining Ones are 144,000 beings seeded into earth’s grids to break through the veils. They have been among you for quite some time and are reappearing in greater and greater numbers. These are what you call orbs. Each one can multiply itself by 12.

You will see them in the Fires of Samhain, as the dark whole and eternal light combine into a Fire Fractal of Free Will.

f i r e   f r a c t a l   o f   f r e e   w i l l
6 9 9 5   6 9 1 3 2 1 3   6 6   6 9 5 5   5 9 3 3
Total # 111
Vowels 41
Consonants 70

The Shining Ones come to remind you that you are never alone, that we are all one and that dark and light are balanced in the Heart of the Divine. Sing with them, play with them, dance with them, for they are the joyous heralds of the Cosmic Healers.

Fire Wheel by Virginia Heinen

You have not had full possession of your own free will for eons of time. You have been under the veils of illusion and ignorance. The time of veils (evil, devil, etc.) is fast coming to an end. Go into your sanctuary with your own Inner Teacher, write your epistle, emerge into the Fire Fractal of Free Will and Rejoice, for the New Messenger will proclaim the Day of Atonement and that time is coming very soon.


Master Hilarion and Master Birgit.

Master HilarionLady Master Birgit

Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/epistle (accessed: October 28, 2008).

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 at 12:44 pm and is filed under Archives, Teachings of Hilarion, Teachings of Melchizedek, The Ascended Masters, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “Hilarion & Birgit| Cosmic Healers Return| Ronna Prince 602-788-1082”

  1. Janet Says:October 29th, 2008 at 5:41 amWow! Powerful discourse! We have been feeling this for a long time, but particularly in the last week. We are on fire!Thank you for sending, Ronna, and thank you for the work that you do.Blessigs,

    Janet and Paul

  2. Wanda Says:October 29th, 2008 at 10:19 amThank you, thank you, thank you, Ronna, for expressing on behalf of the Masters so well their message to all who are guided to read and feel it today and upcoming days. So many of us have been feeling these changes and our messages to others around us are reiterating exactly what the Masters said here. We are ONE in Love and Light. Magical heart blessings to all!
  3. Margaret McGill Says:November 5th, 2008 at 12:01 amWhat wonderful encouragement for these challenging times! The pictures are absolutely beautiful. Thanks for being the beautiful messenger that you are!
  4. Michelle Says:November 5th, 2008 at 6:31 pmRonna, thank you for the powerful lesson and instruction. The ceremonial and life-changing release was a true gift. Blessings and love from Michelle

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October 30, 2008 posted by administrator

We welcome you on this day of 10-30-2008, a day of 5, the Hierophant.

Master KuthumiPallas Athena

I AM the Master Teacher Kuthumi, master numerologist and world teacher on the ray of love and wisdom. I AM here with my partner, Pallas Athena to formally introduce you to the Shining Ones, beings of great wisdom and intelligence who are revealing themselves in ever greater numbers into your plane of existence. Ascended Master Teachers are appearing now in balanced male and female form. It is no longer the case that male masters are predominant in the teachings of the Wisdom Schools. It is no longer the case that the Hierophants are from the male dominated “Brotherhoods”. The Divine Feminine is returning in balance. We are showing you this balance by bringing out the full and complete energies of all Wisdom Teachers in Balanced Interdependence. Lord Melchizedek will address all beings on 11-11-2008 with his Divine Feminine Counterpart, Lord Malkuth. Together they will speak about the Return of Christ-Nada Consciousness and the Divine Feminine in co-creative equality with the Divine Masculine. Today, we show you the integrated beings, the shining ones, for they are inviting you to go deeper into your own spiritual journey, to the heart of your own truth, to the activation of your own Divine Mission.

Shining One

(This image is the creation of Visionary Artist, Jim Rayner. Image used by permission.) Jim’s website: http://www.journeytospirit.com.htm

You may interact with the Shining Ones by centering the image on your computer screen and then moving yourself around. This animates the being within the image and he/she may begin to speak to you. The Shining One moves, breathes and speaks. Open your heart to receive the message below, and then open your heart to receive your own message.

I AM the Shining One of your creation. I am not your creator, for the Creator is Love. I am the Guardian, known as the Shining One of your Moment of Creation. I am the Shining One who has watched your souls come into beingness out of nothingness. I was there at that One Moment and I still watch over your souls, now expressing separately but forever joined to the One. I am the guardian of your One Cell. Its spark is protected in my energy sphere and it is of my antahkarana. It is sacrosanct unto you but I am the One Cell guardian.

“The Antahkarana” is, above all, the bridge of consciousness. It is the result of the interaction of the life with the form, with substance, with matter; that produces something entirely different. We call it “consciousness”. We can also call it “the Christ Principle”. It is the process of evolution itself.

I am both male and female. I am the Shining One. When you awaken to your True Self, I appear through the medium of a Meta-Artist; The Meta-Artist is more than a “medium” but is a messenger from the stars who has gone to his core, has faced his own Soul in stark truth and has chosen to return to Serve those who are awakening in their own Service to the One. His work is to re-open you to the Meta-Memory of your Moment of Creation so that you know the beauty and perfection of the I AM/We Are.

I watched over you as you made the choice to split apart from Unity and to go into creation to experience the vastness of this multi-verse. I saw this expression and from that moment to this, I have held you inside the infinity of my beingness. You separated and entered into isness, the state of experience in which all souls garner great wisdom. Your separation and your reunion occur both within the image of the vesica pisces that the Meta-Artist so gracefully shared with you from his heart:

vesica pisces

The Return to Moment of Creation is the integration of all streams of consciousness, all connections being re-membered and all experience being re-structured to the Divine Blessing of the One:

In great darkness, the I that is We , gave birth to You in Love.

Into great light you emerged, whole and complete.

In perfect Unity you spun your filaments of Light into the cosmos,

just as do the I that is We, who create.

In great wholeness you existed in the cocoon of creation

Until that Moment when you chose to expand into the vastness of All

In the vesica pisces, one became two and the wings of your souls

Spread in hope and soared away in different directions.

Over and over through eons of time you have moved apart

And you have come together.

Again and again you have spun your light filaments together

to enliven the dark wholeness

Now, the time has come to weave the tapestry of dark and light together

For all those who join you in the Return to Moment of Creation.

In this moment, there is Only Love. In this moment, you are One again.

In this moment, I AM –We Are Free.

Thank you for your continued dedication to cultivating your own inner teachers on this path of Remembering all of who you are. In Love and Wisdom Namaste, Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 30th, 2008 at 10:20 am and is filed under Melchizedek, Teachings of Kuthumi, Teachings of Melchizedek, The Ascended Masters, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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November 12, 2008 posted by administrator


We welcome you on this gateway day of 11:11-2008. Speaking on a very important formula of ascension is Lord Malkuth of the Divine Feminine. I AM the Divine Feminine counterpart of Lord Melchizedek. He is well known in the circles of spiritual seekers. At this time, I am not as well known. But the time of EMERGENCE of the Divine Feminine is upon us. I, and all my Ascended Sisters, will be making our selves much more known in the days ahead.

For every male ascended master, there is a female master of equal power and love that has stayed behind the scenes out of necessity to wait for right timing of the emergence of balance. That time, 11:11, is now. There are so many Master Female teachers, many more than Lady Nada, Lady Portia, the Marys, Pallas Athena and Kwan Yin. These few are well known and have courageously stood forth through the centuries to remind us that the female is pure and wise and whole (not polluted and stupid and incomplete-made from a male rib…) We will be introducing you to Lady Dechen, the Tibetan Master Teacher, Lady Amerisis, the Master of Light, Master Kamisis Bey, Master of Absolution and many more.. for We are Returning in this, the millennium of MM (or Mary Magdalene. In Roman numbers, M = 1,000. MM = 2,000).

