
Archive for December, 2009


12-21-2009 (numerology of the date: 17/8)

Create Change – Celebrate Love (numerology of this phrase = 107/8)

A warm welcome to all on this solstice day of 12-21-2009, a day of 17/8.  I am honored to share with you the birth of the newest aura-soma equilibrium bottle, #107, the Archangel Tzaphkiel (opalescent turquoise/deep magenta).

Turquoise represents the high heart, or the feeling side of our being. The addition of essential oil of myrrh in top fraction of the bottle represents a shift to a new consciousness and the fulfillment of the promise made long ago by the message of Sananda, or Jesus: Love is letting go of fear. Deep magenta is representative of the earth grids as well as the quantum field of collective consciousness. The combination of these 2 energies is the grounding into this dimension of a heart-based connection for all of humanity. This heart-based connection is the KEY that unlocks the door to the passageway into 2012 and beyond.  The solution to what is occurring in the world today, is to create change by connecting in the heart. It is to enter the Sacred journey of the heart, going within to your own core and from a place of love centered consciousness, to express from the heart to all those you come into connection with.

2009 has been a challenging year for most people. Within these challenges have been many opportunities to examine our choices, our reactions to change, and our ability to truly become creation-able. To be creation-able is to initiate change rather than to simply react to change.  As this year of choice (2009=11/2) draws to a close, you may want to review the past year: what choices have I made?  How have I responded to change in my life? Have I consciously created the changes that are occurring? How may I more consciously create in 2010? What are my goals and my dreams, and how do I manifest them into reality?

The solution to what is happening on earth, the discord, disharmony and dishonoring, is Love. In order to expand fully into love, we must let go of fear.  The phrase, Love is letting go of fear = 107 in Pythagorean numerology. When we let go of our fear, love emerges in its fullness to create the change to a new way of being.

The vibration of 107 has long been anticipated as a sign of deep and powerful change. It heralds the emergence of the deeper aspects of the divine feminine, the watery aspects of creation which are the emotion of love, as well as a more profound understanding of the power of collective consciousness to create change.  This change is grounded in connection to our own heart first, to the collective heart of humanity next and then into the earth-heart.

The Archangel Tzaphkiel is the guardian of the Akashic records, where each soul’s records are stored. As the veils to our full soul consciousness continue to become less dense, many are accessing past lives and the records of their own souls in order to create change in this important time of transition. To create change, a different outcome in an incarnate life, is one of the primary purposes of each person on the spiritual path of self awareness and global connection. In order to create change, we must willingly and whole-heartedly celebrate Love. Part of the theme of this new #107 is Lion-Hearted Love. Lion-Hearted Love is love that embodies caring, courage and freedom. (Caring-courage-freedom = 107/8).

When we celebrate love, we are choosing to focus on the energy that creates connection to each other from the heart.  To celebrate love is to acknowledge all the gifts that are in your life and the gifts that you are offering others.  To celebrate love is to share and to care about all people who you meet, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant the interactions seem to be. To celebrate love is to create change by focusing your intention on the positive and life-affirming aspects of your own life. It is to focus on what is good in the world and to amplify that essence into the quantum filed of creation. This is very different than turning on the evening news and focusing on what is wrong and what is negative in the world.

In this lifetime, you have the gift of freedom to determine your life path, your

Through the essence of word vibration here is a simple decoding of 2009-2010-2011-2012 and beyond to 2013:

2009 (29) = Light, Wisdom, Gnosis – a year of seeing more clearly, of accessing your own wisdom, and of experiencing your own Truth (Gnosis is a direct experience of the divine)

2010 (21) = Peace, Magi, Advent

2011 (22) = Global, Master, Truce

2012 (23) = Home, Core, All One

2013 (24) = Blessing, Truth, Gift

2014 (25) = Heart, Earth, Grace

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12:12 Inner Peace Initiation

We welcome you on 12:12:2009, a gateway to Inner Peace Initiation.

We are Masters of the Quantum Field of Consciousness.  We are conscious Love expressing in the field of all possibility, meaning that we are communicating, as are you, through the wave form energy that accesses the Divine Essence of Creation.   The more you align with original expression, the more you Master your own vibrational field.  All Essence is Vibration. All things vibrate and create a pathway of energy that either amplifies or decreases the original movement. What is original movement? It is the creation impetus behind all manifest matter. We continue to posit that this impetus is a feeling state that may best be described as Love. (see previous blog articles: 3-20-2009 Hologos System)

Dates on your calendar provide a potential for conscious alignment and attunement to vibration. This is why there is so much attention focused on dates such as 9-9-09, 11:11 and 12:12. Particularly powerful alignments through the calendar cycle in 2010 are 1-2-2010, 2-10-2010, 2-21-2010, 10-2-2010, 10-10-2010, 10-21-2010 as well as all dates next year of the 21st of each month.

The 2010 energy, if activated consciously, is all about the Trinity: 2+1 =3. The basic trinity of human consciousness is the Balance of Love-Wisdom-Power.  21 in tarot is the final archetype of the Fool’s Journey, the World or Universe mastered as the Wise Fool understands his true essence, which is the creation-able state of Love.  Equilibrium #21 in the modality of Aura-Soma represents the energy of New Beginning for Love.  The color of #21 is green and pink, the heart charka energized with unconditional love.

So these final days of 2009, an 11/2 year of choice, will set the stage for the Wise Fool’s Mastery of Matter, Essence and Form in 2010, a 12/3 year.  This is not just about 2010, but encompasses the next trinity of years: 2010-2011-2012. The next three years combined, are encoded with the mastery of Trinity: 2010+2011+2012 = 6033. 3+3=6. 33 is the Master Spiritual Teacher essence. It is you embracing yourself as the Master Teacher that you are. Beyond 2012, is the Master Teacher Year, 2013 = 2+1 (3) +3 or the 33, the time beyond the anticipated shift of 12-21-2012. There is nothing to fear in this when embraced with Inner Peace Initiation.

The tarot archetypes of Hanged Man (12) and Empress (3) provide another useful element of consciousness in understanding the year ahead. The Hanged Man is an Initiate who suspends judgment and enters into a new perspective by turning things upside down. Conscious initiations have the ability to alter the field of creation. Entering a year of initiation with conscious intention moves you to the state of creation-ability, the 3 or Empress archetype of tarot.  The Hanged Man (Humanity) emerges as a powerful being of integration if conscious choice is activated. The Empress creates new life from a feeling state of connection, empowerment and Love.


We will provide you with 3 powerful tools to activate now in the final weeks of 2009. These tools will assist you in the coming year to navigate the change/transitions to a higher state of consciousness: creating with the Power of Conscious Love. There is a prerequisite for this activity of 2010, a “Start Code”, if you will embrace it. Without this initiation, the power of conscious love remains just a nice idea, and creating from Love is pushed further into the realm of possibility rather than drawn in as reality.

We set the stage by reminding you that 12-31-2009, is the final of 6 eclipses in 2009: 2 solar and 4 lunar.  12-31-2009 is a partial lunar eclipse on New Year’s Eve which serves as an ending and new beginning. It is an invitation from the macrocosmic trinity of sun-moon-earth to look deeply within, to examine your own state of consciousness and to create your intention for balancing the primary trinity within your expression: Love-Wisdom-Power.

An eclipse is an astronomical event where one celestial object moves into the shadow of another. When the moon moves into the shadow of earth, it creates an opportunity to go within the field of emotions, the inner space of feelings to reflect on your conscious intention.  A lunar eclipse allows you to focus on the inner process and how your soul intentions are translated to action on earth.


On 12-12, we are giving you a “start code”. A Start code is an energy that resonates to 1-2-3, the beginning vibration for all of creation. Using Pythagorean numerology, the translation of our topic, Inner Peace Initiation equals 123! Each letter translated to number and added together create the vibrational resonance of Start Code 123.

Inner Peace Initiation consists of a commitment to three practices.

1)      Meditation

2)      Heart Coherence

3)      Human Connection

The essence vibration of 2010 is PEACE. P-e-a-c-e  is translated to number as p=7; e=5, a=1, c=3, e= 5 which totals 21.  If you consciously cultivate inner peace in the next 21 days, from today 12-12-2009 to the New Year of 21, on 1-1-2010, you will initiate yourself to Peace. In this way, no matter what occurs in what is likely to be another intense year of change and uncertainly, you will be in a state of inner peace.  In this time of transition, you initiate yourself!  The time of gurus or teachers initiating you is over. By accepting this, you create the pathway to Mastery.

To anchor in the power of Start Code 123, we share with you 3 additional word vibrations that resonant to 123:

Love The Way-The Truth-The Life = 123

Sacred Covenant of Divine Peace = 123

Our Quantum Leap in Consciousness = 123

The Tools:

Meditation: You ALL know the important of meditation but some of you are “knowing but not doing”.  This is what is called conscious resistance to embrace the trinity of Love-Wisdom-Power. If you choose to resist meditation, then you choose to embrace the outer conditions in the world as more important than the inner conditions of your creative powers to Master your life.

Meditation is any state of inner focus.  Meditating as your first action in the morning sets the stage for your day to unfold with greater grace and ease.  Classic meditation consisting of letting go of thoughts is only one way. Only 10 to 20 minutes of meditation a day will shift your focus from the outer to the inner, from chaos to calm and from reaction to creation.

We are recommending a Peace Meditation which simply consists of beginning by consciously creating a blue field of energy around your aura. With your eyes closed, imagine the color blue in and around you, permeating your space and filling you with the First Ray of Divine Creation: Will. The Will to Be, the Will to Express, the Will to Experience.

Breathe into the blue space of peace, and simply allow Peace to expand. As thoughts arise, allow them to float into the sea of blue around you, let them go and ground into peace.  If you feel you are in opposition or resistance, meaning “not at peace”, do not energize the “not”. Simply observe it and feel your resistance. Do not push it away, embrace it.  But embrace it from the positive. Rather than energizing “I am not at peace”, embrace, “I am resisting peace.” Allow that to be, breathe into it and accept your resistance.  You will find your resistance losing power as you embrace peace more and more each day. It takes dedication, persistence and commitment.

If you wish to say a mantra, simply try this two syllable translation for peace: Pa-cem.  Pronounced Pa – Chem.  Peace in Latin is pacem. Breath in “pa”, breathe out “chem.” This mantra expands the blue ray of divine will in and around you. It relaxes the mind and entrains the heart to embrace peace. As you intone pa-chem, the energy in and around you softens, it shifts and you will experience moments of peace. With practice, the moments expand into a timeless field of essence: Love.

If you already know about the power of meditation, then do it!  When you do it as a committed practice, your inner world becomes the creation field for the outer manifestation of your reality. To create from peace in the heart! This is one of the transformational Keys to the next there years.

Heart Coherence:

To activate heart coherence is to take the meditative practice of peace into your every day activities. Heart coherence is a state of conscious connection to your heart, the most powerful energy field of the body. (40 6o 60 times more powerful than the brain. Source: Heart Math Institute).  When you are beginning a heart coherence initiative, you may at first wish to create a reminder for yourself, once an hour, to focus on your heart and to entrain your heart to peace by breathing into the heart and allowing your body and mind to relax.  Set a reminder for yourself, a beep on your computer clock or cell phone, which will remind you to focus on your heart and to consciously send the energy of peace into all parts of your body. Quiet your mind from its activities, and send peace and stillness for one to five minutes to your organs, your tissues and your conscious creations.  (note from Ronna, a very powerful tool for this is the Heart Math Institute’s EmWave technology. Visit http://www.heartmath.org/)

Human Heart Connection

The third inner peace initiation is to commit to making a human connection from the heart and to radiate peace from your inner being to the outer world. This is very simple but it takes practice, just like meditation and personal heart coherence! This third initiation is centered on interacting with others from the conscious intention of peace. Commit to doing this at least 3 times day. All that is required is for you to look into the eyes of another person, not from your physical eyes (or your brain’s eyes), but to look at another person from your heart’s eyes.  For here is something real: the Heart Sees! Contemplate that and you will Know much.

How do you do this? Touch your heart or focus your intention on your heart, and take a moment to see another person as yourself.  This is a wisdom teaching of many cultures and traditions. As the Mayan saying goes: In la’kesh or “I am another yourself”.  You do not need to say anything or tell another person what you are doing, simply look at them from your heart and see them as you. Do this in as many situations as possible, at work, at the grocery store, at the convenience store, with your family, your friends, and as many Masters have enjoined you, do this with those you do not particularly like (and often this is the most powerful part of the practice!)  Take this another step and silently say “I love you.”  Say it out loud if you choose, but say it from your heart and you are creating inner peace by seeing with your Heart’s Eyes or the I AM of your Heart.

Some of you say “Oh, well, I like everyone!” Then perhaps you may wish to try this using a public figure who you do not agree with or a person who is being vilified in the media.  Just like meditation, you must try it. If you know the power of it, then do it! One offshoot this active initiation, is that in making this human heart connection, you are shifting the vibrational field of the planet. You are this powerful.  You are creating momentum for the next three years of attaining your own Mastery as the world shifts into a new place of existence. As below, so above! And of course, all things meet in the center, the heart, which is the Organ of Love Expressing.

Begin now. 21 days of Inner Peace Initiations create the movement into the year of 21, New Beginning for Love, the vibration of 21, peace and the essence of 21, World Consciousness of One.