ILord MelchizedekMalkuth

Divine Feminine: artwork by Pamela Matthews,


I AM the co-equal partner of Melchizedek. He is my partner in light and in the whole darkness. We come together to present to you this key or formula of ascension.

The I Am presence of Malkuth exists symbolically in the 10th Sephiroth or circle of the Kaballah, called the Kingdom, bringing Heaven to Earth. The 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life encircles the Power of Accomplishment and Realization of the Divine Plan. My co-creative partner, Lord Melchizedek, symbolically exists in the 1st Sephiroth, Kether or Crown which encircles the energy of Supreme Consciousness, the Divine Plan itself. Kether is located at the top of the tree of Life (#1), Malkuth, is located at the bottom, (#10). 10 +1 =11, the combining energies of alpha to omega, beginning into full manifestation without end. We are the keepers of the Divine Plan and Realization of the Divine Plan. This full circle requires balance between the masculine and feminine. Without one, you do not have the other.

Tree of Life

Our topic is presented with the intention of opening your consciousness even deeper today; some of you find yourselves now in a place of limitation and lack. Limitations are often rooted in not being able to see beyond the veil of forgetfulness. On this powerful day of transition, we present to you a topic that may assist you in removing another part of the veil. Very simply, our topic is gateway, gift, giving and gratitude.

Gateway, gift, giving, gratitude

These are the keys that unlock the ascension gateways and portals.

Many people channeling the ascended masters will speak about gateways, portals, and accelerations. They suggest that the Ascended Masters open these portals for you. They suggest that the portals are somewhere “out there” on some plane of existence which is beyond your own conceptualization. They have to open it for you because you don’t have the ability to really see and know where these are and what they are about. Some say, “well, it’s all about energy and energy is limitless – so whether a portal is out there or a portal is inside, whether an acceleration is happening on a planet or a plane – it does not really matter. “

What we are here to speak about today is that it does matter where these gateways are and it matters on an individual level for each and every one of you. The portal, the acceleration, and the key that opens all of this, is in your own heart. The gateway opens not just on one specific day but on any day when you make a choice to open your heart. The gateway stays open or shut by your choice: when you choose to open your heart, you enter into the place where real healing occurs. When you open your heart, you say “yes”. Practice this if you will, with your heart open, and experience the shift Now:

“ I say yes to myself,

I say yes to the divine,

I say yes to the whole spirit within me.”

We present these discourses to you on these opportunistic days because more of you are looking for answers and expecting to receive. You are receptive now. In fact, we do speak on each and every day – on a very large basis for anyone who is asking. And We, in the excarnate realms, speak in many ways. (By excarnate, Malkuth means those beings in the non-physical planes of existence). We speak through your own voices and your own truths . We do not speak only from the exalted realms and retreats of the Great White Brotherhood and the Great Dark Whole of the Celestial Sisterhood. (Aha! Yes we exist in wholeness.) The gateways and the openings we communicate through are much more available because so many of you are asking and expecting to receive. We do not withhold information until 11-11 or some other day, but it is on these days of expectancy that you are open to receive the gift of consciousness.

Let us proceed: There is no reality, no such thing as an activation by an Ascended Master. There is an opening within your own hearts that we bring into the conscious level of your awareness . This opening is the real choice point for all of you. My partner, Lord Melchizedek has said: To ASCEND, Your hearts must be open. I say to you: You must create the gateway opening in your own soul, through your heart.

However, you often wait until someone tells you “Oh! The opening is there –NOW you can go through the doorway”. You believe this is true because an Ascended Master or some teacher or guru or someone channeling some other consciousness tell you this.

What we say to you on 11:11 is that the gateway

will always open if you choose to open your heart.

As one wise teacher Master Kuthumi says, there are really no days that are more powerful or better than others. There is simply the choice that you may make every day, every moment, in every second of in time, I open my heart to the wholeness within me. What does this mean? because this is the key –the gateway is within you – not just on 11:11, or 11:12, or 13 or 14 or 2008, 2009 or 2012, the gateway is always inside your heart.

Well! why is it so difficult for you to simply walk through that gateway with your own being? Because you still feel fear that you will suffer – you still feel it is important to shield yourself. And most of you do this energetically at the level of the heart. You shield yourself from potential harm. Why? Because you’ve had a vast experience in this plane of existence; you have experienced many things here on earth. But the place you are acting from, is from the limitations of past suffering.

The deep suffering that we are talking about Now is different than the suffering you are identifying with. Spiritual suffering is based on not giving yourself the gift of connection to your own heart, the hearts of others, the heart of Gaia, the Heart of the Creator. Why do you do this? because you believe it is more important to protect yourself from potential harm, than it is to open your heart to receive the great goodness that is around you in each moment of time. (Some of you are saying: “No, I don’t do this.” We are not referring to what you think – but to your actions… reflect on this further as we go along… )

So, out of fear, you have locked your heart down, you’ve locked your own portal to ascension . Well who has the key now? Does an Ascended Master have the key? Does some guru have the key – Oh! When you’re ready, this guru will appear, correct? Does some teacher who knows more and who is better informed than you have the key? Can a Master Teacher really tell you when you are qualified and ready to open your own HEART CENTER?

You already know the answer to this question – you have the key. The key is in your heart. The key is in your own willingness to own it, to really mean it, say it, believe it, see it, act it, do it, breathe it and touch it.

I open my heart to receive the great gifts of the divine.

You are wondering: “If I open the gateway within me, does this mean on occasion I might experience a deeper level of pain? Does it mean on occasion that I may have more awareness of the suffering that exists in this world?” Well, what did Sananda say on this topic of suffering? He said: “There will be poor always suffering in the world.” Who are the poor? It is the poor in spirit who really suffer the most. This is why he also taught the lesson that it is easier for a cable to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven. (Note, the word “camel” is a mis-translation.) Literally, he meant that it is easier for an innocent child or a person who does not have the burden of material possessions and material wealth to find the Kingdom within. Why is that? Because those things often provide the foundation of distraction and identification with the gold on the exterior world. The true gold exists within you. The inner gold is the key that unlocks this gateway – the gateway to your own soul – to your own portal in your own heart. The portals are not out there. The key to the portal, to the Kingdom, is within you.

Now, if you choose, let us move into this gateway that does not exist anywhere but within your own heart.

If you choose to follow this experience, you lead yourself NOW into that place that you have previously been led to believe exists somewhere outside you and in the future. The more you look on the outside or to the future, the longer it takes for you to find the truth that the gateways, the portals, the activations are all within you.

So touch your heart in this moment of time if you choose to experience rather than to simply read.

Touch your heart if you choose to activate your own gateway of ascension.

Touching your heart, you can feel the Divine because you are the pulse and the pulsation of the original energy that brought you into this place of existence right now : Love

Touch your heart and feel your heart beating with your body. With your feet planted firmly on the floor, make that connection with your heart and the heart of Gaia, the ensouled planet that supports you and billions of sentient life forms. Make that very deep connection between your heart and the heart of this planet.

Now, feel the opening that occurs. If you wish, imagine a golden doorway inside your heart. On that doorway, there might be a keyhole and above that, a handle. As you are touching your heart – take the key in one hand and put that key right into the lock and feel how easily it opens.

See the golden doorways open inside you, into the temple, the sanctuary of your own soul. 11:11 the symbolic gateway pillars, are inside of you.

What is there when you open that doorway in connection with your heart and Gaia’s heart, the living breathing soul of the planet ? What is there is LOVE, Our beloveds, Love.