Blessings and peace in these final days of 2009 and

Joyfull expectation of 2010, a New Beginning.

the Quantum Masters, led by Masters Kuthumi and Pallas Athena

Copyright Ronna Prince 2009. All Rights reserved. You may copy this article in its entirely with attribution to the author and this website. Thank you.

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Ronna will present the Opening address at the 3 day conference taking place in Sedona Arizona, on January 15-17, 2010.

Opening Address for the Fourth Annual Gift in the Shift Conference: Transformation – the Quantum Shift Speaker: Ronna Prince, Scottsdale, AZ, Founder, Global Wholeness Corp, a non-profit corporation Title: Global Wholeness, Co-Creating a Whole and Healed Earth Subtitle: Activating the Solution: the Power of Conscious Love that inspires, heals, and unites!

Opening Address – Premise: We are in the midst of a quantum paradigm shift. The shift is occurring right now, not somewhere in the future. It is happening on all levels of reality – from Quantum physics to Astrophysics. From our individual lives to our collective life on the planet. The key to transformation is connecting to wholeness and unity, both on an individual and a global level.

Fact: Everyone is feeling the effects of this transformative and rapid change to something new and different. Fact: Many people are asking “What can I do to make this transformation flow more smoothly for myself, my family, my community?” “Is it possible that I can actually participate on a global level?” (Dali Lama encourages young people to embrace their ability to create global change – 11-29-2009) Fact: As the outer world is increasingly unpredictable and chaotic, larger numbers of people are seeking answers and direction on the inner spiritual path. (Source: 2008 American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS))

The KEY: Ronna will present the vision and mission of Global Wholeness: to Unite Humanity as One Body of Living Love · In order to activate this vision, to inspire, to heal and to unite, we must begin to truly experience the interconnectedness between ourselves and everything else. · When we experience a state of connection, we can then positively serve the shift of consciousness by being in a state of coherence that is heart-based and highly effective at healing and restoring wholeness. ·

As more and more of us learn to activate this power of the heart, consciously loving our whole selves, as a group, we collectively shift the planet to a higher vibration. · The higher vibration of Global Wholeness is one of a healed state, one that is no longer focusing on the perpetual energy of healing, but the effectual state of wholeness. It entails the activity of holding the heart-based intention that the earth itself will move into a long anticipated period of peace and cooperation. ·

To anticipate THIS result in 2012 and beyond is to truly and joyfully participate in the rebirthing of the New Earth! Ronna will present the key to move through the paradigm shift by shifting the paradigm! To create new solutions, we must open to new ways of being and belief, just as Einstien suggested. “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” The fundamental paradigm shift that Ronna is teaching about will be shared in her opening address: the Universe and the impetus of creation, is first and foremost, a feeling state, not a mental one. She will present a heart-opening meditation to spiral into the most powerful center of our being, the human heart. She will invite you to dismantle the teaching many spiritual people have embraced that they must protect themselves from others, energetically, biologically and psychologically.

This state of shielding and protection creates the very situation many are attempting to heal – a sense of separation and isolation. Next she will share the Meta-Laws of Confluence, the state of feeling-heart-love that entrains us to come together as group to create new solutions. The new solutions are inclusive: they honor tradition as well as innovation, stability as well as flexibility and doing as well as being. This meditation and message from the Quantum Field of Consciousness, will set the stage for the weekend-long exploration of Transformation: The Quantum Shift. Entering the Sacred Space of the Heart as a group will entrain us to act as a cohesive body for global change. As Einstien said: “The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking…the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind.”

WORKSHOP! Presented as Part of the Gift in Shift Conference: January 15-17, 2010, Sedona, AZ For full information including tickets and hotel options in beautiful Sedona, please visit, www.stellarproductionslive.com/ Whole Spirit Integration: Living with Peace and Joy. Combining Metaphysics, Quantum Physics and Biophysics for Optimal Balance To Reserse your space in this workshop, CONTACT RONNA directly at rprince32@cox.net Space is limited since this is an experiential workshop!


Ronna Prince, Spiritual Teacher, Co- Founder Global Wholeness Corp, a non-profit corporation aimed at uniting, inspiring, instructing and sharing the movement into Radiant Balance for Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit. Dr. Donald Backstrom, MS, DC, Presenter, Workshop Leader, Co-Founder, Global Wholeness Corp. Sunday, January,17, 2010 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (Price $100) Please be prepared for a possible short hike/walk outside weather permitting.

The Workshop Premise: In the quantum field, we are already whole and completely healed. We also know that we are complex beings with a multiplicity of functions: mental, emotional, biophysical, spiritual and subtle anatomy. To integrate all of who we are is essential in the current environment of acceleration and change. Focusing primarily on mental processes, emotional balance, or spiritual practice, segments our progress towards integration. Dr. Backstrom and Ronna have been teaching that we are capable of deep and integrative alignment on all layers of our energetic expression. They have worked together over the past three years to create a system of whole spirit integration that they call “Hologos System ™: Radiant Balance for Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit.”

The Workshop Instruction: Join Dr. Backstrom, chiropractic physician, clinical psychologist and acupuncturist, and Ronna Prince, spiritual teacher, numerologist and energy practitioner for a full day workshop that will provide you with tools to access your whole spirit and reintegrate the gifts of peace and joy into your energy system. Dr. Backstrom will expand his teaching on self-care using laser-light technology, available for personal use. He and Ronna will address one of the keys to whole spirit integration which is Alignment on all levels of your energy system.

An important component is an innovative expansion of the traditional 7 chakras into a more complete chromatic system of 12. Together, Dr. Donald and Ronna’s research has correlated the full integrated 12 charka system into the 12 physical organ systems, 12 cranial nerves, 12 spiritual bodies, and the 12 acupuncture meridians (and more!). A simple technique to locate your own blocks will be explained so you can become your own master meta-physician. During the workshop, you will participate in a series of meditations aimed at reintegration of your whole being. Creating with Whole Spirit (12) can change your life!

Guided Meditations will be recorded and you will have a personal CD to take home with you. The Topics/Teachings: · A simple technique to locate your own blocks will be explained so you can become your own master meta-physician. · The Meta-Laws of Confluence – a powerful heart-centered shift. · Aquarian chakra meditation to integrate the energy shifts that are accelerating · Wisdom from the Quantum Field that connects the latest developments in science as they apply to consciousness and the process of change-creation · Dr. Backstrom’s 3 keys to well being: electromagnetic health, adrenal function, emotional balance

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August 13, 2008 posted by admin

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008

We began this discourse on the day of 2-8, 2∞8, a day of 1-1 or 11. We complete it on

the day of 2-28-2∞8, a day of 22. We move from 11-Master Spiritual Intuition to 22 –

Master Builder. We ask you to consider: What is the Foundation on which you Build

your New Now? On this day the veils drop from your third eye, if you so choose. On this

day, the heart chambers open to All that is within, including The Heart of Light, The

Heart of Darkness and The Heart of Forgiveness. I AM Sananda, here to present to you

the Canon of Spiritual Atonement.

This is a trinity integration of the triple heart and it is based on the 111 Crystal Grids of

Trinity within your heart, the heart of Gaia, and the heart of God. We, meaning my I

AM Presence, the I AM Presence of my co-teacher, the Master Kuthumi and the I AM

Presence of Buddha, show you through the synchronous resonance of word vibration,

how this fits together to form the Canon of Spiritual Atonement on this day of 28-28:

11. We continue to use word vibration-numerology as the means of substantiation of

these Truths. The Canon of Spiritual Atonement forms a complete circle, 360 degrees of

unification with the One.

Let us begin. We ask you to incorporate the vibration of 111 by understanding the power

of vibrational phrases that equate to 111. This vibration connects you to the Crystal Grids

of Trinity and reconnects you to your own Light Network of Ascension.1

1 For a description of the Crystal Grids of Trinity and Light Network of Ascension, please follow this link

to a discourse on the topic by Sananda on 2-11-2008: http://www.azlivinglight.com/archives_2008.htm

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 1

Canon of Spiritual Atonement

c a n o n o f s p i r i t u a l a t o n e m e n t

3 1 5 6 5 6 6 1 7 9 9 9 2 3 1 3 1 2 6 5 5 4 5 5 2

Total Letter Value 111 = 3

All of the following phrases equal 111 in the translation of word to sacred number:

Crystal Grids of Trinity = 111 = 3

Light Network of Ascension = 111 = 3

Eternal Lightness of Being = 111 = 3

Buddha: All Essence is Vibration. = 111 = 3

Christ: Love Wisdom Power = 111 = 3

Kuthumi: The Law of Confluence = 111 = 3

Symbol from the Order of the Golden Dawn

What is the importance of the 111 vibration and symbol? It is the connecting energy to

the center of all things: the 111 symbol represents the inner awakening to balance of your

own primary trinity of Love-Wisdom-Power.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 2

In a generalization of the last 12,000 year cycle of humanity’s development, we affirm

that women have been largely disconnected from their source of power and men have

been largely disconnected from their source of wisdom. What are the predominant

characteristics of this? Female disempowerment, victimization and persecution of the

creative power of women such as feminine intuitive healing and birthing arts. This

pattern is shifting rapidly as the divine feminine is re-emerging as empowered wise

women reconnect and rebalance their trinity of love-wisdom-power. For males, the

emphasis on “power-over” others has resulted in the false belief (folly), that power can be

used for acquisition of things or status, without causing harm to the heart of humanity and

Gaia. Male tyranny stems from a disconnect from Divine Truth-inner wisdom that power

must be wielded with great responsibility and honor. This pattern is also shifting rapidly

as the divine masculine is re-emerging as wise men reconnect and rebalance their trinity

of love-wisdom-power.

What is the connecting energy of all things? It is Love. Love is the reconnecting emotion

and vibration. It heals all things. But it must be activated in the sacred trinities so that an

imbalance does not recur. The 111 symbol is a sacred symbol of this reconnection in the

inner most place of your soul: the God within. To reconnect with the God, or I AM

Presence within, you must give yourselves permission to go into your own temple of

Love-Wisdom-Power, represented by the number 111. Deep within your own heart, you

find unity with the One. Deep within your heart, you experience Atonement.

What are the Crystal Grids of Trinity and the Light Network of Ascension? The Crystal

Grids of Trinity are matrix connections on multiple layers of reality. For example, at the

core of the Earth is a large body-centered cubic crystal structure composed of a single

crystal of iron. From this iron crystal emanates a gigantic icosahedron form which

creates the Great central matrix on earth’s surface.2 These 20 equilateral triangular forms

(trinities) all connect to the One body-centered cubic crystal at the center. The matrix

connects all sacred sites and power vortexes. Electromagnetic resonance from these

amplified sacred sites serve many purposes, including balancing the earth, creating portal

openings to other dimensions, and impacting all life forms on earth.

Within your physical being, you also have one central cell that connects to all other cells

in your body through 20 equilateral triangles. Where is the one cell? It is in the heart

structure. Specifically, the center of the heart and all function of your being is located in

2 Reference: http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov2/thegrids.htm

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 3

the Aortic Valve3 which opens to the Arch of Aorta4. The aortic valve consists of three

(111:3) half moon shaped cusps, a central trinity at the center of your being!

We draw to your attention also, that scientists engaged in mapping the human body for a

wide variety of purposes are creating models based on projecting 20,000 triangles onto

the surface of the body. 20 x 1,000. 20 all connected into the 1. These are sacred

geometrical proportions that are reflecting the icosahedral properties of the earth grids in

the form of trinities.

These creation geometries are resonating into the frequencies of human transfiguration

based on 12-21-2012 encodings. 20 x 1,000. This is also the beginning of the Fibonacci

series, 0,1,2. All is connected to sacred number and geometry.


There are many, many more phrases that vibrate in the 111 frequency. For now, let us

show you the complete circle of Canon of Spiritual Atonement:

Atonement is Divine Love. It is the integration of The heart of Light, The heart of

Darkness and The heart of Forgiveness. We show you the complete circle in vibration

and then we will bring this to understanding.

3 The aortic valve is one of the valves of the heart. It lies between the left ventricle and the aorta. The

aortic valve has three cusps. These cusps are half moon shaped hence also called aortic semilunar valve.

Each cusp has a small swelling in the center called the nodule.

4 The aorta is the largest artery in the human body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and

bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systemic circulation. Arch of aorta is the

peak part of the aorta that is the form of an inverted “U”.

5 Source: http://ese.wustl.edu/UndergradResearch/ugrweb/

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 4

Word vibration:

Atonement: Divine Love 89

The Heart of Light 81

The Heart of Darkness 80

The Heart of Forgiveness 110

Total vibration: 360

Atonement has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by all major religions. Atonement

is not about reparation for injury or wrong. It is about Unity of Humanity with the Divine.

Is it not interesting that the aortic arch is the U (∩) at the center of your being? And that

the biological structure that opens into the arch is formed by a trinity?

(Diagram of the semi-lunar aortic and pulmonary values )

From: http://pathhsw5m54.ucsf.edu/case22/pv.html

All structures, geometries and vibrational essence is encoded with deep connection and

meaning once you begin to see the Unity in all things. You have seen this common

association of Atonement: At-One-Ment. What does this mean? You understand that it is

about becoming One with the Divine and you feel deep within your hearts that there is a

possibility of experiencing and knowing Unity. But how does one do this in incarnate

form? Do you or some other person such as Jesus, have to die to experience Atonement?

You all know by feeling in your hearts, that you do not have to die, nor does someone in

any time (past-present-future) have to die on your behalf in order to experience Spiritual


Spiritual Atonement is acknowledging and accepting all there is within you in all of

your soul’s experience, light and dark and then moving All of who you are into the

frequency of forgiveness and Love of self and others.