We must remind you of a fact that so many of your have forgotten:

You have loved far more than you have suffered.

This encompasses all of your soul’s multitude of experiences. If you believe in your suffering, you experience more of the same. If you believe in the fact that you have in the vastness of your experience, known love in vast proportions – you bring the same energy from the inner gateway into the outer experience of your life. You bring in the nourishment of love and you open to the enrichment of your entire being.


To know love is to know I AM

Now, with your heart embraced by your own hands, know the I AM. For this is where the I AM exists in core form – inside this golden doorway of your heart. It has been there all along.

Allow yourself to move deeply in and through these golden doors.

When you are inside this place, you see something very beautiful. You feel it, you experience it, you touch it, you know it – simply allow yourself to go through it right now .

Feel yourself inside your own heart in this place of golden light – golden light of the “I AM LOVE”.

This experience is available all the time. This is how you were brought into existence: the Creator expressing divine creativity into form, which is “I AM LOVE.”

On this day of 11:11 and all the days to come, feel, say and know:

“ I love myself as I am. I am enriched within. I AM Love.”

Is it really all this simple ? Yes and no! The gateway is within. It is the inner place where you choose to go, and there, you can feel and touch and know this beautiful golden inner illumination. But there is one additional activation that we will describe in a moment.

First, know that the theme for all of 2009 is inner illumination: I am love.

You can give yourself a very powerful gift right now. That gift is the gratitude for being here and for opening your own inner gateway . The gift that you move into then – is this remembering to touch this place of I AM LOVE.

You don’t have to wait for some Ascended Master or any other being to open that portal or to tell you that on this day the Councils or any other grouping of consciousness can do something for you.

We can do nothing for you that you are not willing to do for yourself. This is the truth .We can do nothing for humanity that humanity is not willing to do for itself as a holy body of wisdom. But when you open your heart we can do everything, because you are then open to receive. The “everything” is the gift that you give to yourself when you let go of fear.

Give yourself permission to enter the kingdom of heaven on earth right now .Give yourself the gift of remembering that divine creation that exists within you, that you are already whole.

We must bring this into the symbolic level of your lives. This is the next activation that you must choose to do for yourself.

We ask you: Where is it that you are giving? Where is it that you gift your soul’s energy, LOVE into the world? What are you doing to spread and to share the great gifts that you have been given by the Divine? For holding back from giving, creates a place that keeps you locked in the smallness of fear and scarcity.

So many of you do not give the gift of Love to the fullest of your capacity. So many of you are still resonating from old wounds and places of hording love within your soul. In this way, you are not open to receive the greater gifts because you have locked your own doorway to the outside world. Locks serve to keep energy in and to keep energy out – they work both ways at all times.

We are enjoining you to give the greatest gift that you have received yourself from the creativity of the Creator which is Love. So for example, when you feel that the people in your life are not paying enough attention to you, or that you are neglected, this is a very simple and strong indication that you are not giving of yourself to the fullest of your capacity. If you find yourself in resentment, in anger, and in frustration , there is one way out of this inner prison, which is to give the gift of love.

You often forget this. You wait for love to come in through your doorway and you then say: “Ah! Now I might participate and share the gifts that I have.” What do you know in spiritual consciousness? You know this approach is backwards. For when you feel frustrated, neglected and left out – the only way to open that door is to give of yourself.

Let us suggest that you open your heart to give the gift of love right now – that you do not wait.

Let us enter into that place of giving. Let us open our hearts and in this one moment, we gift our love to all those who are suffering in the world. We give the gift of our compassion to all of those who are in need . We open the doorway of our heart and we give the gift of sharing.

Love is a river. When we open our hearts to gift our love into the river of humanity, what we’re really doing is very powerful service. It is not just an idea or words. We are giving the gift of love to all those who are open to receive. We can bring that river of love, that confluence of the divine, to each and every person on the planet. Some people have their hearts, their gateways, so locked down that they cannot receive that which is around them and that which we send to them. Nonetheless, we send our love to every person on the planet, even if they are shut down to the gift of receiving. In sending our love, that love sits right there in front of them and behind them, enveloping them in the gift of conscious love.

In sending our love, perhaps a serendipitous event may occur to create an opening in their hearts. This occurrence, may offer an opportunity to them to make a different choice – The choice to open their hearts to the abundant source of love that you and we have gifted and sent out in this moment. Your choice to love and act of loving might be just the occurrence that opens their hearts to a different direction.

During these last few weeks of 2008, you will complete the powerful endings and new beginnings we have been speaking of all year. “I open my heart to a new direction: I find the strength to be who I am.”

The only one that opens that gateway and that portal to a new direction is you. We have activated nothing at all .. you have actively chosen to go into that place of inner illumination right now. Inner illumination in 2009 is part of the theme that Master Kuthumi will describe and discuss in the next few weeks. He will share with you the vibrations and frequencies of 29 and 92. He will share the leading energies for the coming year of 11. Or, you can move into those energies right now! You don’t have to wait for 1-1-2009, another 11:11 day . We can bring in inner illumination right now. Inner illumination is a 92 word vibration. What is inner illumination? It is light, it is wisdom, it is gnosis – all frequencies that resonate in word vibration at 29. So open your heart for this new direction right now! Do not wait. The portals and activations are there every moment.

If you wish to have more abundance in your life – not only financial –but also abundance of relationship, and abundant connection to your fellow human beings here on this magnificent journey with you — you must stop hording the love of your soul – the gift that you can give to the fullest in every moment. Open your heart and give that gift now (the second activation!). What is it that you have to wait for? For someone to be in front of you to say “I love you” to – here take my love? No! you don’t wait! You say: “Here I give the gift of love, I share with everyone my gratitude.” Because if you act in ingratitude for all those beings who are willing to help and assist you, (because you deem that they have not done enough, or that people don’t pay enough attention to you ) – you then close that doorway right back down inside your own heart.

Instead, you may choose to open your heart to give the gift of love. You many choose to be grateful to have the capacity and the wisdom to do that now.

“ I am grateful for those people who hold me in their hearts.

I am also grateful for every experience that I’ve had in my life, because these have brought me to the moment of now – the only moment for change.

I am grateful to be alive on earth at this exciting time of change.

I am grateful to be on the planet.

I am grateful to have the ability to focus on these things of spiritual importance.

I am grateful for each and every person in my life.

I am grateful to have the wisdom to know that what I experience on the outside is just a reflection of that which is within.”

In this way, in gratitude, you can make a choice to change. You can choose something else if you’re not happy with your exterior circumstances. How do you do this? Do you judge yourself and everyone around you? Often that’s what you actually do. How do you move out of that place of lack or limitation or something you do not like? You say “I choose love. I choose love in the right here and now .” You choose love and then you GIVE LOVE. It’s not enough to say it. There TWO parts to the whole, just as there are two teachers, one female, one male, sharing this with you now.

So if you feel neglected or abandoned or frustrated or lacking somewhere, open you heart now – and say: “ I choose love- I am grateful to be here.” And then ACT on it!

You keep your doorways shut when you say “I don’t want to be here on earth because it’s too hard – I want to go back home to the world of spirit.” You keep your doorway shut, because the truth of the matter is that you are already home. The more you want “home” to be somewhere else, the more you keep that doorway not only locked but padlocked with chains. Those padlocks and chains are of your own making. We cannot take those chains off for you! How do you move out of that place of constriction? You must make a choice to give. You acknowledge the gift of being here. You accept the wisdom of your soul and you enter into gratitude – because you have loved far more than you have suffered.