This creates Atonement. What is the essence? Divine Love.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 5

Spiritual Atonement is activated by the integration of your triple hearts. The triple heart

consists of three heart centers in the human body which carry the energies of Light,

Darkness and Forgiveness. What we call heart, is not just associated with the physical

organ structure that has been named “heart”. Heart is a concentration of energy, of life, of

power, of creation and of connection to the One. In the human body, we find three of

these concentrated centers, which we call the Triple Heart Mechanism:



Physical Organ


Chromatic Chakra


Nerve plexus




High Heart

The Heart of



Turquoise – 8th

chromatic chakra



Triple Warmer

– meridian of

hope and power

Middle Heart

The Heart of



Green – 7th chromatic




Heart –

meridian of

forgiveness and


Low Heart

The Heart of



Coral – 2nd chromatic


Sacral – Pelvic Kidney –

meridian of


assuredness &


Let us first examine The Heart of Darkness.

You see, many of you wish to skip or overlook the Heart of Darkness, making it

impossible to move off of the wheel of karma and into Ascension and Dharma. You do

not want to look at the darkness because it is difficult. You do not want to acknowledge

your dark acts because it stirs up guilt. You do not want to see the dark aspects of your

soul because it reminds you of your suffering and the suffering you have inflicted upon

others. But when you do not integrate the Heart of Darkness, you must come back over

and over again to learn to liberate the darkness, and to forgive, thereby experiencing

Spiritual Atonement.

What is darkness? Is it sin? It is evil? Is it negative karma? Is it fear? What we call

temporal darkness is most closely identified with the word “ignorance”. Ignorance, our

Beloveds, is the lack of connection with the fullness and unity of who you are. It is lack

of Divine Wisdom. In ignorance, people harm each other. You see, if you remember all

of who you are, you simply would not harm another or you would not experience harm at

the hands of another. It is ignorant to believe that you can harm another without harming

your self and soul. This is temporal darkness. (We three Wisdom Masters qualify

darkness by the word ‘temporal” or temporary, because pristine, eternal darkness is

where Creation occurs and is nothing to fear! Where does creation come from in the

body? The dark heart of ovaries and prostate.) The Comic Truth is that when you harm

6 Based on a system of 12 integrated charkas inside the physical body, channeled by Kuthumi and Maha

Chohan to Ronna in 2006.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 6

another, you are actually harming yourself. When you are being harmed by another, you

are experiencing their darkness projected onto you.

Ah! But many of you have been instructed that if you focus on the darkness, it will bring

more of the same to you by way of the Law of Attraction. The Master Kuthumi speaks of

a different law, called the Law of Confluence, vibrating at a higher frequency of Cosmic

Truth which states that Integration of all things creates a flowing energy in and through

your life rather than a pushing/pulling dynamic of the small ego and little will. If you

push away the darkness through denial, you actually attract more of it into your life

because that is the energy you are requesting: the adage of “what you resist, persists”, is

energetically true and we know that you have all experienced this. This is the profound

meaning of my words, recorded in the Gospel of Thomas:

“If you bring forth what is within you,

what you bring forth will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is within you,

what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

Gospel of Thomas

Nag Hammadi Library

Verse 70

When you begin to accept all of who you are and begin to activate integration of

light/dark and forgiveness, you begin to balance in the triple hearts and experience a

reconnection with the Divine, leading to Spiritual Atonement.

The veils of ignorance drop and the Truth of attunement/atonement begins when

you make a choice to remember all of who you are.

Some of you ask this: Does the past matter? Is incarnate life not just about the present

and the future? If you believe that the past does not matter and has no bearing on who

you are Now, then you are destined to repeat the same lessons. And please notice that we

do not say “the same mistakes”, because there are no mistakes. There are simply cycles

of learning that are shorter in temporal time and cycles that are longer in temporal time.

What is the deciding factor? It is your own willingness to look at All of who you are.

That is all. When you deny that you have been and done all things, then you are choosing

to experience your own denial which attracts opposite forces of experience into your

field. You are operating at the Law of Attraction consciousness, based on duality.

When you embrace all of who you are, in all times, all places, all dimensions and all

states of consciousness, you enter into Confluence with the Divine Blueprint of your soul

which is to Integrate Light-Dark-Forgiveness into Love. Now, you are choosing to

activate the Law of Confluence which is flow, integration and trinity.

“How does one do this Master Sananda?”

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 7

Let us proceed to open the heart chambers of giving-receiving. Just as the left chambers

receive oxygen-rich blood and give it to the body for nourishment, and the right

chambers receive oxygen-depleted blood and give it to the lungs for purification, so does

your soul give you the spiritually-enriched opportunities to remember and your

personality receives these experiences and chooses to deny or to embrace them.

Purification- atonement happens in the Divine Embrace. The Divine Embrace is a Trinity

Integration: Light-Dark-Forgiveness in the Heart. Where is the balancing point? In the

center through which all things flow. In emotion, it is forgiveness through love. In an

anatomical sense, it is the Aortic Valve leading into the Arch of Aorta! This physical

process is a pure representation of the Divine: opening to the Flow of enriched Source.

The High Heart is the Turquoise chakra of the body located between the green of the

central heart and the blue of the throat chakras. It is known as the Ananda Khanda. It is

The Heart of Light. It is associated with the thymus gland which is currently in an

atrophied state for most adults. It is connected energetically through the bronchial and

brachial plexuses of nerves and the triple warmer meridian. Tapping on the thymus, just

above the heart, balances the entire acupuncture median system of the body.

The Heart of Light is the heart energy that you are most attuned to because it is the area

of your positive feelings and your hopes. It is the area that you feel connected to others in

the lightness of your being. In the high heart, most of you feel safe.

The condition of the organ in the high heart, the thymus, tells us what has happened to

humanity over the last 12,000 year cycle, which we call the Egyptian cycle. It began at

the fall of Atlantis. The high heart was prominent in Atlantis. It was not atrophied as an

organ. Auto-immune diseases were virtually unknown. The High Heart is the feeling side

of your being. When Atlantis fell on that day 12,000 years ago, the high heart began to

atrophy based on unhealed shame, guilt, fear and blame. In modern times, the thymus

actually goes through an atrophy process from infancy into adulthood, recycling the

Atlantean catastrophe7. The thymus function is associated with the immune system and

we do indeed see an epidemic of auto-immune disorders in your society today.

To begin to reactivate The Heart of Light to its full capacity, you may begin to tap on the

high heart with your left and right fingers alternating and stating:

“I am awakening The Heart of Light.”

Do not underestimate that power of this activity. It will create an energetic shift

throughout your entire being.

The Low Heart is the Coral chakra of the body located between the red of the root and the

orange of the sacral chakras. It is the Heart of Darkness. It is associated with the prostate

7 The thymus continues to grow between birth and puberty and then begins to atrophy, a process directed

by the high levels of circulating sex hormones. Upon atrophy, the size and activity are dramatically

reduced, and the organ is primarily replaced with fat (a phenomenon known as “involution). The reason or

order of these circumstances has yet to be determined by medical scientists. (From Wikipedia.com)

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 8

gland in men and the ovaries in women. It is connected energetically through the sacral

and pelvic plexuses of nerves and the kidney meridian. We see the energetic dis-ease of

the low heart in males with the increasing occurrence of prostate illness. The underlying

cause is the long term disconnect in males with Wisdom in the Low Heart. This stems

from the long term imbalance of power where males have abused others and have caused

trauma and suffering in the low heart of less powerful men and disempowered women

throughout the entire Egyptian cycle. This began with the necessity of men to ensure the

survival of humanity after the fall of Atlantis where strength and power were the only

means to survive. But the male power dynamic spun out of control and has not yet been

fully rebalanced.

We also see this imbalance in increased rates of infertility impacting both men and

women. This heart of darkness is calling to be healed at the deepest of all levels,

reconnecting into the love-wisdom-power trinity.

The Heart of Darkness carries the shock-trauma of all misdeeds and mis-creations

perpetuated on an individual and global level. To heal The Heart of Darkness begins with

this step:

“I accept all that I AM.”

You activate this by placing the middle and ring fingers of the left hand just above the

pelvic bone in the front of your body and the middle and ring fingers of your right hand at

the same level on the back of your body. For this affirmation to be effective, you must be

grounded into the Here and Now, the only moment for change. This means that you must

feel your connection to your body and to the earth. You must give yourself permission to

be here and to see all of what IS. In this position, you are connecting the San Jiao and

Pericardium meridians to the Ren Mai and Kidney meridians. When you begin to feel

energy flow from your arms and into the low heart, you may begin to activate the Low

Heart Healing:

“I forgive myself for all that I have ever done.

I forgive others for all that has ever been done to me.

I am at One.”

We tell you that you may experience memories from this or other lifetimes in this

experience. Let them flow in and through the low heart, purifying with each in breath and

liberating with each out breath. Many things emerge in this experience. This is your soul

calling for you to integrate the Heart of Darkness.

Is this an experience of suffering and remembering trauma? Not at all. It is the letting go

of what is already there by acknowledgement, acceptance and forgiveness so that a

different energetic may be re-awakened: the low heart activation of wisdom for men, and

the low heart activation of power for women.

The middle heart is the green of chakra in the center of your being and contains the

physical heart structure. This is the Heart of Forgiveness.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 9

The Heart of Forgiveness is a 110 Hertz, a musical tone “A” vibration. The integration of

the Heart of forgiveness with the Heart of Light and the Heart of Darkness is a profound

experience of Spiritual Atonement. We will continue this integration in the discourse

entitled: The Heart of Forgiveness. We ask you to continue to let go as you move through

these attunements and integrations. These are powerful experiences of letting go in order

to create a New Now. Do not fear the darkness our Beloveds and do not become over

attached to light. It is in the integration of All things that Atonement occurs. It is your

Divine Blueprint to be whole, to be at peace and to At One with the Divine.

For the greatest good of All, in Gnosis of the Indwelling Christ Consciousness,

I Am Sananda

We are Kuthumi and the Presence of Buddha


© Ronna Prince 2008, All rights reserved

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 10

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 at 12:05 pm and is filed under Archives, Karmic Healing, Teachings of Buddha, Teachings of Kuthumi, Teachings of Sananda, The Ascended Masters, numerology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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August 13, 2008 posted by admin

Thoth-Seshat Page 1

I Am Thoth the Atlantean, returning on this Equinox to remind you of the keys to your

awakening. I come with Seshat who has twice-scribed the Emerald Tablets. Upon your

heart, she offers to scribe again, thus Thrice-ReBorn, the Wholeness of your Soul

Essence. Remember these keys of tri-Unity on this day Equilibrium:

Tablet XI:

Leading ye upward to the Light of the Great Soul

have I ever striven,

drawing ye from out of the darkness of night.

List ye now while I give ye wisdom.

Use it and free thou shalt be.

Tablet XII:

Know ye, O hue-man,

that all of the future is an open book

to him who can read.

Blend thou thy Soul in the Great Essence.

One, with the Great Light let thy consciousness be.

Tablet XIII:

Desireth thou to know the deep, hidden secret?

Look in thy heart where the knowledge is bound.

Know that in thee the secret is hidden,

the source of all life and the source of all death.

3-20-2008 Thoth-Seshat Page 2

Supplemental Tablet:

Three is the mystery, come from the great one.

Hear, and Light on thee will dawn.

In the primeval, dwell three unities.

Other than these, none can exist.

These are the equilibrium, source of creation:

one God, one Truth, one point of freedom.

Three come forth from the three of the balance:

all life, all good, all power.

Three are the powers given to the Masters:

To transmute evil, assist good, use discrimination.

Three are the things inevitable for God to perform:

Manifest power, wisdom and love.

Three are the powers creating all things:

Divine Love possessed of perfect knowledge,

Divine Wisdom knowing all possible means,

Divine Power possessed by the joint will of

Divine Love and Wisdom.

The precursor Key to your awakening is, as the Esteemed Master Kuthumi told you, to

remember that This is your Ascension Lifetime!1 Once you remember this Truth, then we

may offer you the vibrational alignments and integrations that open the Heart Chambers.

Why is this remembering so difficult for you to believe and integrate? Because you are

still resonating, vibrationally, with fear, guilt and anger from the Atlantean catastrophe.

You are being called to unlock your heart chambers, all of them, to replace this fear, guilt

and anger with Love-Wisdom-Power. Sananda has told you: “You are here to forgive.”

What is the synchronicity of the outer world in your NOW that corresponds to the

Atlantean catastrophe and resulting Diaspora 12,000 years ago?

Political leadership without heart

Education without soul

Science without Holistic Integration

Technology without Love

Ah! You see, things are shifting, are they not? There are wisdom teachers in incarnate

form who are being heard, whose messages are being transmitted on a large scale and

whose Truth is being broad-cast through the Ascension Network of Light.

1 http://azlivinglight.com/archives_2008.htm

Kuthumi-PA This Ascension Lifetime Discourse

3-20-2008 Thoth-Seshat Page 3

The Heart of Forgiveness, in the center of your being, contains the key to your

remembering. The unlocking and opening vibrations are in the 111 frequencies of

light, no matter your language, no matter your history, no matter the depth of your

darkness, the 111 frequencies open you to the Light Network of Ascension, which is

within you. It is not “out there”, it is within you. That which is without, is simply a

reflection of the changes going on within. Purification, our souls in light, is what you are

continuing to experience. Purification is letting go of limitation. Duality is the expression

of within-without and Duality is the operative level of your incarnate existence.