If you find yourself in lack right now, be in gratitude even for that, because that’s the lodestone that guides you home. “If I am in lack, what is it that I am limiting or lacking within myself?” It is very simple, you are not loving yourself and you are not sharing enough of your love with others. “Well, how do I take the steps to change the situation? Do I simply say “I love myself” or can I do something ?”

You can give a gift and that actual gift giving can be the starting point again for you to concretely express your love rather than simply saying another affirmation. Lots of the affirmations that you have said, haven’t created real change, have they? Why? Because in addition to affirmations, you must back these by an active choice. Action. Act-I- ON the choice to love.

Today, give a gift to someone from your heart. It can be given to a total stranger or some close to you – it can given be to someone that you have experienced as a thorn in your side, perhaps a family member that you have been disconnected from. You can open your heart and you can give the gift of love today -11-11-2009 or any day at all. With that gift, you keep the gateway open in both directions! In and out of your own heart and in connection to your own soul. Give the gift with gratitude and see what happens. Do this experiment and use this experience as your own teacher.

Many of you say: “all the masters talk about is love, love, love without a map or a pathway.” Well, we are giving it to you right now! Give someone a gift even if it is to go on your internet and gift $5 to some organization that is expressing heart centered leadership in the world. Give someone on the street a small token of kindness. Give someone a compliment. We believe that you can all do so much more than this, but begin with the beginning, with one small thing. As you do that with your heart open, saying: “I am grateful to be here”, observe what happens next. Because when you open that gateway out, you re-open to the river of connection with humanity. Instead of feeling frustrated, alone and neglected, you (by your own activation, by your own choice) feel connected and compassionate . You feel the kindness of your act in every single thing around you.

You open the gateway in and out our beloveds, we do not. We simply assist you with the consciousness of knowing how to go down this path. The key and the doorway are in your heart. The pathway always leads back to your heart. Your thoughts have created what you see in the outside world. Your thoughts have created disconnection and separation. The law of confluence is different than the law of attraction and says this:

the heart builds connection –

love creates the bridge for you to walk over and

compassionate connection in service to others creates abundance for all.

Give yourself the gift of opening your heart to receive. Give others the gift of your love. Cross that bridge with the Law of confluence:

“The more I give, the more I am receiving.

The more I love, the more love comes to me.”

You must open that gateway and that portal on your own because we cannot do it for you. Rest assured however, once you walk through the gateway, the gifts multiply, the giving nourishes and enriches your soul within and your life without, and the gratitude abounds.

In gratitude and in great joy for the openings in your hearts, we are pleased to have presented this teaching to you on this morning of 11:11.

The Truth is that the gateway is within you.

The activation is your willingness to give and receive the gifts of love that you have in your life and to do this in gratitude. This opens you to the divine that is within you in every moment of time.

Love within you. Peace be with you. Gratitude for your whole spirit.

Blessings from the Heart of the Divine.

Lord Malkuth, the Divine Feminine

Lord Melchizedek, the Divine Masculine

© Ronna Prince, 2008. All Rights reserved. You may copy this article in its entirety with full attribution to the author and her website: http://www.consciouslightchannel.com

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 at 10:43 am and is filed under Melchizedek, Teachings of Kuthumi, Teachings of Melchizedek, Teachings of Sananda. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “11:11 Gateway-Gift-Giving-Gratitude| Divine Feminine Emergence|Ronna Prince Conscious Channel|”

  1. Margaret Says:November 15th, 2008 at 6:07 pmRonna ~ The 11:11 has come up so much for me lately. I see the number on the clock “11:11″, I see the numbers flashing on the DVD player “11:11″… and I see the connection with the feminine.

    I have just visited with the Quantum Masters this past weekend….and all is about love, embracing it, embodying it, being one with it.

    Despite the physical lessons for me at the end of October surrounding security in my life, I’m seeing (and feeling) the step beyond this through breathing and through knowing with all my heart that we are loved…and can love in return.

    What beautiful ayni (reciprocity).

    In Peace,


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December 12, 2008 posted by administrator

12-12-2008 Declaration and Discourse from Lords Melchizedek and Malkuth, the Divine Progenitors of Humanity’s Ascension.


We welcome you on this day of openness and fullness. The Gemini full moon this evening is at perigee, or its closest point to earth in the last 15 years. Just a few weeks from now, the closest orbiting body to your planet, the moon, will be at apogee, the farthest point away from earth. To experience, see, feel and know this movement and shift, is to know what is happening in your world now.

Full Moon

Volatility is defined as “a tendency to fluctuate dramatically”. Volatility is the current condition of your world now. You are experiencing shifts in full polar opposites from apogee to perigee, in rapid fashion. This is what is occurring on every level of your reality now. We have only to look at the macrocosm and the microcosm to see the connections: stock market, oil prices, family discord and reconciliations are in full swing volatility.

Now, in the moment of greatest illumination in 15 years, you are able to see clearly. Those things which are resonating with falseness and self-motivation, are being made clear in this full moon. Deception and greed, avarice and falsity are revealed in the public eye.

The topic of our discourse on this evening 12-12-2008 is thus “What should I do?”

In the greater scheme of things, you have all been and done all things. You have all been in darkness as well as in great light. You have all experienced and or/been participants in great good as well as great destruction in the lives and livelihoods of others. What is the period of 14 days calling from the depths of your soul?

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We welcome you on this gateway day of 11:11-2008. Speaking on a very important formula of ascension is Lord Malkuth of the Divine Feminine. I AM the Divine Feminine counterpart of Lord Melchizedek. He is well known in the circles of spiritual seekers. At this time, I am not as well known. But the time of EMERGENCE of the Divine Feminine is upon us. I, and all my Ascended Sisters, will be making our selves much more known in the days ahead.

For every male ascended master, there is a female master of equal power and love that has stayed behind the scenes out of necessity to wait for right timing of the emergence of balance. That time, 11:11, is now. There are so many Master Female teachers, many more than Lady Nada, Lady Portia, the Marys, Pallas Athena and Kwan Yin. These few are well known and have courageously stood forth through the centuries to remind us that the female is pure and wise and whole (not polluted and stupid and incomplete-made from a male rib…) We will be introducing you to Lady Dechen, the Tibetan Master Teacher, Lady Amerisis, the Master of Light, Master Kamisis Bey, Master of Absolution and many more.. for We are Returning in this, the millennium of MM (or Mary Magdalene. In Roman numbers, M = 1,000. MM = 2,000). Read the rest of this entry »

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We welcome you on this day of 10-30-2008, a day of 5, the Hierophant.

Master KuthumiPallas Athena

I AM the Master Teacher Kuthumi, master numerologist and world teacher on the ray of love and wisdom. I AM here with my partner, Pallas Athena to formally introduce you to the Shining Ones, beings of great wisdom and intelligence who are revealing themselves in ever greater numbers into your plane of existence. Ascended Master Teachers are appearing now in balanced male and female form. It is no longer the case that male masters are predominant in the teachings of the Wisdom Schools. It is no longer the case that the Hierophants are from the male dominated “Brotherhoods”. The Divine Feminine is returning in balance. We are showing you this balance by bringing out the full and complete energies of all Wisdom Teachers in Balanced Interdependence. Lord Melchizedek will address all beings on 11-11-2008 with his Divine Feminine Counterpart, Lord Malkuth. Together they will speak about the Return of Christ-Nada Consciousness and the Divine Feminine in co-creative equality with the Divine Masculine. Today, we show you the integrated beings, the shining ones, for they are inviting you to go deeper into your own spiritual journey, to the heart of your own truth, to the activation of your own Divine Mission.

Shining One

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 Trinity Alignments 2009 and Beyond

We welcome you on 12-21-2008. We the Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena.

Today is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. On this shift point between lengthening and shortening of light and dark, we are suggesting that you consciously embrace the Master Trinity alignments that are occurring now and into the next four year period through December Solstice 2012. The alignments are related to opening doorways at the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels. The more you are consciously aware of what is occurring, the greater will be your capacity to flow with the changes rather than struggle to understand them. This is why we are dedicated to instructing you about reconnecting to the creation-power of master numbers/ trinities and the form behind structure.

First of all know, that the trinity is a sacred covenant of connection from Infinite Being to all expressions of form that emanate from Infinite Being. Trinity is the creative connection between: Mother-Father-I AM. When you feel this in your heart, then integrate it into your mind, your soul becomes emancipated to creatively express the Will of Infinite Being. These three things are the creative principles that move in all manifest form: 1 -Mother, 2 – Father, 3- I AM.

There is an elegance to the Master Plan for humanity and all earth inhabitants. This Master Plan does not end at 12-21-2012. It goes far beyond this. What do we call this Master Plan?

Eternal Earth Emancipation

The Vision and energy of this movement has been set in motion long before the times you live in now. The Plan has been long in the making is now being realized as each of you awaken to your full potential. The portals and doorways are opening from within and without as Earth aligns with the greater cosmos, creating harmony, balance and beauty.

We will point out to you two aligning dates and times so that you can see BEYOND 2012:

2012 December Solstice date and Time: 12-21-2012 TIME 11:11 GMT

2018 December Solstice date and Time: 12-21-2018 TIME 22:22 GMT

(Source: God, Times reported by the U.S. Naval Observatory)

You are all aware of the seeding into your reality of the 11:11 alignments. You are seeing this symbol of opening doorways in many forms. You are also seeing 12:12, a symbol of a larger plan being worked on or completing. 12:12 is a trinity alignment with the 33 number indicating Mastery of Spiritual Teachings. We want you to become aware of how powerful these alignments are, by showing you the overview of the 11:11 AND the 33 progressions through the December (12) solstices. You will begin noticing alignments moving to 22:22 as the Plan progresses. Master number alignments enter your consciousness as a way of indicating Profound Progression. (The numerology of Profound Progression = 111.)

Below you can see the progression of days based on simple mathematics. The solstice days move from 7-8-9 numbers in 2008, 2009, 2010. Then, because the 2010 solstice occurs on the Master Builder day of 22, the next two solstices are both encoded with 11:11. There are patterns of alignments occurring on many levels that go beyond simple arithmetic.

Dec. Solstice Days Sum of 1st Reduction Sum of 2nd Reduction
12 21


3 3
3 3
12 21


3 3
3 3
12 21


3 3
3 3
12 22


3 4
3 3
12 21


3 3
3 3

You are aligning into a year of 11:11 on 1-1-2009 or 1-1 (29/11). All year of 2009 is an 11 year, a profound choice point for all of humanity. It is a year of gateway consciousness opening. The numerology of the first day of every year gives the leading energy for the entire year. 1+1+11 = 13. 13 in tarot is the archetype of Death, signifying a transition from one state of being into another. The purpose of transition, from a spiritual perspective, is to experience a shift in consciousness, which then leads to a new foundation. In this way the 13 becomes 1+3, or 4, the number indicating foundation and structure.

The choices all people will be making in 2009 are related to creating a new structure and foundation in a world where the infrastructure is crumbling. This does not mean a global catastrophe but simply a movement towards greater harmony. This new harmonious alignment occurs by PEOPLE rebuilding in conscious choice, new ways of connecting and honoring the greater whole, rather than old institutions which served personal aggrandizement over the collective good. For example, religious institutions that hoard wealth rather than share it to benefit people on a broad scale, will continue to lose membership, and will continue to be exposed at the structural core to be based on personalities rather than the Eternal One Soul of Love. Individual and group spirituality based on the principles of loving, sharing, opening doorways and opening hearts will continue to grow and expand.

The doorways are continuing to open more and more each day. The timing and synchronicity of the 12-21-2012 December solstice indicate the Trinity Alignments that are progressing:

12-21-2012 = 11

Time of the Solstice in GMT 11:11

11:11:11 = 33.

Thirty-three is the Master Spiritual Teacher number, and it is the Master Number of Healing.  The doorways and portals open wide on the 2012 December solstice as an inpouring of light aligns into the Earth from the Galactic center as well as from the central suns of two additional galaxies that are aligning on the galactic ecliptic. The inpouring activates the full expression of the Crystal Grids of Trinity all throughout earth. Balance and healing occurs on a massive scale, resulting in Healing of Earth Karma for all who are open to receive.

The Eternal Earth Emancipation is a balancing of Eternal Light and Dark Whole, the Gold of Wisdom and Healing, the Blue of Divine Will, and the Silver of Illumination of the Light Network of Ascension. The inpouring and outflowing of energy that is occurring and increasing in the earth grids opens each human heart to the Essence of all things, which is Love.  In this way, you will feel and know and see the essence of each individual just as you feel and know and see your own essence. There will be no doubt in your heart that you are connected to All.  There will be no more confused thinking that you are alone in the cosmos. There will be no fear that there is a malevolent force in the universe. There will be the Truth of Creation pouring into all hearts, and that is Love. In consciousness, you do not have to wait for this date. You may do it now, on this Solstice by opening the doorways in your own heart to and connecting to the heart of Eternal Earth Emancipation.

Beyond this 2012 shift of exponential proportion are further alignments and connections. For the 6 year period after the December 2012 solstice, (3+3 years) you will be adjusting, attuning and aligning into this new world. Then again on 12-21-2018, another alignment of mastery occurs at the December solstice at 22:22 GMT.  Perhaps you can intuit where we are leading?

2018 is the NEXT year of 11.  2+0+1+8 = 11.

You must understand and incorporate Master numbers to fully appreciate this alignment.

11: Initiation. Gateway consciousness. Mastery of Spiritual Intuition

22: Integration. Master Architecture of New Foundation

33: Inspiration. Master Spiritual Teacher. Master Healing

44: Incorporation. Master solidification of Structure.

55: Investiture. Christ Consciousness imbued into each human’s consciousness.

At 22:22 in 2018, a year of 11, the Master Spiritual Teacher (33) emerges in each one of you and is made manifest on earth. 22:22:11 = 55. Investiture of Christ Consciousness.

This is encoded into your cosmic consciousness. This is the profound progression that you are all aware of. 11:11; 12:12: 33: 22:22: 11: 55: and beyond.  You must begin at the beginning and celebrate the opening of 11:11 doorways. Allow the profound progression to move through you by conscious choice. In this way, in 2018, you will experience an even more powerful alignment: A return of The Cosmic Christ within you.

As I, Kuthumi, lived and taught in Crotona as Pythagoras, I still uphold the concept of my teachings that there is great value in understanding number:

1-“Τà όντα εισìν μιμήσει των αριθμων”

2-“ Τà όντα  αριθμοì εισíν “.


1. The universe exists by the imitation of numbers.

2.  All things are numbers.

What we reveal today, is that there are no more secrets.  The Master Plan moves through alignments with Master Numbers.

Enjoy this day of longest dark/longest light. Know that both are within you, wherever you reside. Know that the alignments that are occurring are Masterfully planned. You are part of this plan, your awakening to full Spiritual Mastery is aligning.

You may choose every day to open your hearts to the alignments, to rejoice at being here now and participating in the Master Plan being made manifest on earth.

Peace be with you in these times of change.

Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

All rights reserved. Copyright Ronna Prince 2008. You may link to the article or reproduce it in its entirety with attribution to Ronna Prince and http://www.consciouslightchannel.com

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December 29, 2008 posted by administrator

Kuthumi’s Lodestar Foundations

Part 3 of Lodestar Foundations

An Introductory 111 discourse for the Anthology of Ascension: Love

This is the final installment of the three part discourse from Kuthumi on Lodestar Foundations. Kuthumi has outlined a six part formula he associates with the Eternal Lightness of Being.  The formula is repeated below. The total numerology of the formula plus the word “Love” correlates with the sacred canon of number, 1,296. (For reference, please see John Michell’s, Dimensions of Paradise.)

Kuthumi’s Lodestar Foundations (=111):

  • Until you look within, you live without.
  • When you look within, you are able to go without.
  • When you go within, you begin to clearly see without.
  • When you live within, you finally let go without.
  • When you let go without, you enrich within.
  • When you enrich within, you are all right within and without.

Continuing on 12-28-2008:

Let us assume that you have taken this time to look within; you have found the places of your soul-ar substance, the lodestones that shown you to Way to your soul’s evolution. You have found and practiced some simple and yet profound ways to nurture yourself; you are ACTING grateful to be here and you are connecting your inner and outer worlds with great synchronicity of vision. You have made the core-conscious-connections to within and without, on an individual and a collective basis. You have activated inner and outer transformation.

Having done this, you understand that you are going without the need to experience something that you have already done somewhere in your soul’s vast history. You are thus, progressing into the second half of the formula for the Eternal Lightness of Being. Let us Proceed:

Part 4 of the Formula: When you live within, you finally let go without.

This is the keystone of the Lodestone. When you let go without, you re-connect to God within. You live in a place of Eternal-INTERNAL Love. You are no longer afraid to open your doors and your heart to others. Continuing to LET GO is the critical element to both part 4 and part 5. You must let go of misperceptions, misbeliefs, mistrust, misunderstandings between your self and all others, and misconceptions of the divine as separate from you.

The divine is in everything. When you hold onto judgment that this is divine and that is not, you are living without sacred vision. You are living without the sacred embrace of eternal truth.

Let us give you an example of living without. This very example comes in a reader’s response to the first part of the Lodestar Foundations. You have all experienced this judgment and you have all, at some time, judged others. Connect to your own heart as you read this, send compassion, send only Love:

Comment from a reader on 12-4-2008:

hello you treehugging nutjobs, you take every religion on earth and blaspheme God by trying to merge them together. trying to make sense of things only God will be able to explain at his return, a noble feat which you will get lost in. it is a shame you have lost your way.

Read the bible as your source of solid information, build upon all other info in making sure its in accordance with God’s word if you wish to stray to knowledge it does not contain. the very statement that all religions lead to God is blaspheme to the scripture. Return before it is too late.

We have very great compassion and gratitude for this follower of the Christian Bible who took the time to express the judgment in his heart and soul. We, meaning all teachers of the Divine, have great love for those who resonate in judgment and fear. Judgment and fear teach us all many things. They teach us where we are out of alignment with the very teachings we ascribe to. Judgment and fear teach us where we are living without connection. They teach us how to let go of “without” in order to re-connect “within” the One God.

Within all judgment is the need to be right, thus proving others wrong. Within all judgment is duality and intolerance. Within all judgment is the need to hold on to a belief system that is narrow and limiting. Within all judgment is a deep fear of not being all right within. Thus we judge self and soul as being “without” God.

One of the most profound teachings of Christ, Jeshua ben Josef, that is still close to the original Aramaic words spoken by this Divine Being is this: “Judge Not, lest ye shall be judged.” He did not say: “Cast aspersions upon those who do not believe as ye believe. Cast stones into the hearts of those who embrace the Divine in a different way than ye.” He said there is One God and One God is within each divine expression of the Holy Image of God. You are the Word made Flesh, the Holy Logos. Read source translation and that is given.

Live within the Sacredness of each moment, and you will let go of the need to criticize and blame others who may think differently than you do. Let go of the need to blaspheme which in essence is the action of name calling as seen in the comment above, to those who are Divine Images of God. Do you see the connection our Beloveds with the Creator? When you blaspheme or name call one another, you are taking the Holy Name in vain. What you are doing in essence is projecting your own fear of being wrong onto others in an attempt to assuage your own fear of unworthiness. This fear is nothing other than holding onto old beliefs. This fear is nothing other than a holding onto lack of love for yourself.

When you live in core conscious connection with the Holy Logos that is within you, you let go of the need to judge, to name call and to blaspheme self and others. You let God into your heart and soul to fill you so completely that all you send to others, no matter what they are proclaiming, is Love, just as the first commandment to Love God with all thy heart and all thy might. If you would like to practice this, take a few moments of your time and send only love to the person who wrote the message above. Express your compassion for someone who thinks you are lost and misguided. Do not attempt to make a point of right vs. wrong; do not attempt to persuade; do as Jeshua did, Love. Do more, if you choose and put this expression of Love in a written comment below. Send love and live within the Holy Logos. Act on this. Send only love.

For you see, if ever you have been in a position of criticizing and judging, you too have been asking for love and for forgiveness. All it takes to alleviate your fear is this: Ask for forgiveness and it shall be given. Ask for compassion and you shall feel it. Ask for understanding and it shall be yours. It is never too late to find the way back to the Lodestar of your soul, the God that created all things and thus, that resides within you. Use the example of criticism above, and let go without. Let go of the need to judge this person as wrong or less than. Let go of criticizing and blaming yourself so that you may find peace. Live within that place of peace and eternal balance in such a profoundly deep way that you Send Only Love. Do this for others. Do this for yourself. Do this for the entire planet that is letting go of heaviness and lack. I am letting go without, I am living and loving within the Heart of God.

This is what it means to live within.

Part 5 of the Formula: When you let go without, you enrich within

When you truly let go without the need to judge and criticize, your every moment becomes imbued with richness. The richness we are referring to is richness of spirit. Go within and feel the Gold that is the Presence of God. God is everywhere! God creates life and light that is never extinguished. To feel the Gold within is to access the truth that you were created from Love, the moving energy behind all things. The energy that set all creation into motion, the E-Motion, is Love. The richness that is within is often the very thing that you fear. “I am the Creativity of the Creator. I am an expression of the Divine.” This is so and in being so, your richness within then calls to be expressed in the creativity of your life and your purpose. Make a core conscious connection to your purpose and be grateful for your ability to know that which is within.

So many of you fear the expression of your full soul purpose that you continue to block its complete manifestation. You must let go of self criticism and judgment and enter into the potential of possibility. The greatest possibility of your incarnation is that you so love your Creator and your soul created in Divine Image that you heal from all things. The external richness that so many of you seek in a secret, does not manifest without because you will not let go of your own judgment and criticism. The richness is within you and is not a secret in any way. It has been revealed through many sacred texts and in the sanctity of your own existence here and now.

What is the richness that you contain within?

It is first and foremost your capacity to love.

Next it is your willingness to let go of directing the outcome of how Divine Will manifests in your life.

Third, it is your experience for it has brought you into this moment , the only moment for creation and change.

Fourth, it is your capacity to serve others from the heart.

Fifth, it is the Truth that you are forgiven, for the Divine has given you the fore-giveness of your path and your experience that gives you the ability to choose this path.

Sixth, it is the freedom to change.

Seventh, it is the Breath of God that surrounds and fills you with richness in every moment

Eighth, it is the Internal “I AM”, the connection to the sacredness that is I and Thou and You.

Ninth, it is the light and the darkness that is becoming Whole again.

Tenth, it is the Infinite Heart that embraces all there is.