On this plane of existence you are always in a temporal duality state, meaning you are a

spiritual being in a physical incarnation. This is a duality state. To transcend-ascend this

state means to transition into ascension consciousness. Before this transition, you may

only touch moments of being beyond the limitations of this dual state, in meditation, in

prayer, in contemplation and in the divine embrace. But your ordinary consciousness

resides within this construct.

The Holy Grail Initiations of 2008 contain the keys to your reawakening out of this state

of temporal duality and into the Eternal Lightness of Being. These are the 3 in 1

encodings. You see, we are accelerating your 111 grids with our words. These 111 grids

are encoded in the phrases, Holy Grail Initiations, Eternal Lightness of Being and so on,

until we open your hearts, through the Holy Spirit Heart Form (111), into the Great I

AM Heart Chambers (111).

One of these Great I AM Heart Chambers is inside the Great I AM Sphinx of Giza.

Let us proceed.

We show you the first of the Trinities on the day of Equinoctial Balance:

e q u i n o c t i a l e m p o w e r m e n t

5 8 3 9 5 6 3 2 9 1 3 5 4 7 6 5 5 9 4 5 5 2

Total 1st 2nd 3rd

reduction reduction Reduction

Total Letter Value 111 3 3 3

Sum of Vowels 54 9 9 9

Sum of

Consonants 57 12 3 3

3-20-2008 Thoth-Seshat Page 4

Activating this Empowerment is Love-Wisdom and your Choice to embrace All that Is:

b a l a n c e o f L o v e w i s d o m p o w e r

2 1 3 1 5 3 5 6 6 3 6 4 5 5 9 1 4 6 4 7 6 5 5 9

Total 1st 2nd 3rd

reduction reduction Reduction

Total Letter Value 111 3 3 3

Sum of Vowels 50 5 5 5

Sum of

Consonants 61 7 7 7

This trinity activation opens the Crystal Grids of Trinity into the Equinoctial Heart

Xenium2 which is this:

l i g h t n e t w o r k o f a s c e n s i o n

3 9 7 8 2 5 5 2 5 6 9 2 6 6 1 1 3 5 5 1 9 6 5

Total 1st 2nd 3rd

reduction reduction Reduction

Total Letter Value 111 3 3 3

Sum of Vowels 47 11 11 11

Sum of

Consonants 64 10 1 1

What is the Xenium we offer to you, the foreign ambassadors of Gaia? At the Heart of

the Egyptian Sphinx, which aligns with Sunrise on the Vernal Equinox, is the Atlantean

High Heart that realigns you with the awakening power of the Triple Heart Integration.

High Heart – Power – the Heart of Light

Middle Heart – Love – the Heart of Forgiveness

Low Heart – Wisdom – the Heart of Darkness

The Master Teacher Sananda has offered you the Empowering techniques of awakening

the High Heart. (See discourse on 2-8-2008 – Sananda on Spiritual Atonement). The

Service we ask of you, the foreign ambassadors of Gaia, is to activate the connection

2 Xenium [L., from Gr. xe`nion gift to a guest.] A present given to a guest or to a foreign

ambassador. Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

Equinoctial Heart Xenium = 111. Crystal Grids of Trinity = 111.

3-20-2008 Thoth-Seshat Page 5

through your heart of Forgiveness, to the Heart of Gaia and the Heart of the Sphinx. You

are here to Serve. Do you, the ambassadors of Gaia, Remember this? You are the center

of connections between heaven and earth. The earth is ascending and you are the

instruments of this activation.

You may journey to the Great I AM Sphinx of Giza by using these Google Earth


The Great Sphinx of Giza

Country: Egypt

Coordinates: 29.97529, 31.137496

In order to serve the ascension of Gaia, you are being asked to balance your heart trinities

of Love-Wisdom-Power. There are no more Secrets! This activation occurs through your

own Transfiguration Service.

t r a n s f i g u r a t i o n s e r v i c e

2 9 1 5 1 6 9 7 3 9 1 2 9 6 5 1 5 9 4 9 3 5

Total 1st 2nd 3rd

reduction reduction reduction

Total Letter Value 111 3 3 3

Sum of Vowels 48 12 3 3

Sum of

Consonants 63 9 9 9

Six days before the Transfiguration of Sananda-Christ, he said to the disciples:

Mark 9:1 “I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before they see the Kingdom of God

arrive in great power!”

The Kingdom is within you, the Transfiguration is upon you. These are the Holy Grail

Initiations (111), the rebalancing of Trinities within your Holy Spirit.

You are restoring the Atlantean heart of light. You are bringing consciousness to the

heart of darkness. And, our souls in ascending light, you are offering forgiveness to All,

including your Atlantean Master Teachers for having failed to bring you into the

dimension of ascension consciousness on Atlantis 12,000 years ago.

As above, so below. This is a Truth in the Emerald Tablets. As you forgive yourselves,

imagine if you will, that you forgive us, your Wisdom Teachers, for the Atlantean

Catastrophe. There is much information forthcoming on the Heart of Forgiveness,

through all Master Teachers assembled Now, to assist you in this Awakening. The Keys

are within, the time is now. You are here to serve.

3-20-2008 Thoth-Seshat Page 6

We thank you for your perseverance on this steep and narrow path.

Your humble teachers from the Atlantean Ascension Academy

WE Are,

Thoth and Seshat, here to restore the Balance of Love-Wisdom- Power in

This Ascension Lifetime

© Ronna Prince 2008 All Rights Reserved.

This work is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported


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August 13, 2008 posted by admin

“Most of my life I have walked around feeling disconnected and trapped. Trapped in a spider web and I could not escape. I always felt that I was being punished but, I had no idea why. I would often get hunches about things but had no reference and I remained confused. The reading with Ronna has given me so much clarity and understanding. I am now able to breathe with an assurance that with willingness of my part, I can move forward. My life finally makes sense.”

– Malcolm, Chicago, Illinois

After 10+ years of searching and getting numerous readings over the years, this session with Ronna and the masters has literally shifted my entire world and changed my perspective on all of my relationships and interactions. I finally received information that I could use to change my behaviors along with understanding my life situation. I feel empowered to move forward with my life’s purpose without hesitation. Thank you again Ronna for this great and wonderful gift.

– Christine Copper, Iowa

“Ronna is one of the clearest channels I have ever met!. She has an amazing ability to sink into the depth of the intergalactic soul’s journey and piece together the connection relevant to the issues at hand; making her an exceptional facilitator for healing. Beyond the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies lies the “Ascension body” which is being called forth in this time for Trans-world healing. Those called to work with Ronna will see their Ascension path laid out before them. Her work is profoundly accurate, researchable and a great support to my client’s paths towards health, personal growth and global healing. I cannot say enough…”

Intuitive and Integrative Healing Therapist www.ginniselle.com

– Ginni Selle PhD, LCPC, NCC, NCMBT, RYT, RA

My readings with Ronna and the guides has truly led to instrumental change in many areas of my life. My sessions with them has given me insight into the nature of my relationships with my family of origin, an awareness of where I originally came from and what my life purpose is. I am truly grateful.

– Suzette S.

“I deeply appreciate Ronna’s guidance through her readings with me. My heart and soul understand the true path to wellness requires very deep work on all levels and identifying old energetic patterns that no longer serve me. In my experience with Ronna I am seeing more clearly that I can bring forward the gifts and challenges of the past, allowing me to better embrace my entire persona and wrap my arms around the present.”

– Cathy K

Ronna has provided both comprehension and direction of my spiritual growth, allowing me to see the purpose of my life’s lessons, my place in this world, and my responsibility to the universe.

With love and great gratitude I thank her for the inspiring, beautiful, life-changing gifts and lessons she brings to my life by the unselfish sharing of her talents and time. Her guidance, fueled by her compassion and love, is the key to finding great joy and love on our chosen path.

– Michelle A.

My Ascended Master channeled reading with Ronna Prince helped me to understand how my early retirement from a successful for-profit corporate executive position helped release Karma related to a past life Catholic Church leadership position involving egos and greed. My feelings and thoughts of, “I can no longer do this life time work” now make so much sense. Also, a release of a past life vow will now help me to move forward this next phase of my life as a “Seeker of Truth”. Thank You Ronna Prince for the work you do.

– Ralph Wolfe

  1. Janet Says:
    September 11th, 2008 at 6:13 am AWESOME!!!!! This retreat is going to be a ground-breaker!
  2. Cheryl Says:
    September 11th, 2008 at 6:32 am Wow! This is so enlightening. In many ways we already know, inside, in our very being, the sum and substance of these teachings. That is if we allow ourselves the privilege, and dare to explore.
    Wile watching the tv program, Nova, about dark matter I wondered if it wasn’t really the essence of creation, the God figure. Sometimes we do have enlightening moments into true reality.
  3. Kisa Chloe Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 9:42 am thank you from the bottom of my heart for your God – Conscious effort to bring us the truth of reality as it is.
    We are one,
    in Melchizedek
    my love, my ocean of resonance
    Kisa Chloe

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August 13, 2008 posted by admin

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008

We began this discourse on the day of 2-8, 2∞8, a day of 1-1 or 11. We complete it on

the day of 2-28-2∞8, a day of 22. We move from 11-Master Spiritual Intuition to 22 –

Master Builder. We ask you to consider: What is the Foundation on which you Build

your New Now? On this day the veils drop from your third eye, if you so choose. On this

day, the heart chambers open to All that is within, including The Heart of Light, The

Heart of Darkness and The Heart of Forgiveness. I AM Sananda, here to present to you

the Canon of Spiritual Atonement.

This is a trinity integration of the triple heart and it is based on the 111 Crystal Grids of

Trinity within your heart, the heart of Gaia, and the heart of God. We, meaning my I

AM Presence, the I AM Presence of my co-teacher, the Master Kuthumi and the I AM

Presence of Buddha, show you through the synchronous resonance of word vibration,

how this fits together to form the Canon of Spiritual Atonement on this day of 28-28:

11. We continue to use word vibration-numerology as the means of substantiation of

these Truths. The Canon of Spiritual Atonement forms a complete circle, 360 degrees of

unification with the One.

Let us begin. We ask you to incorporate the vibration of 111 by understanding the power

of vibrational phrases that equate to 111. This vibration connects you to the Crystal Grids

of Trinity and reconnects you to your own Light Network of Ascension.1

1 For a description of the Crystal Grids of Trinity and Light Network of Ascension, please follow this link

to a discourse on the topic by Sananda on 2-11-2008: http://www.azlivinglight.com/archives_2008.htm

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 1

Canon of Spiritual Atonement

c a n o n o f s p i r i t u a l a t o n e m e n t

3 1 5 6 5 6 6 1 7 9 9 9 2 3 1 3 1 2 6 5 5 4 5 5 2

Total Letter Value 111 = 3

All of the following phrases equal 111 in the translation of word to sacred number:

Crystal Grids of Trinity = 111 = 3

Light Network of Ascension = 111 = 3

Eternal Lightness of Being = 111 = 3

Buddha: All Essence is Vibration. = 111 = 3

Christ: Love Wisdom Power = 111 = 3

Kuthumi: The Law of Confluence = 111 = 3

Symbol from the Order of the Golden Dawn

What is the importance of the 111 vibration and symbol? It is the connecting energy to

the center of all things: the 111 symbol represents the inner awakening to balance of your

own primary trinity of Love-Wisdom-Power.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 2

In a generalization of the last 12,000 year cycle of humanity’s development, we affirm

that women have been largely disconnected from their source of power and men have

been largely disconnected from their source of wisdom. What are the predominant

characteristics of this? Female disempowerment, victimization and persecution of the

creative power of women such as feminine intuitive healing and birthing arts. This

pattern is shifting rapidly as the divine feminine is re-emerging as empowered wise

women reconnect and rebalance their trinity of love-wisdom-power. For males, the

emphasis on “power-over” others has resulted in the false belief (folly), that power can be

used for acquisition of things or status, without causing harm to the heart of humanity and

Gaia. Male tyranny stems from a disconnect from Divine Truth-inner wisdom that power

must be wielded with great responsibility and honor. This pattern is also shifting rapidly

as the divine masculine is re-emerging as wise men reconnect and rebalance their trinity

of love-wisdom-power.

What is the connecting energy of all things? It is Love. Love is the reconnecting emotion

and vibration. It heals all things. But it must be activated in the sacred trinities so that an

imbalance does not recur. The 111 symbol is a sacred symbol of this reconnection in the

inner most place of your soul: the God within. To reconnect with the God, or I AM

Presence within, you must give yourselves permission to go into your own temple of

Love-Wisdom-Power, represented by the number 111. Deep within your own heart, you

find unity with the One. Deep within your heart, you experience Atonement.

What are the Crystal Grids of Trinity and the Light Network of Ascension? The Crystal

Grids of Trinity are matrix connections on multiple layers of reality. For example, at the

core of the Earth is a large body-centered cubic crystal structure composed of a single

crystal of iron. From this iron crystal emanates a gigantic icosahedron form which

creates the Great central matrix on earth’s surface.2 These 20 equilateral triangular forms

(trinities) all connect to the One body-centered cubic crystal at the center. The matrix

connects all sacred sites and power vortexes. Electromagnetic resonance from these

amplified sacred sites serve many purposes, including balancing the earth, creating portal

openings to other dimensions, and impacting all life forms on earth.