Eternal richness of spirit

The internal richness is an abundant wealth of creativity;

when you align with this richness and let go of fear, judgment and doubt, solutions come from within you, synchronous events manifest without to signal alignment and you begin to feel the Flow of enrichment moving in a current through all aspects of your day.

Part 6 of the Formula: When you enrich within, you are all right within and without.

Part 6 of the formula flows very easily from the preceding teachings. When you feel, experience ,know, embrace and accept the internal richness, you become aligned with Divine Will. You no longer yearn for things and status and certain outcomes. Your outer and inner worlds align and you are in the Eternal Lightness of your Being.

You have found the Lodestar that guides you home. Your burdens have transformed to the teachings that transform you into the place of Eternal-Internal Balance. 2009, an 11-2 year is a Choice point for humanity. Make the core connection in consciousness. Choose only love, send only love, and the richness that is within, becomes the balance point without.

Blessings and peace in these final days of 2008.

I AM Kuthumi,

Know who you are and Rejoice.

In peace and joy,


Holy Spirit

Copyright 2008 Ronna Prince. All rights reserved.  You may forward this article in full with attribution to the author and her website. Thank you.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 29th, 2008 at 5:54 am and is filed under Teachings of Kuthumi, ascension. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Kuthumi’s Lodestar Foundations| Part 3 of 3| Ronna Prince Conscious Channel”

  1. Lisa Avila Says:December 30th, 2008 at 9:23 pmhappy NEW Year Ronna

    Love and peace, Lisa

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January 13, 2009 posted by administrator

When you don’t have the answers..

Master Kuthumi and Master Pallas Athena, please advise us on what to do in these times of change when we feel confused and don’t know what to do.

kuthumip athena

We welcome you on this day of 1-13-2009. There are so many of you who are living in the midst of great personal turmoil right now. For some of you, it feels like the limbo of indecision, for others, it is the dark night of the soul. For others of you, it is a time of initiation, a time when you know are you being prepared for something greater than what you are currently engaging in. Thus, it is a time of uncertainty. You are all seeking answers to very important questions. And when you do not “have” the answers, rest assured, the Answer has you! IHVH (=29) (the Latin tetragrammaton for the name of God.)

We know humanity is the middle of a great shift of consciousness when people stop asking the little “I” questions and enter into the larger I AM. Little “I” questions sound like this: “When will I meet my soul mate? How do I attract more money? How do I get a better job? What is going to happen with my health?” Big “I AM” questions sound like this: “I am willing to serve humanity. How do I proceed to follow my deepest and truest soul purpose? I AM feeling uneasy and uncertain. How do I move more deeply within to find inner peace? I AM struggling to let go of expectations and control. How do I let go and thus, reconnect to the divine?”

We are recommending that you shift your approach to these questions and thereby let go of the need for immediate answers. A massive shift in energy is ongoing and is accelerating. You know this because you feel it and you are living it. There is not one specific date on your calendar which we can point to and say “this is the date to be aware of”, this is the time to anticipate and to prepare for.

There is a great deal of allure and interest in several dates on your Gregorian calendar, most prominent of which is 12-21-2012. Our comment is this: What about 2-20-2009? Or 6-22-2009? Or 10-11-2009? These are interesting dates if one is calculating the Mayan timing in agreement with those authorities who have deemed this to be the “time of the sixth day”, the 360 day period of flourishing of consciousness which began on 11-13-2008. In this calculation, these aforementioned dates are important acceleration points of the 100th, 222nd and 333rd days of the 6th Mayan day. If you subscribe to this dating system, then 12-21-2012 does not mean anything at all because the end date by this calculation is 10-28-2011. By this account, you will have already moved through a shift of great proportion if there is such a thing on any one day. If you believe that the Mayan calendar was based on an “end-time” calculation of 12-21-2012, the calendar just shifted into the 5th night of the Mayan cosmogony (meaning that 1-11-2009 was the 360th day of the Mayan 5th day.) What about another earth grid calibration on 9-10-2009 (9-10-11)? Will you wait for that to fire your own passion and purpose? If you live by the Chinese calendar, we are approaching the New Year of the Ox, based on the new moon cycle, of 1-1-4706 (OR 4707 depending on “beginnings”!) Our point is not to confuse you with alternate calendars, but to remind you that it is not a date-certain that is determining your path. It is your approach and your level of consciousness that will guide you EACH MOMENT into the future. Your known path is past. Your unknown path is before you and is assuredly planned.

What is the approach that we are asking you to shift out of, an old way of being, and move into, a NEW NOW? It can be summed up in one word: Assurance. What is the way of the old? Insurance. You see, insurance plans are no longer working very well for human society.

Health insurance does not keep you healthy, life insurance does not keep you alive, automobile insurance does not keep you from car “incidents” and umbrella insurance does not keep you from getting wet when it rains unexpectedly. Now, we understand that the insurance industry has very real function in your reality. It employs many people and it gives consumers (who are people) a sense of planning, preparation and a safety net in the event of the unexpected occurrences. What if you were to live without insurance? Think on that or feel into that for one moment if you choose to open to a deeper level of Assurance.

In the realm of spirit, there is no such thing as insurance. There is no insurance simply because there is no need for insurance. There is simply the assurance that your soul will eventually move into a higher plane of consciousness. It is simply a matter of timing, will and surrender. Some souls choose to move into these planes more slowly and some choose to move forward in greater acceleration. There is no such thing as a “Soul Race” or a Spiritual Olympics! Ah! you may ask: Are there not 5 races of humanity or 12 tribes? What purpose does classification and competition serve? It gives people who are insecure, a feeling of belonging to a tribe or a nation. It gives you insurance that if you just try hard enough, someday, you may win. Well, what if all Beings “win” by being part of the creativity of the Creator? Then “win”, transforms to One, the Essence from which All emanates. If you are All One, then what is the purpose of differentiation or competition? This is perhaps an entertaining play words AND a very profound play in reality creation!

In the potential shift of 2009, one of the vibrations of consciousness is the word “Assurance”. By Pythagorean numerology, a-s-s-u-r-a-n-c-e EQUALS 1-1-1-3-9-1-5-3-5 and that, our friends in light, added together EQUALS 29! 2009 is the year of Great Assurance for those of you seeking answers and the answer is this:

Infinite Creator Being has not forecasted an end- time in your world to annihilate creation in the days to come.

The increasing obsession with end-times and end-dates is a reflection of inner lack of assurance and outer manifestation of insecurity. Hence, the requirement of insecurity, in the logic of the mind, is the acquisition of insurance.

What does assurance really mean at root and at base? The original meaning of assurance comes from the Latin root base “Sure”. Sure, means this: Yes, Certainly. Or having no doubt. What if (or when) you are called to serve and your answer is “Yes, Certainly”. Then you will have no unanswered questions. You will have no need of soul insurance.

There may be a very powerful reason why President-elect Barak Obama will not be successful in his campaign pledge to create “national health insurance” within the first few years of his administration. We understand that this is a very important topic in creating greater equity among people and access to health care. However, in the days ahead, the issue that all people will face together is one of creating new foundation so that people connect to each other, rather than stay in the current condition of disconnect.

What does this mean? It means that if you feel that you do not have answers for yourself, surrender into divine assurance that you are being led into connection with others in your community. With others you are being called to create intimate levels of assurance so that none of you is ever alone in human form. We envision a time where you will no longer hear in the “news” statements like this: “I didn’t want to get involved… I was too afraid to interfere…” as a response to a tragic ending of someone’s life. There are many of you reading this who have the real experience of becoming more intuitive, more perceptive and more aware of what is happening around you. If you have a feeling or premonition that someone needs assistance, please follow your guidance and your heart and CONNECT to people. C-O-N-N-E-C-T equals 3-6-5-5-5-3-2 which equals 29 also! Rest assured that is it in connection that humanity will heal its collective Heart ache of isolation.