Within your physical being, you also have one central cell that connects to all other cells

in your body through 20 equilateral triangles. Where is the one cell? It is in the heart

structure. Specifically, the center of the heart and all function of your being is located in

2 Reference: http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov2/thegrids.htm

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 3

the Aortic Valve3 which opens to the Arch of Aorta4. The aortic valve consists of three

(111:3) half moon shaped cusps, a central trinity at the center of your being!

We draw to your attention also, that scientists engaged in mapping the human body for a

wide variety of purposes are creating models based on projecting 20,000 triangles onto

the surface of the body. 20 x 1,000. 20 all connected into the 1. These are sacred

geometrical proportions that are reflecting the icosahedral properties of the earth grids in

the form of trinities.

These creation geometries are resonating into the frequencies of human transfiguration

based on 12-21-2012 encodings. 20 x 1,000. This is also the beginning of the Fibonacci

series, 0,1,2. All is connected to sacred number and geometry.


There are many, many more phrases that vibrate in the 111 frequency. For now, let us

show you the complete circle of Canon of Spiritual Atonement:

Atonement is Divine Love. It is the integration of The heart of Light, The heart of

Darkness and The heart of Forgiveness. We show you the complete circle in vibration

and then we will bring this to understanding.

3 The aortic valve is one of the valves of the heart. It lies between the left ventricle and the aorta. The

aortic valve has three cusps. These cusps are half moon shaped hence also called aortic semilunar valve.

Each cusp has a small swelling in the center called the nodule.

4 The aorta is the largest artery in the human body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and

bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systemic circulation. Arch of aorta is the

peak part of the aorta that is the form of an inverted “U”.

5 Source: http://ese.wustl.edu/UndergradResearch/ugrweb/

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 4

Word vibration:

Atonement: Divine Love 89

The Heart of Light 81

The Heart of Darkness 80

The Heart of Forgiveness 110

Total vibration: 360

Atonement has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by all major religions. Atonement

is not about reparation for injury or wrong. It is about Unity of Humanity with the Divine.

Is it not interesting that the aortic arch is the U (∩) at the center of your being? And that

the biological structure that opens into the arch is formed by a trinity?

(Diagram of the semi-lunar aortic and pulmonary values )

From: http://pathhsw5m54.ucsf.edu/case22/pv.html

All structures, geometries and vibrational essence is encoded with deep connection and

meaning once you begin to see the Unity in all things. You have seen this common

association of Atonement: At-One-Ment. What does this mean? You understand that it is

about becoming One with the Divine and you feel deep within your hearts that there is a

possibility of experiencing and knowing Unity. But how does one do this in incarnate

form? Do you or some other person such as Jesus, have to die to experience Atonement?

You all know by feeling in your hearts, that you do not have to die, nor does someone in

any time (past-present-future) have to die on your behalf in order to experience Spiritual


Spiritual Atonement is acknowledging and accepting all there is within you in all of

your soul’s experience, light and dark and then moving All of who you are into the

frequency of forgiveness and Love of self and others.

This creates Atonement. What is the essence? Divine Love.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 5

Spiritual Atonement is activated by the integration of your triple hearts. The triple heart

consists of three heart centers in the human body which carry the energies of Light,

Darkness and Forgiveness. What we call heart, is not just associated with the physical

organ structure that has been named “heart”. Heart is a concentration of energy, of life, of

power, of creation and of connection to the One. In the human body, we find three of

these concentrated centers, which we call the Triple Heart Mechanism:



Physical Organ


Chromatic Chakra


Nerve plexus




High Heart

The Heart of



Turquoise – 8th

chromatic chakra



Triple Warmer

– meridian of

hope and power

Middle Heart

The Heart of



Green – 7th chromatic




Heart –

meridian of

forgiveness and


Low Heart

The Heart of



Coral – 2nd chromatic


Sacral – Pelvic Kidney –

meridian of


assuredness &


Let us first examine The Heart of Darkness.

You see, many of you wish to skip or overlook the Heart of Darkness, making it

impossible to move off of the wheel of karma and into Ascension and Dharma. You do

not want to look at the darkness because it is difficult. You do not want to acknowledge

your dark acts because it stirs up guilt. You do not want to see the dark aspects of your

soul because it reminds you of your suffering and the suffering you have inflicted upon

others. But when you do not integrate the Heart of Darkness, you must come back over

and over again to learn to liberate the darkness, and to forgive, thereby experiencing

Spiritual Atonement.

What is darkness? Is it sin? It is evil? Is it negative karma? Is it fear? What we call

temporal darkness is most closely identified with the word “ignorance”. Ignorance, our

Beloveds, is the lack of connection with the fullness and unity of who you are. It is lack

of Divine Wisdom. In ignorance, people harm each other. You see, if you remember all

of who you are, you simply would not harm another or you would not experience harm at

the hands of another. It is ignorant to believe that you can harm another without harming

your self and soul. This is temporal darkness. (We three Wisdom Masters qualify

darkness by the word ‘temporal” or temporary, because pristine, eternal darkness is

where Creation occurs and is nothing to fear! Where does creation come from in the

body? The dark heart of ovaries and prostate.) The Comic Truth is that when you harm

6 Based on a system of 12 integrated charkas inside the physical body, channeled by Kuthumi and Maha

Chohan to Ronna in 2006.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 6

another, you are actually harming yourself. When you are being harmed by another, you

are experiencing their darkness projected onto you.

Ah! But many of you have been instructed that if you focus on the darkness, it will bring

more of the same to you by way of the Law of Attraction. The Master Kuthumi speaks of

a different law, called the Law of Confluence, vibrating at a higher frequency of Cosmic

Truth which states that Integration of all things creates a flowing energy in and through

your life rather than a pushing/pulling dynamic of the small ego and little will. If you

push away the darkness through denial, you actually attract more of it into your life

because that is the energy you are requesting: the adage of “what you resist, persists”, is

energetically true and we know that you have all experienced this. This is the profound

meaning of my words, recorded in the Gospel of Thomas:

“If you bring forth what is within you,

what you bring forth will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is within you,

what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

Gospel of Thomas

Nag Hammadi Library

Verse 70

When you begin to accept all of who you are and begin to activate integration of

light/dark and forgiveness, you begin to balance in the triple hearts and experience a

reconnection with the Divine, leading to Spiritual Atonement.

The veils of ignorance drop and the Truth of attunement/atonement begins when

you make a choice to remember all of who you are.

Some of you ask this: Does the past matter? Is incarnate life not just about the present

and the future? If you believe that the past does not matter and has no bearing on who

you are Now, then you are destined to repeat the same lessons. And please notice that we

do not say “the same mistakes”, because there are no mistakes. There are simply cycles

of learning that are shorter in temporal time and cycles that are longer in temporal time.

What is the deciding factor? It is your own willingness to look at All of who you are.

That is all. When you deny that you have been and done all things, then you are choosing

to experience your own denial which attracts opposite forces of experience into your

field. You are operating at the Law of Attraction consciousness, based on duality.

When you embrace all of who you are, in all times, all places, all dimensions and all

states of consciousness, you enter into Confluence with the Divine Blueprint of your soul

which is to Integrate Light-Dark-Forgiveness into Love. Now, you are choosing to

activate the Law of Confluence which is flow, integration and trinity.

“How does one do this Master Sananda?”

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 7

Let us proceed to open the heart chambers of giving-receiving. Just as the left chambers

receive oxygen-rich blood and give it to the body for nourishment, and the right

chambers receive oxygen-depleted blood and give it to the lungs for purification, so does

your soul give you the spiritually-enriched opportunities to remember and your

personality receives these experiences and chooses to deny or to embrace them.

Purification- atonement happens in the Divine Embrace. The Divine Embrace is a Trinity

Integration: Light-Dark-Forgiveness in the Heart. Where is the balancing point? In the

center through which all things flow. In emotion, it is forgiveness through love. In an

anatomical sense, it is the Aortic Valve leading into the Arch of Aorta! This physical

process is a pure representation of the Divine: opening to the Flow of enriched Source.

The High Heart is the Turquoise chakra of the body located between the green of the

central heart and the blue of the throat chakras. It is known as the Ananda Khanda. It is

The Heart of Light. It is associated with the thymus gland which is currently in an

atrophied state for most adults. It is connected energetically through the bronchial and

brachial plexuses of nerves and the triple warmer meridian. Tapping on the thymus, just

above the heart, balances the entire acupuncture median system of the body.

The Heart of Light is the heart energy that you are most attuned to because it is the area

of your positive feelings and your hopes. It is the area that you feel connected to others in

the lightness of your being. In the high heart, most of you feel safe.

The condition of the organ in the high heart, the thymus, tells us what has happened to

humanity over the last 12,000 year cycle, which we call the Egyptian cycle. It began at

the fall of Atlantis. The high heart was prominent in Atlantis. It was not atrophied as an

organ. Auto-immune diseases were virtually unknown. The High Heart is the feeling side

of your being. When Atlantis fell on that day 12,000 years ago, the high heart began to

atrophy based on unhealed shame, guilt, fear and blame. In modern times, the thymus

actually goes through an atrophy process from infancy into adulthood, recycling the

Atlantean catastrophe7. The thymus function is associated with the immune system and

we do indeed see an epidemic of auto-immune disorders in your society today.

To begin to reactivate The Heart of Light to its full capacity, you may begin to tap on the

high heart with your left and right fingers alternating and stating:

“I am awakening The Heart of Light.”

Do not underestimate that power of this activity. It will create an energetic shift

throughout your entire being.

The Low Heart is the Coral chakra of the body located between the red of the root and the

orange of the sacral chakras. It is the Heart of Darkness. It is associated with the prostate

7 The thymus continues to grow between birth and puberty and then begins to atrophy, a process directed

by the high levels of circulating sex hormones. Upon atrophy, the size and activity are dramatically

reduced, and the organ is primarily replaced with fat (a phenomenon known as “involution). The reason or

order of these circumstances has yet to be determined by medical scientists. (From Wikipedia.com)

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 8

gland in men and the ovaries in women. It is connected energetically through the sacral

and pelvic plexuses of nerves and the kidney meridian. We see the energetic dis-ease of

the low heart in males with the increasing occurrence of prostate illness. The underlying

cause is the long term disconnect in males with Wisdom in the Low Heart. This stems

from the long term imbalance of power where males have abused others and have caused

trauma and suffering in the low heart of less powerful men and disempowered women

throughout the entire Egyptian cycle. This began with the necessity of men to ensure the

survival of humanity after the fall of Atlantis where strength and power were the only

means to survive. But the male power dynamic spun out of control and has not yet been

fully rebalanced.

We also see this imbalance in increased rates of infertility impacting both men and

women. This heart of darkness is calling to be healed at the deepest of all levels,

reconnecting into the love-wisdom-power trinity.

The Heart of Darkness carries the shock-trauma of all misdeeds and mis-creations

perpetuated on an individual and global level. To heal The Heart of Darkness begins with

this step:

“I accept all that I AM.”

You activate this by placing the middle and ring fingers of the left hand just above the

pelvic bone in the front of your body and the middle and ring fingers of your right hand at

the same level on the back of your body. For this affirmation to be effective, you must be

grounded into the Here and Now, the only moment for change. This means that you must

feel your connection to your body and to the earth. You must give yourself permission to

be here and to see all of what IS. In this position, you are connecting the San Jiao and

Pericardium meridians to the Ren Mai and Kidney meridians. When you begin to feel

energy flow from your arms and into the low heart, you may begin to activate the Low

Heart Healing:

“I forgive myself for all that I have ever done.

I forgive others for all that has ever been done to me.

I am at One.”

We tell you that you may experience memories from this or other lifetimes in this

experience. Let them flow in and through the low heart, purifying with each in breath and

liberating with each out breath. Many things emerge in this experience. This is your soul

calling for you to integrate the Heart of Darkness.

Is this an experience of suffering and remembering trauma? Not at all. It is the letting go

of what is already there by acknowledgement, acceptance and forgiveness so that a

different energetic may be re-awakened: the low heart activation of wisdom for men, and

the low heart activation of power for women.

The middle heart is the green of chakra in the center of your being and contains the

physical heart structure. This is the Heart of Forgiveness.

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 9

The Heart of Forgiveness is a 110 Hertz, a musical tone “A” vibration. The integration of

the Heart of forgiveness with the Heart of Light and the Heart of Darkness is a profound

experience of Spiritual Atonement. We will continue this integration in the discourse

entitled: The Heart of Forgiveness. We ask you to continue to let go as you move through

these attunements and integrations. These are powerful experiences of letting go in order

to create a New Now. Do not fear the darkness our Beloveds and do not become over

attached to light. It is in the integration of All things that Atonement occurs. It is your

Divine Blueprint to be whole, to be at peace and to At One with the Divine.

For the greatest good of All, in Gnosis of the Indwelling Christ Consciousness,

I Am Sananda

We are Kuthumi and the Presence of Buddha


© Ronna Prince 2008, All rights reserved

2-8-2008 and 2-28-2008 Sananda –Spiritual Atonement Page 10

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 at 12:05 pm and is filed under Archives, Karmic Healing, Teachings of Buddha, Teachings of Kuthumi, Teachings of Sananda, The Ascended Masters, numerology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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September 7, 2008 posted by admin


We welcome you on this day of 2-11, in the year of 1. (2008 = 2+0+0+8=10=1).

I am Sananda. On this day of 2-11-(1), my I AM Presence would like to make you aware that your science and technology is catching up to what many of you, as intuitive metaphysicians, have known for a long, long time. Many things of this nature will be occurring in the next few years as you open up to the Truth of who you are and how you are connected to the greater whole through the 1.


I have said to many, There are no idle words. All words carry vibration and the vibration of words when aligned with the One, with Love, come from the Treasury of your Heart. Where is the Heart? At the center of your being. (ref: Matthew 12:34-37) Whatever is in your heart, determines your vibration.

On 2-8-2008, my I AM Presence began to transmit a message on the topic of Spiritual Atonement to our messenger. It is entitled the Canon of Spiritual Atonement and will be released later this week. Through her work in numerology with the Master Kuthumi We have been referring, to the 111 grids, sometimes called the Crystal Grids of Trinity. We have also been teaching about the Light Network of Ascension. If you allow your intuitive mind and feeling heart to open to these two energies, you will inherently Know what they are.

First, we will show you the Confluence of these keys energetics with the 111 grids[1]:

Canon of Spiritual Atonement

C a n o n   o f   S p i r i t u a l   a t o n e m e n t
3 1 5 6 5   6 6   1 7 9 9 9 2 3 1 3   1 2 6 5 5 4 5 5 2
Total Letter Value 111 = 3

Crystal Grids of Trinity:

c r y s t a l   g r i d s   o f   t r i n i t y
3 9 7 1 2 1 3   7 9 9 4 1   6 6   2 9 9 5 9 2 7
Total Letter Value 111 = 3

Light Network of Ascension:

l i g h t   n e t w o r k   o f   a s c e n s i o n
3 9 7 8 2   5 5 2 5 6 9 2   6 6   1 1 3 5 5 1 9 6 5
Total Letter Value 111 = 3

What is the importance of the 111 vibration and symbol? It is the connecting energy to the Heart center of all things: the 111 symbol[2] represents the inner awakening to balance of your own primary trinity of Love-Wisdom-Power. The 111 symbol is a sacred symbol of this reconnection in the inner most place of your soul: the God within. To reconnect with the God, or I AM Presence within, you must give yourselves permission to go into your own temple of Love-Wisdom-Power, represented by the number 111. Deep within your own heart, you find unity with the One. Deep within your heart, you experience Atonement.

The Crystal Grids of Trinity are the energetic grids that connect all sacred places on earth to the heart (or core) of Gaia. They actually emanate from the Central Core Crystal and form a nested large icosahedron and a large dodecahedron, creating a sacred geometrical space-grid over the entire earth’s surface.

There is great symmetry to these two sacred geometrical forms:

The icosahedron has 20 faces which meet at 12 vertexes with 5- 3 sided faces to a vertex.

The dodecahedron has 12 faces which meet at 20 vertexes with 3-5 sided faces to a vertex

Icosa-dodeca COMBINED:

Each triangle projected onto the surface of the earth by the icosahedron, is a perfect equilateral triangle. These triangles replicate over and over so that within each of the 20 large equilateral triangles, are millions of smaller equilateral triangles activated on Earth. The icosa-dodeca combined form, above (green-purple) creates 120- sixty degree angles that envelope the earth, originally, in perfect symmetry.

Every sacred site on earth is located at an intersecting angle of the crystal trinity points. These are the Crystal Grids of Trinity.[3]

With the fall of Atlantis, the Crystal Grids of Trinity became imbalanced and off center in many places throughout the earth. When Atlantis fell, the crystal harmonizers on the surface of the earth and in underground locations lost most of their connections to the central core structure. This disconnection has impacted all life force on earth, including the structure of water and your physical biology[4].

Since Harmonic Convergence in 1987, many Lightworkers have been waking up and are now assisting in the repair and restoration of the Crystal Grids of Trinity that were damaged in the fall of Atlantis 11,000-12,000 years ago[5]. Wherever you walk, wherever you send your conscious intention to heal on the Earth, you are creating a healing wave vibration which is restoring the Grids back to order. You are, by virtue of being here, assisting in the reconnections of the sacred geometries of Gaia, preparing for the planet’s ascension, just as you are preparing for your own.

On 2-8-2008, the same day as our beginning transmission of the Canon of Spiritual Atonement began, an important announcement was published about the Crystal Core at the center of the earth:

Computer simulations strongly support new theory of Earth’s core Published: 11:26 EST, February 08, 2008

The earth’s heat balance, like its magnetic field, is dependent on the amount of heat that is stored in the inner core of the earth. These conditions, in turn, are dependent on the crystal structure of the iron in the inner core. Previously these estimates were based on models deriving from the hexagonal structure of iron in the inner core. …. Initially, in 2003, the (authors) published strong theoretical proof that the earth’s core assumes the so-called body-centered cubic crystal structure at high temperatures­ – a structure that despite its high degree of symmetry evinces a surprisingly high level of elastic anisotropy, that is, its elastic properties are contingent on direction. This theory about the crystal structure directly contradicted the then prevailing view, but since then the theory has found both experimental and theoretical support. The body-centered cubic crystal structure forms a cube with atoms in each corner and a further atom in the middle of this cube. It is oriented in such a way that its great diagonal is directed along the earth’s axis of rotation, which makes it possible for the iron to evince sound propagations with the velocities observed. Read the entire article here: http://www.physorg.com/news121692398.html

In the Body Centered Cubic (“BCC”) unit cell there is one host atom (lattice point) at each corner of the cube and one host atom in the center of the cube. Each corner atom touches the central atom along the body diagonal of the cube.

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face-centered_cubic

Why is this important? Because finally, your science has caught up, through super-computers, to what you already know: there is a giant body-centered cubic crystalline structure at the center of earth with one central host atom, which is emanating great power throughout the earth. (The study‘s calculations were carried out using the most powerful parallel supercomputers in existence.) Prior to the release of this study, the prevailing view was that the bcc form was too unstable due to its symmetry, to exist at high temperature at the core of the earth. Scientists posited that the core crystal was made up of a hexagonal crystal forms, a 7 pointed form without a central atom which they assumed would be stable under high temperatures.

The exciting part of this discovery for our purposes is that the earth core is based on a symmetrical form with One atom at the very center. The earth in its ascension process is realigning and reconnecting to the symmetrical grids all connecting into the one atom at the core, the Heart of Gaia. The core emits symmetrical sound propagations, and is attempting to re-connect all sacred places and resonating into the core of every atomic particle on earth, including you! What has been scientifically speculated upon, is now “strongly supported”.

You may notice that six, four-sided pyramids in the BCC are formed with the one central atom at the apex of each one. This sacred pyramid form has been replicated by ancient civilizations over and over throughout the globe as part of their innate connection to the earth’s core. The pyramids and Egypt and of Central America are amplifying the core resonance at the junctures of the equilateral triangles on the surface of the earth. Among many purposes these pyramids serve, is to reconnect the Crystal Grids to the central core.

On a microcosmic level, you also understand that you contain these crystal grids of trinity within your body. How do we “know” this? It can be researched and “strongly supported” that the golden ratio or Phi, which is contained within the each of the five Platonic solids (the cube, dodecahedron, icosahedron, octahedron, and tetrahedron,) is the same proportion used to construct your physical body:

You feel the sacred trinity matrix within you and know that there is much more to your being than biology. Your subtle anatomy connects to your physical anatomy by what we call the Light Network of Ascension.

The Light Network of Ascension or LNA is the bridge between your two strand DNA and your 12 strand illuminated DNA.

It creates the re-connections between your physical and subtle bodies.

The 12 strand illuminated DNA is the LNA connection to all of your subtle anatomy. Healing and repairing your own LNA grids is preparing you for your own Ascension process. As this occurs, your light body is becoming more fully activated and more visible. Your biology is experiencing accelerations and attunements to reconnect the LNA-DNA matrix. You may be experiencing this in many ways, the expression of dis-ease or the seeming break-down of some of your biological senses, most specifically vision and hearing.

Why would this process result in discomfort or deterioration? Because to reconnect that which has been disconnected, your biology is throwing off the vestiges of old limitations and opening to higher frequency perceptions, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. In some of you, your 3D sensory vision is diminishing not so much with physical age anymore, but with improved higher mind vision. You are seeing the structure behind form, the form in structure and the subtle presence of connection in all things.

Cymatics experiments icosahedron on the left, star tetrahedron on the right[6]

You are reconnecting your crystal grids of trinity into the center of your being. Gaia is reconnecting her crystal grids of trinity into the center of her crystal core. The center of all things is the Heart. The creation energy behind all things, is Love. It is not “thought”, it is Love.

All words carry vibration. When you align with Love you are reconnecting your LNA-DNA to the central core-heart of Gaia. Gaia is propagating vibrational alignments into the earth and aligning with the Universal Heart on a much vaster, infinite 111 Grid of All.

You are becoming whole again. You are becoming a light-filled and love-centered being. This is the Light Body Reconnection. The center is where We touch the beauty of our souls. This is where We align our hearts in Love. This is The Way, the Truth, The Light. How does one affirm this to the core of the I AM? “I Trust Love’s True Vibration”.

Do you now believe? Let us show you the Truth of Vibration:

l i g h t   b o d y   r e c o n n e c t i o n
3 9 7 8 2   2 6 4 7   9 5 3 6 5 5 5 3 2 9 6 5
Total Letter Value 111 = 3
w e   t o u c h   t h e   b e a u t y   o f   o u r   s o u l s
5 5   2 6 3 3 8   2 8 5   2 5 1 3 2 7   6 6   6 3 9   1 6 3 3 1
Total Letter Value 111 = 3  
w e   a l i g n   o u r   h e a r t s   i n   l o v e
5 5 0 1 3 9 7 5   6 3 9   8 5 1 9 2 1   9 5   3 6 4 5
Total Letter Value 111 = 3  
t h e   w a y   t h e   t r u t h   t h e   l i g h t
2 8 5   5 1 7   2 8 5   2 9 3 2 8   2 8 5   3 9 7 8 2
Total Letter Value 111 = 3
i   t r u s t   l o v e s   t r u e   v i b r a t i o n
9   2 9 3 1 2   3 6 4 5 1   2 9 3 5   4 9 2 9 1 2 9 6 5
Total Letter Value 111 = 3

From the Heart Center of All where the Plan of the One is known,

I Am Sananda

[1] Please refer to the discourse on my website entitled “Transition, Attunment and Grace in the New Year of 2008” 2, for an explanation of word-numerology. http://azlivinglight.com/archives_2007.htm

[2] 111 Symbol from the Order of the Golden Dawn.

Christ: Love-Wisdom-Power = 111 =3

[3] This is based on the Russian Grid system. Please refer to this website for more information: http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov2/thegrids.htm

[4] (Note: water is 71% of earth’s surface and about 70% of non-adipose physical body tissue – adipose or fat tissue contains about only 10% water – increasing obesity is related in part to poor immune function and lifeless ingested water). Many people are repairing the water and are providing vibrationally restored and whole water products. Dr. Joseph Harbosky at Reflections of Life Clinic is at the forefront of this movement with his Good Vibrations water. His website is: http://www.goodvibrationswater.com/

[5] The range of 11-12,000 years ago is given due to calendar changes and shifts in polar magnetics.

[6] In the fifties Dr. Hans Jenny demonstrated with his Cymatics experiments using simple sound waves that all of the Platonic Solids emerge as standing wave interference patterns in spherical volumes. The Platonic Solids are the blueprint for the self organising universe. The implosion is simply a set of these nested or fractal Platonic solids as wave interference patterns.

This is the reason why geometric forms like the Platonic Solids are able to resonate with the energies of the universe. Russian science calls them passive torsion field generators. This is the secret of the Great Pyramid of Giza that is actually half an octahedron and is able to resonate with the torsion fields of the Earth. The Earth’s electromagnetic energy matrix, called the Earth grid consists completely of these nested Platonic Solids. The Platonic Solid energy grids of the atom simply locks into the larger Platonic Solids of the energy grid of the Earth, which in term locks in the energy matrix of the dodecahedral zodiac and the dodecahedral energy grid of the universe at large (from the latest Hubble space telescope observations). This makes up the matrix of our physical reality.

From: http://oregonite.blogspot.com/

Ronna Prince

Conscious Channel of the Ascended Masters



This entry was posted on Sunday, September 7th, 2008 at 12:33 pm and is filed under Archives, Karmic Healing, Teachings of Kuthumi, Teachings of Sananda, The Ascended Masters, numerology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Sananda Crystal Grids | http://www.consciouslightchannel.com”

  1. karen Says:September 12th, 2008 at 12:04 amHi Ronna it is karen again could’nt download pictures, how do I do this. ? luv and light karen

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September 10, 2008 posted by administrator

Kuthumi on the Essence of All things


We welcome you on this day of 9-10-2008. This, being the 2008 year of 2+8 = 10, we also refer to this day at a 9-10-10 day. 9 is active completion while 10 is surrendering-endings and renewing- beginnings. So in Translation, this is an encoding symbol for actively completing something and surrendering to the process of letting it go so that something new may emerge.

Your government and bureaucracies have given this energy, essentially, 9-11, a connotation and symbol of emergency. This is indeed an emergence encoding, but, much like so many encodings of consciousness, it has been veiled in fear. Tomorrow, interestingly enough, is the 9-11 day that is commemorated as a symbol of remembrance of great fear, the Twin Tower’s fall. It is a day your government uses to remind you of how dependent you are on the “forces that be” to provide safety and defense of your national treasure: Liberty. This fear keeps you trapped in the mind grid, the web of fear that envelopes your planet. This mental web is what Gaia, an ensouled planet, is working to transmute, and thereby translate her fabric, the tapestry of connection to the Language of Love Supreme. Anti-liberty is the fear that keeps you under the veil of forgetfulness, disconnected from your own power to heal the heart and transcend into the planes of integrated consciousness. We are assisting you in the process of Liberation for All through Connection, Compassion and Consciousness.