Rest assured that when you CONNECT to another person, you provide them ASSURANCE of community and support, of love and willingness to be there in the time of need. Please, get involved, follow your heart. Trust in Divine Assurance that in the days ahead, you will all have more and more opportunities to give and to receive. Do not be afraid, for there is Assurance in the greater plan that will create the bridge between heaven and earth.

We do not underestimate the power and intensity of these times. You are supported in many ways. When you do not have the answers, know that you are being called to go deeper into surrender and assurance. When you do not know what to do, please ask for assistance and be willing to open to receive it. For in this we can assure you, in asking you will receive and in receiving, then, you are replenished to give.

When you do not know the answers, indeed, we enjoin you to pray and to meditate.. to practice positive thinking and affirmative statements. But most of all, when you do not know, Know this, it is in the connection of the heart of one to another that you will be renewed to serve, to give, and to be the light for others. When it is a time of darkness and uncertainty for yourself, rest in the assurance that you are loved and that you are receiving the support and guidance that you need to move forward into 2009 and beyond. There is no ending. There is only beginning. Rest in the assurance that all who are open, will move into the Quantum Leap in Conscious Love that Aligns us all on the Bridge of Heaven and Earth. Rest assured that this connection is real, it is true and it is the Answer to your questions.

Peace be with you in 2009 and beyond


This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 13th, 2009 at 4:29 pm and is filed under Teachings of Kuthumi. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “When you don’t have the answers… |Kuthumi addresses Assurance| Ronna Prince conscious channel”

  1. Eulinda Ogiste Says:January 13th, 2009 at 6:13 pmThank you Ronna for this very beautiful and timely message on Assurance/surrender and alignment with divine will.

    “There is simply the assurance that your soul will eventually move into a higher plane of consciousness. It is simply a matter of timing, will and surrender”.



  2. Donald Backstrom Says:January 13th, 2009 at 9:54 pmThank you Master Kuthumi for I am truly feeling the divine heart in your words. Thank you Ronna for your capacity to bring forth such a message of truth and assurance. I am looking forward to the time when the heartache of humanities isolation is filled with the love of the divine.

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January 25, 2009 posted by administrator


Retrace-Renew-Reunite: 101: 43:58. 101=11 + Day of 9 = 20.

We welcome you on this day of 9, completion of Ascendency in your and our conception of Creation cycle. 9 Levels of the Cosmic Temple, 13 periods in the world of 6 nights and 7 days. 20 kin in the sacred month. In the Mayan calendar, this is the 73rd day of the 6th day in the Galactic cycle of 360 day counts . You are coming full circle. We have been walking in front on you, but now, we the Mayan Timekeepers and the Mana Dream Weavers, begin to walk beside you as you retrace your steps in sacred land, as you renew your hearts in celebration and joy, and as you reunite with the Cosmic Family of All Energy Within, the AL-E-IN.

I AM Pacal Voltan, Mayan Timekeeper, I am Ix Chel, Mana Dream Weaver.

(Note: all numerology references below indicate the total letter value of words, followed by the value of the vowels and next the value of the consonants.)

Pacal Voltan Mayan Time Keeper: 111: 44-67

Ix Chel Mana Dream Weaver: 111: 43: 68


Sisters of the Maya – Daughters of Isis- Mothers of Lemuria

Servants of Shakti and Sekhmet – White Buffalo Women – Grandmothers of the Moon Maidens

Remember who you are and why you are here:

Return of QuetzWorld prayer

Photo Credits: John Ross MacKimmie “Return of Quetzalcoatl” and http://2012info.ca/

You have come to reawaken to all that you are, the Gaia Blessing Givers, the ones who tell all the secrets and herald in the time of fractal remembering. In this way, humanity may let go of forgetting the totality of all experience and drop away the postulate that you are from separate tribes and separate lands. You may pass through the portal into the new world. The paradigm shift where all is One and all Essence remembers itself as another yourself. Read the rest of this entry »

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We welcome you on this 444th Celebration of Thanksgiving in the New World. This is a wonderful tradition that we recommend you carry in your hearts all year long. Today is indeed the 444th year of feasting and giving thanks for the bounty and abundance in whatever form it is manifesting. The first feast occurred in what is now St. Augustine, Florida in 1565 in celebration of safe delivery of 600 Spanish settlers to the new world.

Much has transpired in the past 444 years.  Destruction of the old ways, of native peoples’  lives and traditions, of connection to the land as a living spirit, and of European world domination and colonization. The movement into the new world came with a wave of devastation which took down the very monarchs and religious hierarchs who supported the journeys into new territories.

Now, with the perspective of 444 years, we can see the larger vision of community and reconnection that is occurring. In the new world that you all live in now, there is a momentum towards greater respect and reparation, honoring and openness, diversity and self-direction. You live in a time where you can decide how to worship, you can choose to change your life circumstances and you can determine your future by your actions today. Life is no longer dictated and limited by the family status you are born into, the system of worship in your area or even the geographic location live in. You can change your circumstances in ways that were unimaginable just 444 years ago! What you also know by experience, is that major change comes with a time of chaos and confusion. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hope is my way. I trust the process of life.

I AM Master Kuthumi, World Teacher, in Presence with my Co-Equal Partner, Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena is the head of the karmic board of advisors for most of you in the western hemisphere. We are honored to address you on this beautiful day.

We welcome you on this day of New Beginnings. We, the Ascended Masters and the ex-carnate servers of The Way, the Truth and the Dark Whole-Eternal Light, have long held hope that incarnate humanity would move into the New Now, Only Love frequency. That day occurred with a resounding “YES WE CAN”, yesterday as the world and the One looked on and said “This is good”.

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Our soul knows exactly what we plan to work on and experience in incarnate form. We choose where we are going to incarnate, our family, and many potential pathways that may open in front if us as we progress through life. We choose the gifts and talents we may express as well as the challenges and opportunities for growth. As Kuthumi says, “the Soul is inestimably wise, and will create the exact situations that promote growth, opportunities to changes and the potential to make new and more honoring choices in every moment.”

In this article, I will share just how powerful soul consciousness is by looking at the “light body” energies of the Presidential candidates and their running mates as seen through the vibration of their birth names.

This soul-discovery can be applied to anyone who wishes to look deeper into their own sacred self through the modality of color and number.

With just two weeks before the US Presidential Election, it feels like the right time to examine the “Light Body” energies and soul path chosen by the two major candidates and their running mates.This is a big step for me because I am not politically active nor am I opinionated or aligned with “one side vs the other” mentality. I do believe however, that this election that brings in a leader from 2008 to 2012, is a critical turning point for the United States and it role in the world. What I’ll share below is my best effort to be unbiased and clear. I’ll let the numerology of the candidates names and nicknames garnered in early life, speak for themselves.

My private practice as a spiritual counselor centers around assisting my clients to open to a broader and deeper consciousness of who they are and what their soul intention was in coming to earth. I use many modalities to create avenues to deeper self awareness. Among the most powerful, revelatory and confirming of these is the combination of birth name numerology and Aura-Soma Equilibrium. I am a certified Advanced Aura-Soma practitioner.

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Translation Alchemy

Essence of All

The Bridge to Ascension is your consciousness.

The translation of the Language of Love is what carries you across that bridge from one plane to another.

In order to understand Ascension, you must understand Translation Alchemy. In order to understand Translation Alchemy, you must understand Balance. In order to understand Balance, you must be in balance within yourself. In order to in balance within yourself, you must know and understand Love, in order to know and understand love, you must be in the Heart.

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