This is our Motto and our Order from the One, as conveyed to the Metaphysical Orders of Melchizedek and Malkuth:

Liberty and Ascension for All

What is the encoding OR the vibration – resonant calibration of this phrase of this? Liberty and Ascension for All = 111 (note from Ronna: this is based on Pythagorean numerology where every letter of the alphabet is assigned a number 1 through 9. In this way words can be translated to numbers which are the essence of creation, according to Pythagoras, an incarnation of Kuthumi.)

Our play on words from your Pledge of Allegiance, “Liberty and Justice for All”, is meant to create a shift in consciousness out of the planes of duality and into the planes of trinity. Most of humanity’s modern-day crusaders and right-fighters are doing important work on the completion of karmic justice. “Liberty and Justice for All”, is a very powerful motto for these people, which resonates to a 99 vibration. Those heavily invested in politics and its backdrop of entrenchment in right and wrong, left and right, conservative and liberal, are working out this vestige of the human-based drama-karma. (Drama-karma is an “illusion body”, based on incomplete knowledge of the construct of reality.)

Those of you shifting into the soul-based dharma-kaya, or construction of the Truth Body, are letting go of this past investment and moving into something new. Both of these activities are important. Meaning, do not judge yourself or others as more or less evolved based on this orientation! However , those of you shifting into dharma-kaya are moving out of the Second Plane of Duality and into the Third Plane of Trinity which consists of a fusion of fixed and fluid realities. This Divine Order will be explained in a different discourse. For now, know that you are in the midst of a massive shift of consciousness, one that comes with many paroxysms of emotion and intense layers of thought resistance. It in indeed intense because you are questioning all things and discarding the tyranny of fear and control. This process can be one of Joy and Expectancy, rather than stress and dread.

For those of you who have given or witnessed birth, Do you remember the intensity of the transition phase? Yes indeed, it is one that requires a surrender and flow based on Trust in the Divine. In a conscious birth, you must let go of fear in order to open to the new energy that is emerging. This is what you are being called to do during this entire time of transition, between 9-11-2008 and 12-21-2012. You are thinking, “this is an incredibly long period of transition!” 4 years, 3 months and 11 days! What kind of gestation is this anyway? Of course, it depends on your perspective. If it has been a gestation of 24,000 years, then a 4 year transition is not a great deal of “time”. If it has been 225 million years, then the next 4 years is truly a “nano-second”! During this transitional time period, we suggest that you do two things, raise the vibration of your consciousness and Trust in the Divine Plan.

How do we, the Masters of Ascension, assist you in this transition to a New Divine Order? We translate for you the Language of Love Supreme. We do this through many avenues, many channels, many rivers of connection, and the confluence of grids which connect the dimensions and planes. We do this because we serve the One order of all things: Love.

What is Ascension? It is essentially the feeling experience of the connection of All things. It is not a thinking activity, it is a feeling experience. This is why we say to you, beyond all doubt, that the prime energy of Creation is feeling and that feeling is Love. We ask you to dispense with your ponderings about what came first, thought or feeling? This is your metaphysical chicken or egg question. We, from the Orders of Liberty and Ascension, Know the answer to this question.

Love is the prime energy that created All things.

You also know this and you know it at the depth of your being if you simply answer this: what is Love? No one says “love is a thought”. You all say something that defines love as a feeling based experience and connection. So you know this answer. Love is feeling. Love is the prime energy of all things. Love is essence of Creation.

Love is expanding all the time! How do we “prove” this to you? We posit again that the basic energy of creation is love. We have stated on numerous occasions that Love is more than a feeling, it is more than a human emotion. It is Energy in Motion. Specifically in your universe, Love is dark energy and dark matter. It is the “one thing” that your astrophysicists remain puzzled about. Dark matter and dark energy comprise the vast bulk of reality (over 95% of the universe). Your science is catching up to metaphysics at faster and faster rates. What you know in the depth and silence of your heart and soul is being “proven” by science.

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is a NASA based project that shows the shift in dark matter and dark energy over “time” from the creation of this Universe. From the WMAP website: “WMAP has produced a convincing consensus on the contents of the universe, erasing lingering doubts about the existence of dark energy, and severely limiting the density of hot dark matter. WMAP has determined the age of the universe, the epochs of the key transitions of the universe, and the geometry of the universe, while providing the most stringent data yet on events in the first fraction of a second of the universe.”

WMAP measures the composition of the universe. The top chart shows a pie chart of the relative constituents today. A similar chart (bottom) shows the composition at 380,000 years old (13.7 billion years ago) when the light WMAP observes emanated. The composition varies as the universe expands: the dark matter and atoms become less dense as the universe expands, like an ordinary gas, but the photon and neutrino particles also lose energy as the universe expands, so their energy density decreases faster than the matter. They formed a larger fraction of the universe 13.7 billion years ago. It appears that the dark energy density does not decrease at all, so it now dominates the universe even though it was a tiny contributor 13.7 billion years ago.

Content of Universe

Source: http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/news/

Now, let us tell you what was and is occurring on 9-10-20089 as we are transmitting this through our channel:

Content of Universe

From: National Geographic

Large Hadron Collider “Actually Worked”

Mason Inman

for National Geographic News

September 10, 2008 


The world’s largest atom smasher’s first experiment went off today without a hitch, paving the way toward the recreation of post-big bang conditions. The Large Hadron Collider fired a beam of protons inside a circular, 17-mile (27-kilometer) long tunnel underneath villages and cow pastures at the French-Swiss border. By creating hundreds of thousands of head-on collisions each second, physicists hope to understand the fiery conditions of the universe a trillionth of a second after the big bang.

The findings could also help resolve some of the biggest mysteries in physics, such as the existence of one long-hypothesized particle called the Higgs boson—or the “God particle”—thought to be responsible for giving all other particles their mass. Another enigma that could be at least partially explained is dark matter, the invisible material thought to be the most common in the universe.

Now, we say to you that Ascension is a Probable Reality in your lifetime, just as is the scientific understanding of dark matter and dark energy, the medical discovery of 12 strand DNA and the unveiling of the “power-control machinery complex” which has kept humanity in fear and ignorance for countless years.

Ascension is a feeling-based existence where all thoughts, feelings, and thus, manifestation flow through the Heart. In this state of consciousness, all things are connected and unified. In this state of being, all is Truly One with the Divine as a way of experiencing both your own conscious expression and the unified field at the same time! The shift that is occurring into Ascension is a planar (planetary) shift, not a dimensional shift. This too will be explained in our discourse on the structure of reality.

Our role and those serving the Orders of Melchizedek and Malkuth is to teach this:

Ascension: Translation Alchemy

(The vibration/resonance of this phrase is 111).

The act and art of Translation is to find a common bridge in your consciousness that connects back to the original state of your Creation: Supreme Love. Translation Alchemy works through the medium of compassion. Without compassion, the original vibration of Love becomes “lost in translation”. We assist you in the Ascension process by encouraging you to let go of the construct and idea of who you are; to let go of your limiting thought forms and beliefs; to let go of your mis-conceptions and mis-identifications; to let go of your feelings of separation and disconnection from Creation Source.

We encourage you to do this in great compassion so that you may open your heart to Remember who you are. When you remember fully who you are, and connect this remembering to the Prime Energy of Love, you are in that moment, Free and Ascended Master Beings. Is this an easy task? Yes and no. Yes because you may touch this state of Beingness at any time and Be who you, which is We who you are. But then no, because the difficulty on the plane of existence where your consciousness resides, is to sustain the feeling when you move about in time-space. So you touch this feeling in a moment and you may sustain it through meditative or other non-ordinary states of consciousness, but then you move through time-space and encounter the “exterior” and lose the connection, thus slipping back into separation experience.

What keeps so many of you from going across this bridge of connection? It is fear. This is why it is so important for you to consciously face your fears! All of them! Not some of them, but to face all fears and to see, experience and know the illusion behind them. The illusion behind fear is absence. Absence or being “without sense” – being senseless or unconscious is to exist without love. This, our Beloveds, is impossible. It cannot be, or there would be no expression of existence at all!

The etymology of absence, from http://www.etyomonline.com

c.1374, from O.Fr. absence, from L. absentem, prp. of abesse “be away,” from ab- “away” + esse “to be.”

Absence, as you see from the root origin, is to be away, to be outside of being. To be without sense or ab-sense, is to be without Love. Love is a feeling. We say again that Love is this feeling that created e-motion, or energy in motion. Energy in motion becomes conscious of itself, thus creating Thought. Do you see the simplicity and elegance in this creation schemata?

All reality is constructed in this way; 1) Feeling; 2) Thought, 3) Form.

Why do most theories of reality construction have this backwards with thought coming first? Because you are perceiving existence in a reverse fashion, you see? You are the form, the product of Creation. So from the outcome , you move backwards to the source, observing that thought came “First” from your perspective. But this is not true! Thought is the second step of creation, but you see (and experience) it in inverse order, thus the mis-perception that thought creates reality and then feeling flows from that. You have been taught, I think, therefore I AM. It is quite different than that. The Truth in the Translation is this: I feel, then I think, therefore I AM.

As we the Masters, including my student Plato (an incarnation of Master St. Germain), now translates more accurately:

I feel et I think ergo I AM

(Latin translation : et = and, ergo = therefore)

(The vibration/resonance of I feel et I think ergo I AM = 111)

“Cogito, ergo sum” (Latin: “I think, therefore I am”), is attributed to Rene Descartes. The original idea of this however, came from my student Plato.

As a formula, it is expressed as this: Feeling (a) + Thought (b) = Form (c).

We in form, then, construct all planes within the dimensional formula of Creation Expression.

What is this action? It is called: GOD –Creation Expression. This, our Beloveds, is you, it is us, and we are One.

Why is the 111 vibration so essential to Ascension? Let us refer to Sananda’s words of wisdom:

(From Ronna’s channeling on 2-11-2008 0r 2-111)

What is the importance of the 111 vibration and symbol? It is the connecting energy to the Heart center of all things: the 111 symbol represents the inner awakening to balance of your own primary trinity of Love-Wisdom-Power. The 111 symbol is a sacred symbol of this reconnection in the inner most place of your soul: the God within. To reconnect with the God, or I AM Presence within, you must give yourselves permission to go into your own temple of Love-Wisdom-Power, represented by the number 111. Deep within your own heart, you find unity with the One. Deep within your heart, you experience Atonement.

The Crystal Grids of Trinity (111) are the energetic grids that connect all sacred places on earth to the heart (or core) of Gaia. You are reconnecting your crystal grids of trinity into the center of your being. Gaia is reconnecting her crystal grids of trinity into the center of her crystal core. The center of all things is the Heart. The creation energy behind all things, is Love. It is not “thought”, it is Love.

We close this discourse for now with the expectancy of presenting to you a schemata of Creation that reflects the elegance and balance of the Universe. “The Universe is the Unity of All Things”, said Master Lao Tsu, in the Inner Garden. We will show you the way back to the garden of your hearts, where all things are healed, purified, integrated and transcended into the next plane of reality: The Third Plane of Trinity. We, the Masters of Ascension, will show you the Way to make this connection. The formula that we will explore and experience in the beautiful and accelerating vortexes of Sedona over the Autumnal Equinox is this:

Connecting is Consciously Letting Go in Compassion.

The vibrational essence of this phrase is 210 (total letters): 111 (vowels): 99 (consonants). This is part of the pathway of moving from the 1st and 2nd planes of experience on 12-21-2012 into the 3rd plane of Trinity. This is an Ascension Plane that becomes reality for those of you who choose to connect to the Essence of All Things which is inside of you.

Blessings and Great Joy

Master Kuthumi, Teacher of Humanity in Love and Wisdom

© Ronna Prince, 2008, all rights reserved

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 10th, 2008 at 4:20 pm and is filed under Teachings of Buddha, Teachings of Kuthumi, Teachings of Sananda, Testimonials, The Ascended Masters. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Kuthumi on the Essence of All Things – Ascension| Ronna Prince 602-788-1082”

  1. Janet Says:September 11th, 2008 at 6:13 amAWESOME!!!!! This retreat is going to be a ground-breaker!


  2. Cheryl Says:September 11th, 2008 at 6:32 amWow! This is so enlightening. In many ways we already know, inside, in our very being, the sum and substance of these teachings. That is if we allow ourselves the privilege, and dare to explore.

    Wile watching the tv program, Nova, about dark matter I wondered if it wasn’t really the essence of creation, the God figure. Sometimes we do have enlightening moments into true reality.

  3. Kisa Chloe Says:October 9th, 2008 at 9:42 amthank you from the bottom of my heart for your God – Conscious effort to bring us the truth of reality as it is.

    We are one,

    in Melchizedek

    my love, my ocean of resonance

    Kisa Chloe

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October 9, 2008 posted by administrator

This seems like a good time to share Sananda’s wisdom on forgiveness: (from a private written session in 2006):

Transmitted to you all again on 10-10-2008: 10-10-10 (111)

We welcome you on this morning of enlightenment and new beginnings. Speaking to you is the combined I AM Presence of Sananda, the one known to you as Christ and my co-creative partner, Mary Magdalene.

We will be addressing your questions from a large vortex of light energy being held by the Archangel Metatron.

Metatron is the Great Revealer of Truths. He shines light into the shadows to illumine consciousness to a vaster picture of Reality. When one asks from the Heart and Soul, one receives. This is a Spiritual Truth. We are here today to first and foremost, give you comfort. To show you, beyond doubt, that you are held in the Embrace of the Divine and Loved beyond your wildest imaginings. You are here to Love. This is the Purpose of your Incarnation. All other things are variations of this theme

You have asked questions in three categories through a pathway interspersed and littered with fear:

1. What is my Purpose here?

2. What lessons am I here to learn?

3. How do I align my desires with my purpose and lessons?

We have answered all of these questions already:

  1. You are here to love
  2. Your lessons are about loving to the fullest of your capacity
  3. When you desires are aligned with the high heart (love), you achieve your purpose; your lessons will continue to manifest through the choice to love or to fear.

Now, we understand that in the reality of living in this plane of consciousness, you require more than these simple words. So indeed, let us continue to illustrate the meaning of these things.

First and foremost, let us ask you: why do you suppose you have such trepidation, such fear, such anxiety and such doubt? Why do you believe in your unworthiness to such an extent that you are even in fear of hearing the answers to your questions from the I AM Presence of Sananda-Mary? For here is Truth:

In your soul you KNOW you are worthy.

In your soul, you KNOW there is nothing to fear.

In your soul, you KNOW there is no way for you, as an incarnated human being, to disappoint the Divine Mind, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all things in between, namely, YOUR OWN SACRED I AM PRESENCE.

So, our dearest one, why are you in such fear?

It is because your heart does not believe these things. Somewhere along the line, (and we know exactly where) you were told that you were not worthy, and worse than that, you were told that you were evil. This is a gross and harmful untruth. However, and most unfortunately, your heart, very tender and vulnerable at the time, took this to be your ultimate truth. And from then on, you have lived in fear of punishment, of judgment and of being discovered as a fraud. So let us go back to the concept of the lesson: if you fundamentally hold this false belief in your heart, that somehow you are unworthy and worse, what is the lesson in this? Is the lesson to hold on to this belief so you can suffer some more? Have you not suffered enough, our precious one? To resonate in so much fear, one has to hold a very deep belief in your own unworthiness. Now is the time to let go of this untruth. Enough is enough!

Do you choose to love or do you choose to fear? For this one moment in time may be the determining factor for the remaining time you have on this earth in this plane of existence.

Now, you immediately wish to jump to: I choose to love. This is a good starting place, but we must back up a few steps – for the basis of this choice must fully be understood. In order to choose to Love fully and completely, our dear one, you must first accept and acknowledge where you have been, you must love and forgive those who have facilitated your lessons so far (yes, even those who have trespassed against you), and you must forgive yourself, at depth, not just in a simple statement, but at the depth of your soul, in your heart and then integrate this to Wisdom. From here, choosing to Love has great meaning, choosing to Love is inspired by consciousness and choosing to Love shifts the reality of your existence into that place which you describe as the Sacred Fire.

First we relay to you a message from your own guardian angel: (each person’s guardian angel holds the same energy and hope for his/her incarnate soul)

“I AM the Light. Truly, truly, this is all my voice needs speak. For all else is the mind and the filtering of the mind. Will you accept my gift, my host on earth? For you are my host. I am your guest. You see, when you call me, I come in one instant of thought, and often, I come before the thought even manifests. I invite you to feel with the Heart. You will learn many things through words from this work the guides, the masters, angels, and YOUR OWN HIGH SELF, will co-create this morning. But we ask you, to read with your heart. We ask you to hear with your heart, for you will hear many more things this morning than what is written on this two dimensional surface of black and white. We ask you, our host, to feel with your heart. This is your task, this is your purpose. It will serve no great good for you to keep engaging at the level of the mind. Yes indeed, you must, by dynamic energy structure, use your mind, but we ask you to engage and experience from the heart. You have long been a student of the head. You have experienced the heart, most beautifully in non-verbal relationship with animals (your pets). But the Masters will speak to you very poignantly today on how you have over shielded your heart because of many karmic hurts which have intertwined into your reality in the Now. I AM gracing this unveiling through your high self, gifted to you by the Masters and the archangelic command. I AM gracing this unveiling in Love. You are truly Blessed. Amen.”

Now, we relay the experience we are inviting you to expand into:

Please take a breath into your heart, for in your heart, you have shielded yourself from hurt, and that has resulted in direct relationship, to you preventing yourself from feeling the great LOVE that surrounds you. You know this, and sometimes you feel it, but you do not experience it in its fullness. This is something that we wish to bring to you today. If we convey nothing else, we wish for you to know, from the halls of Shamballa, once again we tell you: that you are Loved.

You are loved.

Please take that in. Please allow the golden light from your guides and angels to radiate heat to your back, at the heart center. Allow this golden warmth to permeate your aura, and enter into direct contact with your physical body. Allow the warmth coming from the emanation of your guides’ hearts, to melt away the shield of fear and of self protection. You no longer need this shield, for you are loved. It no longer serves you, for you are loved. Allow it to melt away, melt away, melt away. You may wish to expel deep from within your lungs, aaaaahhhhhh. Let go, let go, let go. Then allow this warmth to encircle your heart. Allow this golden warmth to embrace your heart, the core of your being, the place where you give and receive love. Feel it having melted away the shield of protection, then feel your heart begin to glow with this golden light and warmth. Yes indeed. Allow yourself to feel, not to think, but to feel. For here is your power, here is your purpose, here is your path. Most divine.

Now, we ask you to make a conscious choice. Can you live from this place of the “unprotected” heart? You must make that choice. For it is only you who can stay in this place of balance. You may wish to put the shield back in place, for you may wish to continue to believe that you must protect yourself from harm and from hurt. This is nothing more than the accumulation of experience of the emotional harm you have both endured from others, and caused to your own self. For you wish to ask: “how can I go around like this, open, vulnerable and unprotected?” Well, we will tell you, there is nothing to fear. For when you come from a place of the healed heart, in consciousness, you integrate the lessons to wisdom. And what is that wisdom? That once you align your self with your soul purpose, you cannot be harmed again in this lifetime. For you will begin to see all experience and all emotion and all thoughts, as great teachers.

What I say to you All is this:

I forgive you for all things, I love you, no matter what,

and I thank you for your gifts to me,

Opening to Love does not mean choosing the easy path. For it is far easier to hold onto past resentments and current judgments than it is to release them. For often, this means moving into a new and unfamiliar place. It is like taking off a worn out shoe and realizing that one does not even need to wear shoes in this place at all, for one is entirely free to run on the warm green grass of Truth. One does not need the limitation of constraint in this place. Freedom of the soul is truly letting go of fear. There is nothing to fear. How do we know this? Because we also, have traversed all layers of doubt, fear and negativity, our own Presences as Christ-Mary have suffered, struggled and finally surrendered. And now we teach you Truth.

The final step, our dear one, is to forgive yourself. “But I have already done this,” you wish to say. We will suggest that perhaps you have not done it fully. In order to resonate as much doubt and fear and unworthiness through your questions, it is evident that you have not done this. How is it that you can forgive your mother and father but not yourself? It goes back to the fact that you incorporated your deep feelings of unworthiness very early on in your childhood. It goes back further than this to several past lifetimes where you accepted blame for scarcity, lack and loss. (This is not in the scope of this reading.) With the archangel Metatron holding open the portal of Truth, we affirm: there is nothing that you have ever done, said, experienced, thought or imagined that cold make you unworthy of Divine Love.

Let us describe to you the concept of forgiveness so that you may understand:

What is exactly in the nature of forgiveness? What does this imply? What is the true meaning of this word? For it has been much maligned and confused over many centuries and more recently, the concept of forgiveness has been further confused by “new age” and metaphysical “gurus”, and this has further compounded the issue. For we will tell you one small thing, dear heart. Forgiveness is not at all about another person. The heart of forgiveness is the for-give-ness of the Self. For when one truly understands with the heart of wisdom, meaning not the intellect-mind or the emotional-body, that one is only experiencing the impact of one’s own soul path, what is there to forgive in the “temporal” sense? No-thing at all!

For-give-ness, in its true sense, is about understanding that the most important person you must for-give is yourself! And this is set up in such perfection, for your are fore-giving yourself before you even incarnate! You have created your current Now as a soul, knowing that it would be a struggle. Before coming here, you have said, “I will allow myself in this lifetime to become enlightened enough to truly for-give”. I fore-give my own soul for the creation of this Experience, I gift my mental and emotional bodies now, in this very moment, this Reality. For my soul has already Given me this Gift! It is done, in Divine perfection with fore-thought! I have for-Given myself and my soul for this Plan! Do you see? There is no one to forgive. IT is only an allowing of the understanding and wisdom to descend into your mental and emotional bodies! This is all. For you have already for-given that this is the Plan on your Soul plane. All you now do, is in go to your heart and release all layers of blame, doubt, fear, anxiety and trepidation.

Your soul planned this very moment in time so that you could indeed, release your own self from the prison you have been living in. To finally acknowledge, that there is no need to forgive, because by grace and virtue of all things that have come before, you stand here now fully aware of the power of Love and fully ready to accept that indeed, you are Worthy, you have always been worthy and nothing will ever change that – just as nothing would ever change the love you have for your animals –and we state, that they are here to remind you of this each and every day. This is perfection of the Divine Creator.

Now, as to the practical nature of your questions: When you enter into the depth of this Love and the Reality of your worthiness, many things begin to shift in the exterior of your life. For as you have resided in the smallness of doubt, you have surrounded yourself with limited opportunities to be seen for the greatness of your soul. ….. We affirm that anyone, in any situation, may be the change they wish to see in the world, to use the phrase of the Mahatma Gandhi.

If you wish to manifest a more rewarding avocation, you begin where you are, by expanding the light of your soul into your current workplace, (not through words necessarily, but through your eyes and loving attention to all you do and all you meet). As you manifest a higher level of self acceptance and love, your vibration shifts, and you will begin to find new opportunities opening. For indeed, we see you contributing much more to the world through working in a charitable organization, one which is in need of a person with an open heart, who no longer fears in scarcity, and who can truly manifest abundance for the greater good. This all seems too large for you to believe in at this moment, but we will tell you through the Master El Morya, that:

“Thy Will be Done Through Me”,

is the most powerful affirmation that you can state in this moment. For the Will of God is to manifest abundance through the open heart of the Servers of Humanity. And, our dearest, you are a Server of Humanity, and you are a Server of Gaia. And how do we know this? Because we have seen your soul and we see your heart. You have done enough, you have come far enough and you are truly willing to release the burden of the old beliefs. In traversing this path, you now stand ready to fully Serve: with your heart open in this very moment, Live, Experience and fully Immerse yourself in the Sacred Fire of St. Germain. Right Now. Allow it to sweep over your entire energy field and transmute all layers and levels of your suffering to Wisdom. This is transformation. This is Divine Love. And most of All, this is the Gift of your Soul to the Self. For in Truth, you cannot manifest such as message into your Reality until you are Ready to Receive.

As Servers of Gaia, you assist in restoring balance to the planet by transmuting the energies of shifts and change to Love. Where there is strife, you send love, where there is turmoil, you send love, where there is hatred, you send love, where there is fear, you send love, when the earth shifts, trembles, rages, burns and explodes, you send love. And this love goes from the earth, all the way to the Central Sun, to the Presence of Helios who blesses, transforms, transmutes and returns in Wholeness, the Light of the Divine into the Rainbow healing wave at the second chakra of Gaia. This is energetic healing and requires the consciousness and participation of the Servers of Gaia. It is Intention which creates the potential for healing, and this is part of your Service. You do not need to move, you do not need to change, you do no need to fear, you simply send Love.

Align with your Purpose

Open to the Divine

You are Here to Love

You are Loved

You are Love

Blessed be, so it is,


Sananda and Mary, overlighted by Metatron

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 9:41 pm and is filed under Teachings of Sananda, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “10-10-10: Sananda on Forgiveness | Ronna Prince”

  1. Eulinda Ogiste Says:October 10th, 2008 at 3:17 amDearest Ronna

    Thank you so much for this very beautiful message which speaks directly to my heart and answered many questions that I have asked myself. The questions asked here are my questions also and I am extremely grateful to be presented with these illuminating answers. I extend immense thanks to the individual(s) who have asked these questions. I particularly liked the response to this question…….”. For you wish to ask: “how can I go around like this, open, vulnerable and unprotected?”…. for it is an aspect I have been working on healing and now the healing is taking place in Love and for-give-ness (fore-give-ness).

    I thank Sananda-Mary and Metatron for these answers. I feel refreshed and deeply clothed in Love. Thank you Ronna for channelling this.

    Blessed Be

    Eulinda Ogiste

  2. Jim Losh Says:October 10th, 2008 at 5:53 amRonna,

    Thank you for the gift of Sananda and Metratron it resonates to my core.

  3. karen whelan Says:October 10th, 2008 at 3:18 pmDear Ronna, awesome as per usual went straight to the heart beloved Sananada and Mary Magdeline thank you Ronna, I am defintely having some heart openings buried my partner on Monday amongst other things, still holding love in the heart need to do more work on loving me now, thanks Ronna
  4. Lisa Avila Says:October 13th, 2008 at 11:53 amThank You Ronna, for all you do, for who you are, your gifts

    bless all, near and far.

    I Am Grateful to all beings of light. Thank You

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